Pick3master3838's Blog

Pick3master3838's Premium Blog: https://blogs.lotterypost.com/pick3master3838

Go figure...

It's amazing that there was not one single fraudulent vote in Liz Cheney's defeat in Wyoming, particularly given the rampant fraud in essentially every other race for the last 2 years.

Strange huh? Insert fraud when necessary.

Entry #108

Hypocrisy of the right wing. Manufacturer fined $211,000

The manufacturer was fined for ripping off the tags of trump loving t-shirts that were made in China and replacing them with made in usa. Talk about the hypocrisy telling Democrats not to deal with China, even back in the day when Trump was president, his red Mega hats were made in China....pft... and probably still do. It's all projection.



Entry #103

Secret recordings of how the GOP wanted to manipulate the 2020 election.

More and more evidence is coming out in the January 6th committee hearings, and this is not over by any stretch of the imagination. The right always want to blame the left for corruption, but the evidence shows the complete opposite with evidence. Evidence, Witnesses, Secret conversations behind the scenes will not be good for the GOP in both the midterms and the 2024 elections. In fact the latest polls have been showing the trend going towards blue. And you can thank the orange Clump and his traitors for this.


Entry #98