fluffy9999's Blog

fluffy9999's Update...

      Hey, fluffo here! Hope everyone is doing fine! So, usual Days System plays for fri include 00,44,55 pairs for ny pick 3, and for sat also. you can add 11 pairs for sat and sun, and any numbers from these pairs like my favs 441,443,007,000,155,255,555 like that. keep in play 2280,5588, and 4567 for sat and sun, and if you want to add 2204 and 2288! 3366, 1678,3489,9999 are four to keep in play and 047 for fri and sat!  you may have noticed fluff catching numbers in pa, and other places tri-state as this is just him scouring number patterns and playing what deserves to be played!

      fluff was doing mechanical work on thurs evening and hit his rabbit paw with a hammer. got into a tough job and it took a lot as he had to cut a hardened steel bolt about 5/8 wide with tools and chisels. fluff is ok, as it is bruised but he is moving it to facilitate healing and circulation.

      Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #173

fluffy9999/s NY UPDATE!!

       ok, regarding previous blog, play 8394 8493 for the str for a while! Also, 22 pairs NY pick 3 are out a ways, so they make a good bet! Also, 99 front pair ny evening pik 3 is a good bet. Yes, fluff did say this a while back,couple of times, so keep an eye on this! We should collect something on this! tue midday pick 4 ny 1010 and 1920, and 6371 thru tues!

        Fluff DAYS SYSTEM DID PICK UP 77 PAIRS TODAY, SO WE GOT THAT! Good luck from fluffy9999!

Entry #172

fluffy9999's Hot NY PICKS!!

     Ok, hey! ok, this number is a must play for NY win 4 FOR THE NEXT WEEK!  Now, this number comes from the same place as 1161 and 1944! Remember, 1161 was mentioned in an earlier blog, and 1944 i did play for a few days and dropped it.Don't think fluff put this one on here. So, what is the number and where to play - MUST PLAY 3489 and/or 4983,4389. Also  3489  heavier evening! make sure have both mid and eve covered box at least!  If you like, add this to 1678 and play both of these for a FLUFFY FISHING PLAY! Also, pick 3 ny EVENING PLAYS ARE 857,767,596,947 !


Entry #171

fluffy9999's Picks for NY pick 3 TONIGHT!,,

   and weekend plays for NY AND ABROAD! fluff put 441,007,500 in for Atlantic states as these are good plays for the DAY ANYWHERE! KIP-keep in play-441,500 and 4444 for the weedend, and also these - 3366,5588,and 2280! fluff believes 888 will be the next triple to show NY, and 808 good for sat! KIP 1678 both plays boxed NY until she hits!PLEASE PEOPLE - DO NOT BE FOOLED- AS SOMETIMES THINGS GET REALLY QUIET! fluff can make the month on here and at the counter on ONE PLAY! NOT JOKING, AND FLUFF IS CUTTING DOWN ON PLAYS FOR THE NEXT WEEK OR SO! SUCCESS AT THE COUNTER COMES FROM PUTTIN MORE BUCKS ON ONE NUMBER, THAN A LITTLE ON A BUNCH! FOLKS, 8888 ON FRI IS A GOOD PLAY, LIKE 0000 ON FRI FOR NY, AND WHEN THIS ONE COMES IN THE LOTTO SHARKS WILL COLLECT 10,20 UP TO 100K OR MORE ON A NUMBER LIKE THIS! FLUFF CERTAINLY HOPES SOMEONE OUT THERE PICKED UP ON HIS 5588 ALL WEEKEND ADVICE AND COLLECT A KING GRAND OR MORE!

   5588,3366,4444 could make the month! Good luck and play responsibly from fluffy9999

Entry #170

fluffy9999's DAYS SYTEM COLLECTS NY...

     pick 3 with 779 evening! okay, we always play 77 pairs on TUESDAY, AND 22 PAIRS WED FOR PICK 3 NY! Fri is 00, 55 and 44 pick 3 ny! this may also work in other states! my last set of numbers for win 4 produced a lot of picks, and i had 1944 in there and played a while and dropped it or forgot! ok, so we missed a 200$ number, but in the same set are more numbers which make sense. PLAY 4440 MIDDAY, AND 4441 BOTH AND HEAVIER EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! We have 1567 midday boxed NY PICK 4, AND 1678 BOTH PLAYS BOXED UNTIL THIS HITS! 9999 still in play until further notice.

     thurs is 628, and 1118 for wed and thurs. fluff is trying to stay away from TOO MANY PICKS THIS MONTH! Last month, FLUFF OUTBUILT THE NUMBER OF PLAYS WITH HEAVY WINS WITH 5588! FOR me, PRIZE RATIO IS WHERE IT IS AT! more money in than out makes sense!

     please try fluffy's low buck plays for PURE PROFIT,AND DO NOT SPEND A LOT PLAYING! Good luck from fluffy9999

Entry #169

Fluffy9999's Days System Power Play For Thurs,Fri ...

     AND BEYOND! 4444 is a heavy bet for ny win 4 for fri!play thurs and keep in play until further notice! fri and 5 days from now is peak time, so keep this in play and let us see what happens!

     Sometimes, you gotta have faith, in my picks and yours. without faith, you may never collect that 5k or 10k prize! and, who else tells you WHAT NUMBER TO PLAY AND WHAT DAYS TO PLAY THEM! And, who loves you in upstate ny! YOU KNOW, IT IS THE FLUFF-DOG!

      Good luck and happy trails from fluff9999, THE SUPERNATURAL AND MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #168

fluffy9999's NY Update on 1161,1166 and 1111,,

    hey, what up? on may 5, fluff had 1166, 1161 and 1111 up on one of his systems, and had confirmation on the same 3 numbers from another source! ok, got lost in the shuffle, but fluff's may 18 blog had said to play 1161 and it could take a while! Actually thought, based on info, middle of june to end of june. hope someone out there collected on this! have to update system and see what else is brewing! must play 1161 and 1111, at noon 1111 sold out in ny to thurs!

     Must play 1678, 9999, 1166 and 1111 and keep in play! Good luck from fluffy9999

Entry #167

fluffy9999's May 18 NY Win 4 hits mon evening!!,,

     Yes, fluff did on may 18 say 1161 looks good but it may take a while.Actually, based on all my stuff, i thought in june sometime. well, it hit mon night NY! Now, fluff did not have it in his predictions, but did say to check old blogs! so, other numbers that appeared on same systems with 1116 were 1166 and 1111! it is easy to forget about numbers that come up on a system and do not show for 25 days, and they can easily be forgotten. and with this number, it would have been easy to get a str hit as only 4 ways it can come out.

     So, let us try 1166 and 1111 until further notice. and fluff will recalc and see what other numbers are on this same system.

     fluff hopes someone out there played this number 1161 and collected!

     Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE SUPERNATURAL AND MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #166

fluffy9999's Picks for NY pick 3 TONIGHT!,,

       Yup, Good afternoon! Hope all is well and everyone is having a great weekend! A little rainy here in upstate ny!

       fluff likes 241,241,000 and the first two are suitable for straight plays in NY tonight! carry these for three or 4 days, and 000 regular play for thurs and fri!

       fluff would like to say to PLAY 047 FOR THURS AND FRI! we hit str two week ago, and missed another hit by half day, or not if you cut in early!

       You know, 5588, which we hit str recently, really looks like it may hit again! sweet spot in weekend, but i do not want to burden anyone with too much! this type of exotic number is tough to hit, and a lot of lottery people won't even put them in their predictions! really , for june, fluff likes 3366 and 1166.

       fluff is going to focus on BIG HITS THIS MONTH OF JUNE, so stay with 1678 FISHING STRATEGY, BOTH MID AND EVE BOXED NY PLAYS! heavier in pm!

       ok, EASY STRESS FREE PLAY is 1678 mid and eve NY BOXED, heavier in evening! if you are the nervous type, play this and stay on it. NOW, we may have to play for weeks, in which case we will ramp up bet. WE WILL COLLECT THIS!

       Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, the SUPERNATURAL and MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #165

fluffy9999's Weekend Picks and more...

     Yup, fluff-dog here! Hey, how are you? Hope everyone is having a safe and fun weekend!

     OK, right now, fluff's FISHING PLAY , 1678 mid and eve, boxed, NY in play every day, heavier bet evening until it shows! Will ramp up bet next week if no sho

     fluff likes 1556 esp for sun even and MON MIDDAY IS THE SWEET SPOT! keep in play to wed or so!

     524 good to wed, but sun eve and mon is the sweet spot for DAYS SYSTEM! wed is good also!

     PLEASE REREAD OLD BLOGS AND THE DAYS SYTEM AND DAYS SYTEM FOR PAIRS! Today, or sun to thurs is 22 pairs NY, and 227 good for 22 play!

     fluff put in NC picks as a reader from NC messages me, so will keep on pickin NC for those good folks down there! NOw, 700 showed in nc or penn the other day, which showed days system for NY can work in other states too!!

     fluff picks mostly NY STATE, but has picks in for other states also! My NY picks like 6371 may work in other states also!

     Keep in play 9999, and 3366 may be a good play also! 6999 keep in play, and the sweet spot is near tues NY plays!

     FISHING SYSTEM PLAY 1678 IS A GO UNTIL WE COLLECT! if no sho by wed , bump up bet a little and keep playing! we will collect this!

           So, hope all is well out there, stay safe on roads and everywhere else, and have some fun!

           Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE SUPERNATURAL AND MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #164


      YEAH, HEY! WHO LOVES YA IN UPSTATE NEW YORK! YOU KNOW, THE FLUFF-DOG! OK, got that out there. let us do this!



       NOW - keep in play 1678 boxed, both plays for out longest box play! 9820 may be good also bu secondary! keep in play 6699, 6999, and 1902,1920!

            if one of these numbers is one of your favorites, play it like you play it! If 2901 is one of your favorites, then do it! fluff found this out the expensive way! fluff also likes 1924 and 1992!  All NY plays, and 446!

            but feel free to play in your state if you like! They could be a good bet there also!


             LOW - BUCK SUPERPLAY - 1678 boxed both mid and eve every day! DAYS SYSTEM POWER PLAY, 6999 AND 1920 ON AND AROUND TUESDAY!

             We will collect 1678, and one dollar is 200$ NOT BAD FOR A LOW RISK, PLAY FOR NERVOUS PLAYERS!

      Days System for sun eve include 8980,254,808,047, and mon midday ONLY is 111 and 1556!

      Last month fluff did pretty well, with 5599 box hit, Take 5, win 4 , pick 10 and all that! fluff was wondering what to do for this month! Doin ok!

                Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE SUPERNATURAL, AND MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #163

Fluffy9999's Fishing / Trolling Numbers System Update...

     Hey,fluff here! Yup, ok, fluff topped Colorado Pick 3 charts also! and I think Colorado All Games!

     We are going to update FLUFFY'S FISHING SYSTEM! We are going to improve it a little! 1567 NY midday was our play with 1678 evening, and 6715 did come out on 3*26*17 but in the EVENING! So, we were off. I knew it could do that, but was hoping it hit! Well, we will keep 1678 for BOTH, AND play heavier in the evening. Play your pick EVERYDAY DAY BOTH PLAYS, AND IF COUPLE WEEKS GO BY, INCREASE THE BET! It pays 100$ for fifty cents, so if you like , play one dollar every day, and go for it! Or, you can play every other day if you like that! This is a low buck strategy, and these numbers are out longest box for NY, and i said BOXED OUT LONGEST! if you want to ad a straight, well you could do some research. So, 1678 and 9820.

      fluff likes NY 1161 box, but this could take a while. 1166 is good around wednesday! 9999 and 4444 still in play! 4444 heavier bet on thurs even, fri, and sat midday if you like. tomorrow is thurs, so get it as quick as you can. this number has been selling out!

      Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #162

fluffy9999 ZOOMS UP PICK 4 CHARTS!!...

     Yeah, it is true! Sunday evening NY fluff NAILED 5588 ONCE STR AND THREE TIMES BOX! OK, do not feel bad if you missed it. What looks good NOW is regular plays mon night and tues mid 1920, 6371 str and box tues even, 1978 thru to thurs and heavy on wed, and 1166 NOW to thurs or fri, especially heavy on WED! 1978 HEAVY on wed, and you can put 1155 in heavy for wed! NOw, you know, about start early and go day after I say and all that!

    PLEASE CHECK MY PREDICTIONS, REREAD OLD BLOGS, AND THE LIKE! When I say heavy, these SPOTS DESERVE THE BET! Play responsibly, and do not bet the rent or food money or other money. have some patience!  Good stuff will come to YOU!

     Blessings to ALL! Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE SUPERNATURAL, AND MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #161

fluffy9999's win-4 NY Picks HITS STRAIGHT SUN MID...

     Hey, fluff here! ok, on fluff's may 12 blog he told you to play 5588 ALL WEEKEND, and for his picks for sun mid he had 14 numbers and 3 of them were 5588 straight and two other ways! 5588 hit str NY WIN 4 sunday! so, 50 cent bet on these would be 3800 $$$, and if you were to put 50 dollar str that would be 250k! Hey, you know, fluff hopes that there are a bunch of big, big winners out there that played fluff's numbers! if you won, let the fluff-dog know!

     Tomorrow, fluff will update on how much NYS paid out, and all that!

     Next number up, although early, is 3366 and 1166!  1166 good for wed!  Always check fluff's Picks and Blogs! Please REREAD OLD BLOGS FOR SYSTEMS!

     fluff is so happy for everyone who played his numbers and won!

     Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #160

fluffy9999's Sat Night NY Vibe...

     HEY! fluff here, and hopes  the weekend is going well for you! This week, FLUFFYS DAYS SYSTEM showed hit 425 on monday NY, 444 thurs, and 286,628 was posted on fluff's BLOG for thurs, and he hopes you played it through to fri night, and collected!

     Just a heads up on the triples for ny! fluff thinks there might be one or two more in there, so we are going to play DAYS SYSTEM FOR NUMBERS AND PAIRS NY triple plays to keep our hat in the ring! Cuttin in early tonight with 777,222 which are also our PAIRS PLAYS FOR SUN TO TUES FOR 77'S NY AND 22 PAIRS FOR SUN TO THURS NY! Keep in mind 1567 midday, 1678 evening, and 9999 both plays everday for out TROLLING PLAY  FISHING SYSTEM!

     For sat night, fluff likes to play homes relatives used to live in. You can use your own numbers for this!

     Good luck and happy trails from fluffy9999, THE MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY !

Entry #159