amber124's Blog

Ineffective wall

You know what they say about the size of a man's genitals when you see him driving a big truck with big tires. That is exactly what's happening with Trump. His idiotic campaign promise about the wall is the only reason he's pushing for it. He knows he can't win the 2020 election unless he builds this pathetic and inefficient wall.

Entry #151

Why you can't blame socialism for Venezuela's problems

Here's a lesson where people who are uneducated spew lies and misinformation because they are bootlickers to the trumpanzee circus.

And this is why the Democrats are starting to gain more control. Stupidity among the right-wing nut jobs is beyond understanding. They like to compare things that aren't comparable.

Norway is a socialist country yet they do pretty well. People just don't understand the mechanics of how socialism works and so they just regurgitate what their diotic leader chants

Do yourselves a favor and read the article below. Try to elevate your IQ by at least a few points for goodness sake.

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Entry #150