sully16's Blog

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Chapter 2 -The List

As Danny Hanlon stared at his weekly ration list, he seen the usual list of suspects

12 oz bag of unsalted peanuts ( unless you were a government elite, salt , sugar, fat were not allowed in your diet)

12 oz bag roasted soy nuts

8 oz bag of dried fruit

and his beloved coffee ration

A voucher for the government publication ( a propaganda magazine called Rainbow living) A bunch of made up stories that were designed to make people feel good about living in an enslaved nation.)

In the governments lopsided feeble attempt at making everyone equal, they did everything but make everyone equal.

The top elites were Platinum, gold , silver, the next level were copper, nickel, brass, everything below that were just different shades of grey. ( Dannys age pretty much left him at the bottom)

Only the building czar had cooking privileges.( since everything was solar, there just wasn't enough power, because the cameras and listening devices used most of that, those didn't work half the time because the building czar really didn't do her job making sure the solar panels were maintained.

There were no more fast food restaurants, they were eating stations, Danny eating station was an old burger joint, thats were he had all three of his meals, if you missed your alloted hour, you went without.

Every meal was carefully planned and portioned, tastless and boring, How Danny missed his wifes blueberry pancakes.

It has been 7 years since the fundamental change and re-education of America, 2013 when Dannys life changed forever.

Families were torn apart, new rules , regulations, re-locations and everything banned.

No smoking, no drinking, no driving, no lottery, no sugar , no salt, no unathorized family visits.



To be cont.

Entry #14

2020 visions

Danny Hanlon felt like he was the luckiest man on Earth that day, he just drew a coffee ration from his weekly government food ration, been a long time since he seen coffee.

Danny Hanlon was born September 3 1957 and today was his 63 birthday, most of his friends and family his age were gone, they didn't survive government healthcare, he was blessed with good health.

He lives on the 50th floor in a 10 x 12 room, a small window to help charge his solar light, government buildings were not allowed to have big windows, and since only, government employess were allowed electricy, he knew he would have to be careful to keep his solar powered coffee pot charged, he might have to go without light, He was very careful with his water ration, so he knew he would enjoy that coffee.

He kinda felt at his old age,( only government employees lived past 60 ) that they put him on the 50th floor, hoping he would have a heart attack going up and down the stairs, no electricity, no elevators.
Danny still had to pull his share, they had him working in the recycling center, he worked everyday, did not want his food ration cut.
.to be cont.
Entry #13

Michigan welfare (How to run a business)

Hello Michigan, I am going to make it my mission to tell the whole world about the welfare fraud in our state.

I am going to give hard working people, who are in fact struggling a reason to vote you all out!

I work in a grocery store, so I see the fraud up close and personal, you have made it almost impossible to report the fraud, and when we try, the people in the DHS, COULD CARE LESS, YOU NEED TO FIRE THEM ALL!

Lets start with back to school stories.

1. Had a woman come in, shopping for back to school snacks, Oh, they weren't for her child to consume, No, her child gets free lunch, because she's so poor, No, she was buying massive amounts of Grandmas variety cookie packs for her daughter to sell.

She bought 9 -36 count boxes, of course, she used her ebt card, thats $324.00 pure profit for her, I thought she was so hungry she needed us to feed her?  I thought she was sending her daughter to school to get an education?

Is she violating any fraud laws?

2. Had another woman come in for her back to school business, she was smarter, she used her ebt card to buy fund raising candy bars, better profit, her 8 year old son will be hustling candy bars, what will he be hustling in High school ?

3.Had a mother daughter team come in, they are getting involved this year, they are going to help run the football concession, they too are well organized, they bought all the paper and plastic ware, with the cash raised by the PTA, Envelope was clearly marked, their second order was for all the food, yep, they used both of their ebt cards, so I guess the cash raised by the PTA, will just go in their pockets, I just wonder how much they will pay themselves for all this great volunteer work?

4. Had another mom come in, she is so sad to see summer go, because she has been using her ebt card and her sponge bob ice shaver to sell snow cones, ice cream sandwiches, popsicles, and frozen treats out of the freezer in her garage.

what on Earth can she sell in the fall?

5. Illegal businesses being run on EBT, TAX PAYERS, Footing the bill for people to run businesses that are not licensed, and pay no tax, and some how you turn a blind eye. Let's talk about the illegal hot dog stands, we have tons of people using ebt, to sell hot dogs and pop, we also pay the 10 cent deposit on the cans. Thanks Michigan.

6. IllegaL CATERING BUSINESSES, People using ebt to fund this operation, one woman is running it out of her kitchen, she is proud that her overhead in almost non-existent, no license, no permit, no CFM, WHAT IF SOMEONE GETS SICK?


7. Although real businesses are hurt by these practices, some have managed to capitalize, by using a family members ebt to buy food and spices, hint, if anyone uses ebt for more than 30 dollars in spices, it's for a business.

8. If anyone buys more than 2 cases of Red bull, it's for a business.

9. We sell candy bars by the box, 35 count 40 count, etc, if anyone buys more than 1 box, it's for a gas staion or party store, to be sold under the table.

10. Allowing people to draw money from their ebt cash, at a gas station, wrong, am sick of paying for someones, gas, cigarettes and lottery.

11. Am also sick of watching people who spend 800 in ebt for food, drop another 200 cash for booze, I don't think the booze is very nutritious.

12. Attitude, the very least you can do , when you hand out our hard earned money, is explain to people who receive it, that we can't afford to buy the things they buy anymore, we can't afford shrimp and steak, so they can at least appear grateful, even though they don't seem to be. They need to understand, the people who you tax half to death are not eating as well as them.

13. Waste, you ebt elite are very wasteful, had a woman come in and wanted a ham sliced, mind you we don't sell a pound or two, no you have to buy the whole thing, so I sliced a 13 pound ham for her, asked her if she needed freezer paper, she said no, at $1.49 a pound, she didn't mind if she had to throw some of it away, she of course used ebt, not only did she buy a 13 pound ham, she got a 54 dollar corned beef round sliced, a 10 pound turkey , this is not lucnhmeat, this is top of the line food, and it's okay to throw is away.....hmmmmmm

14. Another wasteful woman, she comes in with her ebt to buy peanuts and sunflower seeds , yep, you guessed it, for the birds and squirrels. MY F****ING TAX DOLLARS ARE GOING FOR SOME NUT TO FEED THE ANIMALS???????


Entry #11

Rebuttal to Bob

If a woman can't afford birthcontrol, then she needs to keep her legs closed, it's not okay to expect the tax payers to provide birthcontrol, abortions, or to help raise an unwanted child. If you don't want kids, you don't take the risk, Hey idiot, how about having the fathers of these unwanted kids pay for their upbringing, day care, food, clothes.

But of course we know, many women get pregnant to get put into the system, they use having kids as a means of getting all the free stuff they can get their hands on, without having to get a job or stand on their own 2 feet, number one reason they don't go after the baby daddy, kinda takes away from all the free.

Human garbage, someone who has kids they can't feed and take care of, human garbage, someone who has a kid just to get a free ride through life.

The public school system, what a joke, the unions and pensions are killing education, hey idiot, why aren't you screaming about that?

Human garbage, someone who thinks the government should , through taxation take more money away from families with kids of their own, someone elses kid can go without food or clothes, is that it?

People who get up everyday and go to work, go without the things they want or need so they can support someone elses bad choices?


Entry #10

I paid the taxes that built those roads

Well, Boys and Girls those nutty democrats are at it again, Obamas new ad ends with a crazy woman screaming that she paid the taxes that helped to build the roads that helped all the businesses succeed.

Somehow crazy lady believes she should frolick and baske in the glow of every business connected to roads.

This is more government propaganda, they want you to believe they had a heavy hand in everyones success. WRONG

Those same business people paid those same taxes.

Someone needs to explain to crazy lady that the roads are for every man woman and child in this country.

Anyone who pays for gasoline, helps the infrastructure.

Crazy lady needs to be reminded those roads, also lead to Hospitals, police stations, fire departments, ambulance services, all of which are there to help her.

Those roads, lead to her job, schools, parks, the doctors office, the dentist, the grocery store.

Those same roads, paved the way for her home to receive , power, water, gas, trash pickup, she enjoys all the cozy comforts those roads helped to bring.

Just because you buy shoes, doesn't mean you can stake claim to a business because the roads you support got you there.

Just because you shop at a certain store doesn't mean you can rub it in the faces of the owners.

Crazy lady, your on a long sad road to no where with thinking like that.

Entry #9

pick 4 friends

Sum 19 missing from pick 4, here are some favorites, good luck

2593 5086 6319 7453 8254 1099 5509 6661

sum 15 for pick 3

807 906 357 267 159 366

Entry #8

Warning Warning, Massive tax hikes that will destroy your life.

Over the next couple weeks as time allows, I am going to bring to you the massive tax hikes in Obamacaretax.

The are 21 tax hikes, The government has no business being in the healthcare business, they are going to force us to buy insurance or be taxed for it.

They are expanding the IRS to watchdog over us, you can actually end up in jail.

The people who will be the hardest hit are those who earn between $30,000 and $150,000 dollars.

We will of course be forced into providing healthcare for anyone under the poverty level, people we already support through welfare, their welfare allotments will not be considered income, so someone collecting $2000 in food and another $1500 in cash, which is $3500 a month, will escape the massive tax hikes, and we will continue to support them, they will never look for work.

This is another massive entitlement that will crush our economy.

Dis-ability cheats are the latest trend, we will continue to support them as well.

The first tax hike...


Starting in 2014 anyone not buying QUALIFYING Health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the HIGHER OF THE FOLLOWING

Pay very close attention to this,

2014- 1% adjusted gross income or $95 first adult ( remember the higher, so if your AGI IS 50,000.00 YOUR GOING TO SHELL OUT $500 IN TAX.)

           1% AGI OR $ 190 SECOND ADULT

           1% AGI OR $ 385 3 ADULTS

2015- 2% AGI OR $325 FIRST ADULT

           2% AGI OR $650 SECOND ADULT

           2% AGI OR $975 THREE ADULTS

2016- 2.5% AGI $695 FIRST ADULT

           2.5% AGI OR $1390 SECOND ADULT

            2.5% AGI OR $2085 THIRD ADULT

There have already been special exemptions made, when you see the rest of the tax hikes you'll understand just who will be stuck paying for this.

700 companies exempt, most Obama union supporters

illegal aliens,

those earning less the the poverty level, yes, you will shell out for gang bangers, drug addicts and anyone else that refuses to stand on their own 2 feet.

Religious objectors...prove your muslim or amish or scientologist

Members of Indian tribes...take if from the Indian, government healthcare sucks, you don't have a choice in your treatment, your doctor, you get the cheapest care possible. Thats why my husband and I have our own.

Now when you really think about this, we are having our hands tied behind our backs, no choice, either get health insurance, which will suck, or pay giant taxes that get progressively worse each year, Remember the higher of the 2, and expect a letter from the IRS.

Entry #7

923 Reasons to fire Barry

In 40 months the President has signed 923 Executive orders, we all know the most recents ones, but did you know about these?

Feel free to look them up and draw your own conclusions

Executive orders

10990- Allows the Gov. to take over all modes of transportation and control of all highways and seaports.

10995- Allows the Gov, to seize and control the communication media.

10997- Allows the Gov. to take over electrical power, gas, petroleum fuels and minerals.

10998- Allows the Gov. to take over all food resources and farms.

11000- Allows the Gov. to mobalize civilians into work brigades under Government supervision.

11001- Allows the Gov. to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

11002- Designates thereof all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration.

11003- Allows the Gov. to take overairports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

11004- Allows the housing authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned ans establish new locations for populations

11005- Allows the Gov. to take over all railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

11049- Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies consolidating 21 operative Executive orders issued over a 15 year period.

11051- Specifies the responsibility of the office of emergency planning and gives authorization to put into effect all executive orders  of increased international tensions and or,DOMESTIC ECONMIC OR FINANCIAL CRISIS.

11310- Grants authority to the department of JUSTICE, To enforce plans set out in EXECUTIVE ORDERS to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liason, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions and to advise and assist the President.

Entry #6

Let's stick it to the government

Everything is taxed, Here are some money saving tips, and as an added bonus , we can screw the government.

1. Stop smoking..not only will you be healthier, you'll have some extra lottery dollars.

   The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is around 6 bucks depending where you live, thats almost $2190.00 a year if you smoke a pack a day, plus the cost of lighters and gas running to the store.

Cigarettes are a large source of tax for the government, in the long run, you'll live longer, have more money and won't have to spend large amounts of money on medicine when it catches up to you.

I know it's hard, I am a former smoker myself, think of it as living longer and feeling better.

2. Gasoline, the government collets 15% on every gallon you buy, if your not to far from stores, try walking, I most times walk up to the store to play my numbers, you'll save money on gas and have more for lottery.

Also, when you have a lot of running around to do, plan your route, try to do one stop shopping, why drive across town to save 17 cents.

Plan your meals for a week, I work in a grocery store, and I see people coming in 2 or 3 times a week because they didn't plan. Thats a lot of running around and wasting of Gasoline.

You will save money , and clip those coupons, especially on taxable items.

3. Have a garage sale, every dollar you make is tax free.

4. Don't want to have a garage sale...donate to a charity that allows you to get a tax deduction.

5. Hobbies and crafts, if you work with wood, yarn, make dolls, sew can sell these items tax free up to almost 25 thousand dollars, check your state for tax codes on hobbies.

6. Shut those lights off, unplug and conserve, utility bills are heavily taxed, add up the tax on your gas, electric, phone, cable, for a year, it hundreds of your hard earned dollars going out the door.

7. Grow a garden if you can, growing your own food can save a bundle.

Feel free to add your money saving tips.

Good luck and get yourself some extra lottery money.

Entry #5

Quote from the Czech Republic

The danger to America is not Barrack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting such a man like him with the Presidency.

 It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgement to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.

Blaming the Prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their Prince.

The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is after all merely a fool, it is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.

Entry #4

Shopping etiquette, or are you stupid ?

On a rant here, Spent another wonderful night having my time wasted by stupid.

If your over the age of 12 and you can't find bread, milk or eggs in a store with 5 aisles, you got problems, these are basic things, are you stupid or lazy ?

The difference between a Hen and   A Tom turkey, THE HEN IS A GIRL AND THE TOM IS A BOY, YES MORON THATS WHY THE TOM IS BIGGER.

If your going to insist on having dolphin free tuna, well mush for brains, you might want to discard the bag of mahi mahi in your cart, yep its Dolphin.

Don't drag workers to the toilet paper aisle because you need to know the difference, if you haven't been cleaning your butt properly by the age of 42, it's never going to happen.

And for all of you who feel the need to pull money, keys and credit cards out of your underwear, don't act offended if we put on rubber gloves, we don't want to touch it...end of story.

No it's not okay to open food and snack away, then stash the unused portion, it's called stealing, not sampling.

You really want to know what I think about the chicken nuggets? It's garbage, I only feed real chicken to my family.

It's rude to yell across the store, no one thinks your cool, at this point you have many people sending bad karma your way.

Control your kids, nobody thinks they are cute, we'll turn the cameras off for anyone who needs to correct rotten nasty awful brats, yes that is what you created.

end rant for today.

10 Comments (Locked)
Entry #3

Dear Iowa ( HATE THE RICH ?)

Dear Iowa,

     Recently you had a Democratic Presidential candidate come through your state, He is trying to convince you to hate the rich. He wants you to believe raising the Capital gains tax as well as other taxes will be sticking it to rich folks, This is not true.

     Raising the Capital gains will in fact hurt most Americans, everyone who invests in the stockmarket, anyone who has a 401k, mutual funds, pensions...etc,

    Many small investors will stop investing, if their ROI is eaten up with taxes, they will in fact find somewhere else to park their money. If peoples 401ks and retirement funds continue to lose money in the markets, they will not invest, think about it, if you lose half your money then it taxed to death, whats the point of putting it there.

     Many small and mid cap companies as well as large cap companies use investor money to grow. That money is not forked over to rich fat kats and Ceo's, Many companies use it for research and development, or to expand their business, AND THAT MY FRIENDS HELPS TO GROW THE ECONOMY AND CREATE JOBS, From the construction workers, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and payroll employees.

     There is nothing wrong with making money, we all want the same creature comforts and hope for our future as well as our children.

     Are there bad Corporations? Sure there are, greed and stupidity running rampant, thats when the stockholders need to speak up, and if laws are broken then people need to be held accountable.

     What I find troubling is this urgent need to start hating rich people, class warfare will destroy this country. Many of these people get up everyday and go to work keeping millions with jobs. They have in fact created many millionaires within their own comapny. We cannot afford to have these people walk away from America because of class warfare.

     My husband and I are middle-class Americans, He's a machinist and I work in a grocery store, we don't live beyond our means, we are in fact happy. We have done everything the right way, and we went without to save for old age, I do not want to be a financial burden to my son when I am old, as it is my hope he will have his own family.

     My point of this letter is to help people realize that taxing the rich is not helping the poor, or the unemployed. Creating jobs and stopping the outrageous spending in Washington DC. should be our focus. With more people working, it will create less worries for all of us.

   Take Care Iowa, As you are the starting point for the 2012 Elections, Your voice is speaking the loudest.

10 Comments (Locked)
Entry #2

Really dumb Government spending (part 1)

We already know about the bailouts, Heres where some of the other surplus money went.

787 Billion to maintain Unemployment benefits, Medicaid, Food stamps.

462,000 to purchase 22 concrete toilets for the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri.

5 million to create goethermal energy for a mall in Oak ridge, that is mostly empty.

9.38 million to renovate a century old train station in Lancaster that hasn't been used for 30 years.

100,000 for a socially conscious puppet show in Minnesota.

2 million to build a replica railroad tourist attraction in Carson city, Nevada

3.4 million to build turtle tunnels in Lake Jackson Florida.

3.1 million to transform a canal barge into a floating museum

1 million to study health effects of enviromentall friendly public housing on 300 people in Chicago

983,952 for street beautifacation , Ann Arbor Michigan

1 million to Portland Oregon to replace Bike lockers and build garage for 250 bikes

700,000 to Oregon crab fisherman to replace lost crab posts.

1.5 Billion, yes Billion, for a carbon capturing contest.

300,000 for a gps equipped helicopter to hunt for radioactive rabbit droppings at the Hanford Nuclear reservation in Washington State.

390,000 to Buffalo N.Y. to study the effects of malt liquor and marijuana on young adults

148,438 to Washington State to analize the use of Marijuana in conjunction with morphine.

800,000 to John Murthas private airport, to repave runway

1 million to Chicago dinner cruise to combat terrorism

572 million to the US Coast Guard to create 1,235 jobs, each job created cost 460.000

30 million for spring training complex for the Colorado Rockies and Arizona Diamondbacks.

11 million to Microsoft to build bridge connecting 2 headquarter campuses in Redmond Washington

1.15 million to install a guardrail for dry lake bed in Oklahoma

2.5 million sent to the deceased

6 million for snow making facility in Duluth Minnesota.

89,000 for new sidewalk that leads to a ditch.

71,623 to Wakforest to study the effects of monkeys on cocaine.

200,000 to help siberians lobby the russian government.

1.9 million sent to East Africa to photograph ants.

712,000 to help scientist build joke machine.

39.7 million to up grade office space and indoor parking for Kansas politicians

13.3 for park restoration in Remote Florida Keys.

15.8 million no-bid contract to California company to clean up the mess THEY MADE.

298,543 Went to study weather predictions...FOR OTHER PLANETS.

762,372 To Georgia Tech to study improvised music.

600,000 to U of M to study the effects on local population in the Nepalese, Himalayas

294,000 to NC. to study the effects yoga may have on hot flashes.

25.8 million to public relations firm to win over public by creating fake news stories.

500,000 to California to study the altitude of clouds on NEPTUNE

341,000 TO Fresno California for new palm trees.

141,002 to Bozeman students to take trip to China to study dinosaur eggs.

1.8 million to Minnesota to upgrade heating system fot ice rink.

Can't make this stuff up, this was stimulas money.

Entry #1
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