rdgrnr's Blog

ABC News Forced To Apologize For Blaming Tea Party (As Usual)

As usual, ABC News rushed to the airwaves with the news that the murderer in Colorado was a Tea Party member, because their Obama Cheerleading staff was hoping and praying that he was.

But again, and as usual, they were wrong, and had to apologize after rushing to accuse another man without double-checking (Job One in Journalism 101).

This orange-haired, weirdo-looking, mass murderer is so obviously much more likely to be an Occupier type than a staid, stable, Conservative Tea Party Member, you have to wonder why they didn't rush to see if he was an Occupier.

But no, they didn't, and we all know why. Because they WANTED him to be a Tea Party Member. They PRAYED that he was a Tea Party Member. It would be SO GOOD for their Obama cheerleading agenda if they could just find ONE Tea Party Member doing something heinous to mention in defense of Occupiers every time there are mass arrests of them for crimes of violence and sex crimes in the streets which they are loathe to report.

And it was a half-assed apology on top of it.


Entry #122

Demographics Don't Bode Well For The Survival Of America

This ain't your father's America anymore.

Third-World here we come.

The Goose that laid the Golden Egg is on Life Support.

And the hyenas and jackals are circling to finish her off. 


And when all is said and done the Democrats will blame someone else for what they've done to the Greatest Nation on Earth.

But it won't matter because we'll never recover from what they've done to destroy us.

Not as One Nation anyway.

And then there will be a Great Reckoning.

Entry #119

I Agree With Obama

He said that if he didn't turn this economy around after one term that he should not be re-elected.

And I agree 100%.

Entry #116

Where Are The REVERENDS And The Black Panthers?

A 7 year old Black girl selling candy in front of her house was gunned down by gangbangers in Chicago.

There is a murder and shooting spree taking place everyday in Chicago. EVERYDAY!

Chicago is REVEREND Jesse Jackson's hometown. Where the hell is he?

And where the hell is REVEREND Al Sharpton when all these Black kids are being shot down EVERYDAY?

Hell, where are the Black Panthers?

I don't get it!


Entry #110