Pick3master3838's Blog

Pick3master3838's Premium Blog: https://blogs.lotterypost.com/pick3master3838
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The MAGA cult

It's a sad day in America, well, until the head of the snake is cut off, we will have to fight to keep America safe, and NOT ALLOW FOR THIS TRAITOR AND HIS EVIL AND IGNORANT SUPPORTERS to never be in power ever again. And I believe we can do this. I'm definitely voting in 2024. Bring it on, once the the traitor gets arrested, and the army eradicates all the wannabe fat ass gravy tRump soldiers, we will throw a party, and move on. 

Entry #240

I knew it, grifter will always be grifters

Someone were saying that the only reason the orange clown said he was going to get arrested ahead of time, was because he wanted sympathy from his maga cult members, and that they were gonna send money to him.


Entry #236
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