partlycloudy07's Blog

Posted numbers

I posted a thread called pick 3 across the states ........just an fyi its good for all states today and tonight

Entry #424

trip 4 followers 444


026 027 028 035 036 037 046 147 157 169 179 248 249 257 259 357 358 359 369 379 468 469 479 579 025 047 057 135 136 138 158 159 168 258 269 279 368 017 024 034 056 058 067 068 069 078 079 126 127 129 137 146 148 149 156 167 189 239 247 268 289 348 349 367 389 457 458 459 467 478 568 569 578 016 018 023 038 045 048 124 125 128 139 178 256 267 347 356 378 489 679 689 013 015 029 039 059 089 134 145 237 238 246 278 456 567 589 678 012 014 019 049 123 234 235 236 346 789 245



011 122 677 889 112 788 778 223 667 001 006 007 009 022 033 055 077 088 111 188 225 226 288 338 339 388 399 477 499 556 577 599 777 779 899 005 008 044 066 116 117 118 119 133 155 166 177 199 222 224 227 228 229 266 277 299 337 377 448 449 466 488 558 559 554 588 666 668 669 699 799 888 999 000 002 004 099 113 115 144 233 255 336 366 446 447 557 566 688

Entry #423

update on the pairs

you got the pairs of the group falling below ......I have a lot more to post later stay tuned (still not playing) I've discovered this at the stores where i go b/c we are doing a study . A quick pick is usually given for what the last customer played so when the machine stops running and the sale is finnished if someone else asked for a qp its usually a number the last customer played ....we tried it two different stores same results ...intriguing since they are supposed to be based off of what is predicted .

Entry #422

pairs system

I'm trying to figure out a way to show pairs so here is my attempt these are just some that I wanted to see if I can get them aligned right 


1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 

2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98

12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96


so if one of these pairs falls so should another one 


Just throwing this one out there trying to get a feel of how to show the entire pairs chart I may just draw it out not sure ? 

Entry #421

595 explained follow up

I know there is someone this morning wondering b/c Carolina got a double last night (big whoop tee do ) what do you do when a double falls according to the method I showed yesterday 


















107 < your going to drop the 1> to make  07 your pair 

Entry #420

pick 3 explanation

For this we are going to add 12 watch take the number exactly the way it falls 


NC pick today at midday was 753

we are going to add it like this 






65 pair is produced 


753  just the way it fell now add it to the other side 








These pairs will come sooner than later 

lets look at this number last few times it fell this way 


Feb 17, 2017 Evening 7 - 5 - 8
Feb 17, 2017 Daytime 9 - 9 - 2
Feb 16, 2017 Evening 8 - 4 - 0
Feb 16, 2017 Daytime 8 - 2 - 3
Feb 15, 2017 Evening 7 - 5 - 3


Dec 18, 2015 Daytime 7 - 8 - 3
Dec 17, 2015 Evening 0 - 2 - 7
Dec 17, 2015 Daytime 2 - 1 - 3
Dec 16, 2015 Evening 7 - 1 - 5
Dec 16, 2015 Daytime 8 - 0 - 9
Dec 15, 2015 Evening

7 - 5 - 3


Now for my more advanced watchers look at the numbers just as I gave them to you got a pair right ? Guess what else you got study and don't cheat .......thought about it now scroll all the way to the bottom 














Did you get a 12 pair back prior to getting the other pair back ? 


In both examples you did just notate that 

Entry #419

Pick 3 circle numbers 357

235 237 238 255 257 258 278 355 357 358 378 557 558 578 345 347  377 455 457 477 557 577 


we are going to do circles for number that fell today play line until another one hits

Entry #418

168 pick 3 lesson

168,116,166,118, 188,668,886 now use this set if it falls exactly that way one will come from the set otherwise they may do this 


break the numbers apart 1 gives you double 22 so your numbers would be 226,221,228 , 662,661,668, 887,877,882,899,889


outside the box 115 155 505 <maybe set off from this > do not forget they could throw a 44 x set but now that is far reaching and highly unexpected .


we are going up one digit to get the double so least we don't forget the 99x set again its like the 4 set if they need it they will use it but not likely



it goes without saying that this is good for anywhere lottery is played .....<slipped that in there for my new viewers>


I think I scared people  yesterday (sorry about that ) I'm not quitting teaching the pick 3 I just stopped playing it myself when I decide to leave you'll be well aware of it way before time........I have a lot more to say and post

Entry #417

Les Brown motivational speech


This guy is amazing b/c I had a teacher that changed my life growing up in a verbally abusive house I was always told I'd never amount to anything but a hamburger flipper guess I made it past that .......just listen ....never give up on yourself ! BTW not many people would know but this is Gladys Knights ex husband

Entry #416

What I'll be doing pick 3 and 4 thoughts

My beloved Pick 3 game in NC is no longer worth playing so I've cut down drastically if I play at all ( last night zero pick 3 numbers ran on my slips) My explanation when you only get a few doubles a month the cost effectiveness of keeping up with playing is not there . We all know prior to the new director we got at least 17 doubles a month now we barely get over 10 ......its not to our benefit however to theirs . 50 cents = $40 or .50 cents = $80 hence the cutting back Green ball did little if anything to peak my interest I've watched over the last month and still have not been enticed to play . You can continue if you want I'm not saying I'll stop studying pick 3 numbers are "my thing" . I'm just more or less moving over to the pick 4 where I've won a lot more money this month than I have with pick 3 in the last two. I don't post my pictures but I may mention on a board that I've won...when I win big again I'll post those pictures again like I did before. 


Over the next few months Oct to Jan I'll be floating around to other boards inputting my thoughts on the boards that I feel need help on either pick 3 or 4 . I am strongly thinking about posting my books publicly on this forum but not sure about it 100% right now this forum has been here a long time and if I get disinterested in playing altogether at least you will have those to fall back on . I also have my own private wheel that I use that is amazingly accurate that I may post as well (not sure) among a few other things . 


Thank you again for the views and words of encouragement 150 k views tells me someone out there appreciates my input to show my appreciation here are some circles 


you play these circles onthe SAME line they are meant to be cost effective way of playing so your just playing the same straight line till one of them hits. 

I'll do the last 5 pick 3 numbers 

114 115 117 118 145 147 148 157 158 178 457 458 478 578 < you got 157 last night in pick 3 here in carolina just play this line till another one hits>

001 003 004 007 013 014 017 034 037 047 134 137 147 347

033 034 036 044 046 334 336 344 346 446 (came out of the same line on that one ) 

234 237 238 239 247 248 249 278 279 289 347 348 349 378 379 389 478 479 489 789

125 126 128 156 158 168 188 256 258 268 288 568 588 688

btw before I get the question yes the numbers are good anywhere the lottery is played if a number hits its effective everywhere it has hit . 

from time to time I'll post pick 4 circles 

Good luck players ! 


PS I just have to put this out there .....the reason I like LP so much is you avoid pettiness that goes on various sites (i.e. FB) also if you decide to post a line to your thread please give me credit that's all I asked . 


Also I will be  explaining more in depth how numbers flow together it seems as everytime I explain how a number falls they don't use it the same way anymore for awhile (read this good) I'm going to start explaining ALL numbers apparently lottery guru's think I only know a few dear I know how all numbers fall not explaining them prior was to my benefit not yours . I hope you have made a bunch of money since april b/c now it will cost you to continue. Multiple numbers numerous times yet where is 211 and 911 for the pick 3 players ?

Entry #413


just b/c i'm signed on doesn't mean i can answer questions i don't mind answering questions but I do have a busy job someone actually asked  a question then blocked me really I can't sit online and answer questions 

Entry #411

Hurricane watch and numbers

Do not go out when the weather is bad to play numbers ( I know it goes without saying) NORMALLY (under Alice's reign) we will not have a good number NCEL is aware of the backlash they will get if that happens . I'm more speaking to new players old players all are aware of it .......Mark can do whatever he wants but eastern / western / and central NC will not put up with his antics over the next few days . 


Stay safe players ! 

Entry #407

Number 1 please come to the front ...paging number 1

you liked that huh lol j/k i thought it was funny


when number 1 appears at the front example florida 

Florida 1-3-6 9-0-3

you will notice the first two numbers are 13 .....we are going to drop the 6 act like it doesn't exsist and your next draw will be a sum either partial or whole of the number  below or above it . in this case 903 which is 12 fell .....the number below it .


Kansas 1-7-4 3-4-9


Lets look again  17 act like the 4 doesn't exsist draw was a whole sum 16 which is the number below 17 


North Carolina 1-0-7


Now we are going to look at NC  10 drop the 7 and you get a partial sum 11 back with 138  we live in a scam state that's just the way mark rolls he's here to ruin the lottery 


Texas (Morn & Eve) 1-9-0 9-6-5

Texas you did the same thing  19 added is 10 drop the zero gave you back just a digit 9 but could have worked either way since you got a 65 pair on the right hand side 



hope this little lesson helps someone .Good luck players !

Entry #406