winsumloosesum's Blog

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 4 - D

In the next section of the "NeighborCalc" Tab is the calculations of the "movements" for each "neighbor" 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4

In cell BH1 you see the zero (0) and to the right the "movements" (-4, -3, -2, -1, 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4) (see image above)

So in this section we are calculating the movements for "neighbor" 0 (zero) the top chart in cell range BI1 through BR4 calculates or totals the number of times each movement has occured.  For example in cell BR1 you see the movement "4" and below you see in cell BR2 the number 9.  This means that in the last 125 drawings (in which the calculations are based) a "movement" of 4 (BR1) has occured 9 times in the last 125 drawings.  In the chart below in cell range Bi8 through BR12 the calculations are based on the last 1000 drawings.

The calculations from the above chart are taken from the following:

On line 14 you see the "Movement = 0" (zero)

In cell column BI 20 you see the number 1.  Scroll over to the left to cell H21.  You see the "neighbor" digit of 0 (zero).  The "neighbor" digit 0 (zero) is from the previous drawing on Thurs Dec 24, 2009 Florida Midday drawing.  The drawing was 1-1-8.  Using the "neighbor" chart in the 1st Position the drawn digit was a 1 and the "neighbor" equivalent is a "neighbor" 0 (zero).  Now look at the most current drawing on December 25 2009 you see the 1st Position neighbor digit in cell H20 is the "neighbor" digit 1.  So the difference or spread between the 0 (zero) and the 1 equals +1 (0 to 1 = +1).  So in cell BI20 you see the "movement" number 1.  Look at cell BJ20 you see the "movement" of 2.  Scroll back over again to cell E21 you see the 2nd Position for the drawn combinaton  118 on Dec 24th 2009 is a "1" and again the "Neighbor" digit is again a 0 (zero) in cell i21.  The difference or spread between the 0 (zero) in cell i21 and i20 equals 2.  So in cell BJ20 you see the "movement" of 2.

Remember this area of the spreadsheet is for "Neighbor" digit 0 (zero) "movement" calculations.  If you scroll to the right of this worksheet you will see the charts for "Neighor" digits 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The chart in cell range BT1 through CD12 are the calculations for the "movements for "Neighbor" digit 1 starting in cell columns BM20, BN20, and BD 20. 

The chart in cell range CF1 through CP12 are the calculations for the"movements for "Neighbor" digit 2 starting in cell columns BQ20, BR20,and BS 20.

The chart in cell range CR1 through DB12 are the calculations for the"movements for "Neighbor" digit 3 starting in cell columns BU20, BV20,and BW 20.

The chart in cell range DD1 through DN12 are the calculations for the"movements for "Neighbor" digit 4 starting in cell columns BY20, BZ20,and CA 20.

Scroll over to cell range BY20 through CA20 (see image below)

You see in cell CA20 the number 0 (zero).  The 0 (zero) represents the "movement" of 0 (zero) from the previous "Neighbor" digit  "4" drawing from Dec 24 2009.  If you scroll to the left to cell range J20 and J21 you see in the 3rd Position in cell J21 the "neighbor" digit was a 4 and in cell J20 the "neighbor" digit was a 4.  So the movement would be 0 (zero). 


More to come in Part 4 - E......

Entry #131

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 4 - C

"NeighborCalc" Tab continued

The next section of the "NeighborCalc" Tab is where the movements from cell AC20, AO20, and BA 20 are carried over to this range of cells

BC20 is the drawing date - example Friiday December 25, 2009

BD20 is the 1st "Neighbor Number" movement in cell BD20 - example movement of +1

BE20 is the 1st "Neighbor Number" movement in cell BE20 - example movement of +2

BF20 is the 1st "Neighbor Number" movement in cell BF20 - example movement of 0

There is a Tab labeled "PositionalStraightSkipChart" that will show you the skips for movements of each of the Positions

More in the next Blog post....

Entry #130

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 4 - B

"NeighborsCalc" worksheet continued...


This next section of the worksheet display the movement of "Neighbor" digits for each position. 

Cell P20 is the "Neighbor" combo 124 for the drawing of 249 on December 25th 2009 Georgia Midday drawing

Cell S20 contains the 1st "Neighbor" digit which is a 1

Cell AE20 contains the 2nd "Neighbor" digit which is a 2

Cell AQ20 contains the 3rd "Neighbor" digit which is a 4

What we are calculating is the movement from one drawing to the next for each position.

Notice in cell P21 the previous "Neighbor" combo was 004 for the drawing 118 drawn on December 24 2009 Georgia Midday drawing

The movement for Position 1 in cell AC20 is +1 ( 0 to 1 = +1) which is highlighted in cell Y20

The movement for Position 2 in cell AO20 is +2 (0 to 2 = +2) which is highlighted in cell AL20

The movement for Position 3 in cell BA20 is  0 ( 4 to 4 = 0) which is highlighted in cell AV20

So now we have a "movement" of +1, +2, and 0

The idea is to look at a set amount of previous drawings to track the best movement by position for each "Neighbor" combo so that we can choose combinations to play based on the top movements.

I will explain this later in a different posting.  But I wanted to show what each area of this spreadsheet represents as we go forward.

More to com in the next post.....

Entry #129

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 4 - A

In Part 4 - A I will explain the next Tab labeled "NeighborCalc"

You should still be in the Excel file called "Pick3Neighbors".

Click the Tab at the bottom labeled "NeighborCalc" (see image below"

The purpose of this Pick 3 Program is to calculate the movements of "Neighbor" digits.  Neighbor digits are similar to VTRACs where 2 digits are represented by 1 "Neighbor" number.  For example, if you look at the image above look at the chart in cell range B1 through D6.  In cell B2 you see the digits 0 and 1 and in cell D2 the "Neighbor" 0.  So the "Neighbor" 0 = the digits 0 and 1.  Look at the rest of the column B3 through B6 the remaining digits and their "Neighbor" equivalent in cell range D3 through D6. 

If you look at the last midday Georgia drawing in the image above in cell B20 you see 249.  If you move over to cells H20, I20, and J20 you see the "Neighbor" equivalent of 124.  The previous drawing on the 24th of December was 118 and the "Neighbor" equivalent in cells H21, I21, and J21 was 004.  What we want to look for is the "movement" of digits from one drawing to the next. 

First let me explain each of the columns. 


A20 and below is the Drawing Dates - example Fri-Dec 29 2009

B20 would be the actual drawing - example 249

D20, E20, F20 - Position 1, Position 2, and Position 3 - example 2 - 4 - 9

G20 is how many Neighbor" digits returned from the previous drawing in cells H20 - I20 - J20 and H21 - I21 - J21.  So in this example the "Neighbor" digit return was 1 since the "Neighbor" digit 4 returned from the previous drawing in cell J21

K20 is the "Neigbor" combination from cell range H20 - I20 - J20 - example 124

L20 is either a Double (D), Triple (T), or No-Match (NM) from the drawn number in cell B20 -- example "NM" for no-match combo of 249 in cell B20

M20 is either a Double (D), Triple (T), or No-Match (NM) from the drawnnumber in cell K20 -- example "NM" for no-match combo of 124 in cell K20

N20 is the drawn combination from cell B20 - example 249

O20 is the boxed ascending version of the drawn number in cell B20 - example B20 is 249 the boxed version is 249

P20 is the neighbor number from cell K20 - example 124

Q20 is the boxed ascending version of the "Neighbor" combination in cell K20 - example B20 is 124 the boxed version is 124

R20 is the SUM of the "Neighbor" combination in cell K20 - example 124 equals SUM 7 (1 + 2 + 4)


Scroll up to cell range H1 through J6 is the current skip chart for the "Neighbor" digit Positions (1 - 2 -3) in cell columns H - I - J

Cell range N1 through R11 is the current skip chart for the digit Positions (1 - 2 - 3) in cell columns D - E - F

In Part 4 - B I will explain the next range of cells in the "NeighborCalc" Tab.....

Entry #128

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 3

In Part 3 I will explain how to use the Excel file "Pick3Neighbors"

To re-cap we opened all 4 Excel files and in the Excel file "StateToolbars" we clicked the Toolbar "GA3M" Georgia Midday.  By clicking this Toolbar we transferred 1001 past Georgia Midday drawings to both the Excel files "Pick3Neighbors" and "Pick3VTRAC".

You should now be in the Excel file "Pick3Neighbors".

At the bottom of the of this Excel file there are many Tabs.  Look for the "Arrows" at the bottom left hand corner of your screen. (see image below)

If you don not see the Tab labeled "DrawHistory" at the bottom you will need to click the arrows (see image above) in the left hand corner.  The Tab labeled "DrawHistory" is the second Tab from the left.

Once you see the "DrawHistory" tab click it.  If you scroll up to cell A1 you will see the very first drawing for Georgia Midday on Friday December 25, 2009 2-4-9.

Next, we want to run the calculations for Georgia Midday drawings.

Click the Tab labeled "Toolbars"


Click the Toolbar labeled "Copy Drawings To Neighbor Calc Sheet"  (see image above).  This should take a few seconds to calculate.

Next, we want to click the Toolbar labeled "Click To Sort Movement Charts".  This will take about 5 to 10 seconds to calculate.

I will explain the calculations in Part 4......

Entry #127

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 2

Now that you downloaded the zip file and unzipped the 4 Excel files into the folder you named "Pick3NeighborSystem" I will explain how the Excel files work.

There are 4 Excel files:

1.  "P3StateDraws" - this Excel file has all the drawings of all the States and Canadian Midday, Evening, and Combined drawings.

2.  "Pick3Neighbors" - this Excel file will calculate "Neighbors" digits similar to VTRAC digits.  (See previous Blog post on Neighbor Digits)

3.  "Pick3VTRAC" - this Excel file will calculate "VTRAC" digits. (for more information about VTRACs see PERDUE's post in the Systems forum. VTRAC For Dummies)

4.  "StateToolbars" - this Excel file has all the Toolbars for each state and Canadian draws.  There are 3 Tabs at the bottom "MiddayStates", "CombinedStates", and "EveningStates"


For this Program to work correctly you will need have all 4 Excel files open. 

Open any one of the 4 Excel files listed below.  Once you have 1 of the above Excel files above opened just go to the Main Menu (Top) and choose File > Open then browse to the folder "Pick3NeighborSystem" and select any one of the remaining Excel files from the list above.  Follow the same procedure until all 4 Excel files are open.

Once you have all 4 Excel files open we want to use the Excel file called "StateToolbars"

If your having a problem locating "StateToolbars" just look at the Taskbar at the bottom of your desktop and you should see all 4 Excel files.  Just click the Excel file "StateToolbars"

The "StateToolbars" has 3 Tabs at the bottom.  "MiddayStates", "CombinedStates", and "EveningStates" Tabs.  Of course Midday and Combined are for those states that have 2 drawings per day.

Let's run a Midday state as an example.  We will use Georgia Midday drawings only.  So all we do is click the Tab at the bottom named "MiddayStates".  Important: Remember all 4 Excel files shoould be open for this to work correctly.

So we are in the Tab labeled "MiddayStates" and we want to look at Georgia Pick 3 Midday Drawing only.  Look for "GA3M" in cell column D (next to the number 6).  Click the Toolbar "GA3M".  When you click this Toolbar it will transfer 1001 Georgia Midday drawings from the Excel file "P3StateDraws" to 2 other Excel files named "Pick3VTRAC" and "Pick3Neighbors".  This should take a few seconds.  Once the transfer of draws is completed go the the Excel file named "Pick3Neighbors" by clicking the file name at the bottom of your Taskbar on your Desktop.

I will explain the "Pick3Neighbors" Excel file in Part 3 of the next Blog post.......

Entry #126

Pick 3 VTRAC / Neighbors Excel Program - Part 1

Below is a download link for a Pick 3 Excel program that was shared on another forum a number of years ago.

I updated the Excel Program for all Pick 3 states.

The Excel files are in Excel 2002.  Not sure how they will work in older and newer versions of Excel.

Before you download the zip file:

1.  Create a new folder on your computer (C:\) and name it: Pick3NeighborsSystem

2.  Download the zip file from the link below into this new folder

3.  Unzip the 4 Excel files into this new folder


Post any questions or comments pertaining to Part 1

More information to come in next Blog posting.....

Entry #125

Neighbor Odd / Even

Courtesy of MikeK

Even Odd NeighborNumbers List with only BoxedNumbers

What are Neighbor Numbers?

Digits - Neighbor
0,1         0
2,3         1
4,5         2
6,7         3
8,9         4

Neighbor Number Excel Formula?
=INT(Digit*.5)  - for example if your first position digit is in cell a1 is 8 and wanted to enter this formula in cell e1 =INT(a1*.5) this would give you the "Neighbor Digit" of 4 (see chart above)

When you are looking at a EvenOddNeighborNumbers List with only BoxedNumbers you see that there really three types of EvenOddNeighborNumbers:
1. with 4 BoxedNumbers,
2. with 6 BoxedNumbers, and
3. with 8 BoxedNumbers.

This gives you a much better tracking system for
Boxed numbers than Vtracs provides.


No. of Results   : 220
No. of Selections: 35

Entry #124

Pick 3 Excel Formula Digit Returns

Special thanks to Excel experts at mrexcel.

Excel formula for calculating the number of digit returns from the previous drawing.

For example:

if in cells a1, b1, c1

2 0 0

if in cells

0 2 2

In cell d1 enter the following formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(IF(COUNTIF(A1:C1,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) <COUNTIF(A2:C2,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}),COUNTIF(A1:C1,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}),COUNTIF(A2:C2,{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9})))

Then press the following keys at the same time (Control - Shift - Enter) on your keyboard.  You should see { } at the beginning and end of the formula.

Entry #123

Create an Excel UDF (User Defined Function)

Instructions for creating a UDF (User Defined Function) in Excel

How to Create Excel User Defined Functions

  1. Open up a new workbook.
  2. Get into VBA (Press Alt+F11)
  3. Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
  4. Copy and Paste the Excel user defined function examples -
  5. Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
  6. Use the functions (They will appear in the Paste Function dialog box, Shift+F3, under the "User Defined" category)
Entry #122

Carbobs Excel Skip Formula

Thanks Carbob.  Have not tested yet.


Entry #121

Excel Formula - Boxed Pairs

This is a handy formla for creating a boxed pair

For example:

In cell P21 you have the pair 76 and you wanted the boxed pair 67 in cell Q21 below is the formula.



Entry #120

3 Digit and 4 Digit Excel Formulas

Creating Boxed Numbers from inividual cells:

Pick 3 - Digit 1 = Cell A1

            Digit 2 = Cell B1

            Digit 3 = Cell C1

Formula in Cell D1 - =VALUE(SMALL(A1:C1,1)&SMALL(A1:C1,2)&SMALL(A1:C1,3))

Format Cell D1 > Right Click Cell D1 > Format Cells > Number Tab > Custom > enter 3 zeroes (000) in Type Box > Click OK




Creating Boxed Numbers from inividual cells:

Pick 4 - Digit 1 = Cell A1

            Digit 2 = Cell B1

            Digit 3 = Cell C1

            Digit 4 = Cell D1

Formula in Cell E1 - =VALUE(SMALL(A2:D2,1)&SMALL(A2:D2,2)&SMALL(A2:D2,3)&SMALL(A2:D2,4))

Format Cell E1 > Right Click Cell E1 > Format Cells > Number Tab > Custom > enter 4 zeroes (0000) in Type Box > click OK

Entry #119