sully16's Blog

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OH OH Nancy

Lt.General Thomas McIneney interview at White House yesterday.

Special forces were dispatched to the Capitol, the good guys new about the antifa plan, welp....

Looks like the special forces guys got Nancy's laptop.

This is why she is screaming for impeachment with 11 days to go.

He also said Covid19 was a deliberate attack.

Good guys good proof of election fraud involving Foreign Government , Trump's EO from 2018 in now active.

A State of emergency may be declared any moment.

Go to Ian Lyne @lyne_Ian to see interview.

Entry #119

Who wants the truth about the covid relief bill.

Let's start here, first the President is danged if he does, danged if he doesn't.

Nancy Pelosi has been playing games with the covid relief, she refused to draw something up during the election because they thought it would hurt the President.

When they did pass the Bill, it was full of crap and I do mean crap.

5000 pages long, not one person in Congress read it but signed it anyways.

They want to give you 600 dollars, President said no, give them more, well they went on Tv, screaming about how the President doesn't care, not true, he asked for more money for the people, they refused.

Well, last night the President signed it with the STIPULATION that Congress vote on an increase.

He also invoked the ICA1974 act, this in an impoundment control Act, means he can hold the funds for 45 days and spend as he sees fit.

The Congress never passed a budget, dummies, he's got em.

The President is asking for 2000 per adult and 600 per child.

He asking for unemployment continuation.

None of this would be necessary if the Democratic Governors would unlock their States and let people work.

These Dictatorial rules they have imposed are hurting families across the Country, Minorities are hit the hardest, these States also have the highest number of Black and Hispanic families.

Now another fun tidbit, Congress votes on rules for themselves, they are have deemed themselves above the law, they also vote to give themselves big fat checks, they didn't have to go without this holiday season.

One way to remove them is to vote them out, which is what should happen to everyone of them, R or D.

They once again passed a Bill they didn't even read. Shameless.

Another way to remove them is if they are convicted of Treason, plain old felony does NOT guarantee their removal, they can commit crimes and keep their seats, they voted to put themselves above the law.

They have 6 figure incomes and the best health insurance OUR money can buy.

Another tidbit, if you have covid, you are most certainly covered for any medication you need, the hospitals are collecting money from the Government so don't let anyone tell you , you can't have the good medicine.

Time to make a STAND against the people who play with our lives . 

The thing they fear most, is us STANDING UP TO THEM.

Entry #118

Dear President Trump

  I just want to say Thank you, and no matter what happens 1/20/2021 I know you did all you could, the swamp runs deep. I Pray for you safety and for the safety of your family. I realize the stakes are high .

  I want to say thank you for all the things you've accomplished, you did more then any other President alive.

 You made our military strong again, you replaced old worn out equipment for new and improved, you changed the rules of engagement, the last guy left our men and women like sitting ducks. You were tired of war, body bags and people coming homes with missing limbs. You let the world know, we were not to be messed with. You destroyed ISIS, some say they were a creation of some Americans...will leave it at that. You ended wars and brokered Peace Treaties, I think you were nominated for 3 Noble Peace Prizes, WELL DONE! You killed some of our worse enemies, and took a crazy Dictator in NK and brought him to heel. 

  You also got new Trade deals, no longer would Americans get the short end of the stick, you encouraged companies to come home and help rebuild this economy, Americans want to work, Tons of manufacturing jobs back, which in turn helps the small businesses that surround them.

  You stopped all the non sense EPA rules and now our Lumber is back, coal is back, oil is back, natural gas is back, fishing is back, lobstering is back, Steel is back. All the things a Country needs for a self supporting Infrastructure.

We won't mention who shut all that down, who destroyed those jobs and put Americans on welfare, but I get it, that was on purpose, make Americans completely dependent on big Gov. then there's Obamacare, I won't even go there. Yes a complete disaster. 

 We are now an energy independent Country, feels good, Because you also got rid of the Paris Treaty, yikes Most people don't understand what that is, where we pay outrageous bills for heat and gas through taxation and Europe keeps the money. I get it.

Which I want to thank you for getting Countries to pay their fair share for NATO, people can't comprehend that we were spending billions to defend Germany against Russia and Germany was Paying Russia billions for oil. I get it.

Thank you for the tax cuts, drives me crazy when people call you a Dictator, guess they aren't smart enough to realize Dictators don't give you back your money, nor do they encourage the 2nd Amendment. I myself am NRA, so Thanks I love a man who let's me keep my weapons. 

Your tax cuts helped fuel the worlds greatest economy, people could work and shop again, the lowest unemployment ever and inflation next to zilch. Folks can't wait for Biden to raise taxes, here comes unemployment and inflation, some people don't understand what that means, when they have to pay higher prices for goods and services , just maybe it will sink in.

  Thank you for the WALL, I know the Democrats love to spend billions defending other Countries Borders but not ours.

You did this to keep illegals from piling in, but you wanted the drugs and human trafficking to stop. Under your leadership there have been more arrests for human trafficking then the last 5 Presidents combined, job well done you saved lives, you tried to tell people that many of the kids coming here weren't with parents, but fake news screamed racism and every sheeple victim listened. sad. 

You got all this and so much more done, but the Dems clawed at you every inch of the way, the fake dossier, fake impeachment the swamp creatures day in day out. I will never forget the day you took away the keys to Nancy's Jet plane and that bus full of Democrats circled the plaza like hamsters on a wheel. that was awesome. 

Four years ago, I didn't realize the price you were paying to fix this Country, you showed us who these people really are.

I know you did everything you could do to fight the plandemic, swamp was hard at work, I get it and so do millions more, i am in Michigan so you know what that means, I got big gretch and she hates us. The blue State leadership is killing our economy, and just for the record, Big Gretch didn't just put sick covid patients in nursing homes, she put sick inmates with covid in nursing homes, evil, pure evil.

I want to say, you have a lovely Family and I wish you a Happy New Year and I Pray for all of your safety.

Well, I will close now, keep fighting, cause we are.



Entry #117

Michigan Covid-19 alert

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is threatening Michigan Dr.'s who prescribe Hydroxychlrorquine and Z-paks

for the Coronavirus, she does not want them used.  She want the Dr.'s to report and turn in Dr.'s who ignore her.

President Trump signed and Executive Order called the right to try, that means you can have a drug if you think it will save your life.

Dr's in New York are finding success with these drugs. Research for your self. 

For some weird reason Blue State Governor's are the ones stopping a potential life saving measure.

If anybody in your family dies and they were denied medicine, get a lawyer.

If you think you have this disease, drive to Ohio or Indiana for treatment.

She needs to be removed from office , for the life of me I can't figure out why she would do something so evil.

Your medical needs are none of her Mther F***ing business, it's between you and you Dr. HIPA ring a bell.

This is Michigan not CHINA.

Entry #116

The green new...then we starve to death.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the world will end in 12 years due to global warming.

She came up with a "Green new deal"

No longer will we have airplanes, trucks , cars, or farting cows ( can't make this up, totally true).

She wants to build a train to Hawaii , (yes across the ocean) think about that.

This idiotic bill has all kinds of lunacy written into, but we'll focus on transportation.

Ask yourself a question.

If you can't go to the grocery store how long would you be able to survive?

You're probably thinking, hey I can just walk. yep you sure could, most likely to an empty store.

Our food is flown on planes, comes by truck, train and ships.

It moves around from all over, goes to distribution centers and eventually to the grocery store, big food warehouses, etc.

Schools, hospitals, bars, restaurants etc..everybody depends on trucks bringing food every day.

If you shut down transportation, you shut down our food supply.

Most grocery stores only hold a 3 day supply of food for its customers.(they get trucks in everyday to restock)

Can you guess what happens when there is no grocery stores full of food?

People will panic, they will turn on one another and that's when the killing starts.

Most people shop weekly, you may have even a month's supply of food, but it will run out, this is when starving starts.

Hospitals and emergency services will be overwhelmed.

The real scary part of this story, every Democrat running for President has endorsed this idiocy, of course they wanted to jump on the coat tails of the popular pretty girl and didn't read it. Typical!

Think real hard, because if out transportation stops, we won't have to worry about the world ending in 12 years, in less then a year with this "Green new deal"  most will starve.

Think it can't happen, look at Venezuela.

Entry #115

Something fishy!

Got up and went to turn on Fox and Friends, only I'm getting a disrupted picture and broken sound.

I flip up to the next channel and there's Mika and boring Joe clear as day, I go to as many channels as I can and low and behold the only channel I am not getting is Fox News.

Well, Bright house/ Spectrum how is this not evil?

Entry #114

Amber Alert

That's not Pink Floyd, it's Queen, both awesome groups.

Entry #113


Did Andrew McCabe tell investigators to lie about Benghazi? Maybe change reports?

How many of Hillary's deep State supporters were the investigators in charge?

Stay tuned.

Entry #108

Questions and no answers.

Where did Nicholas Cruz, get $1700 to buy an AR15?



The AR15 holds a 20 round Magazine, that means to get off 150 shots, he needed 8 clips, very heavy load to run around with.

Timeline, 7 minutes: he enters building, put on tact gear, get off 150 rounds changing clips 8 times and managed 3 floors, takes off tact gear and strolls away.

I would like to see footage of him spending thousands of dollars in weapon and accessories.

I have no doubt he's involved, there are kids who are insisting that they saw more then 1 shooter.

You tube, facebook and twitter are removing and banning people questioning this.

Video's are disappearing.

Question everything.

Entry #107

El Salvadore and Haiti.

Hold on to your hats because here it comes.

Both of these Countries have a severe child sex trafficking problem.

Very sad that all the talking heads who are now condemning Trumps remarks have had nothing to say on the subject.

All of a sudden they care about these Countries. Are you crying for those abused kids Anderson?

Why haven't we heard from Hillary or Barry? You would think these two azz-hats would jump all over Trump.

Why hasn't the person(s) who leaked this to the media come forward?

I'm sure his remarks were tough like he said, but I would really like to see the sex slave problem addressed.

Entry #106

As long as we are getting rid of Monuments.

We got a long list of Monuments that need to go, all civil war Monuments for sure.

We need to change any Town, City, School, Library , such a long list, anyhow, any of these places named after any President , General, person, who may or may not have owned Slaves, History hurts feelings.

As long as History hurts feelings, only fair we destroy any Monument dedicated to People who fought in the Indian wars, Starting with General Custer, all Monuments celebrating the Buffalo Soldiers have to go also, they happily killed unarmed Indians, chased them down on horseback and ran them through with sabers, they are Equally guilty, just like their White counterparts,  of stealing souvenirs, mutilating dead bodies and rape. Indian scalps were worn by many.

Al Sharpton said it best just yesterday, "My tax dollars are paying for this" even though he owes thousands in back taxes, but that's another story.

In reality we should just get rid of anything named after anyone, what if we find out John Glenn and Neil Armstrong did or said something mean, feelings might be hurt, just clear it all out.

Mount Rushmore, scrape it away, it's got to go.

We should not honor anyone for anything ever again, because they just might have character flaws.

Better to be safe then have hurt feelings.

Can you imagine how much stuff has to be fixed?

American History has to go, throw the books away.

Or, do we stop this crazy non-sense of destroying everything, crying about things that happened 150 years ago. Or,  Do we moved forward and say for as sad as some of our history is we've come a long way and we still have room for improvement ?

I am not Offended by Robert E. Lee, General George Custer, or the Buffalo Soldiers, it's part of our history.

I suspect all this crap about monuments has nothing to do with the monuments themselves, but more for the continued destruction of civil discourse between Americans. Every time the fighting dies down, someone comes up with new ways to start it all over, and to many times George Soros has his sticky little fingers in it.

Time to heal, time to get along and time to remember, we might not like all of our History, but we can never forget it. Leave the Monuments alone.

Entry #105
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