grwurston's Blog


I would like to offer hearty congratulations to all the democrats that voted for Joe Biden on Nov. 3, 2020. Thank you very much for voting for Biden!! Due to Biden's energy policies, (which he disclosed during his campaign) the prices at the gas stations in my area have now more than doubled what they were on Election day 2020.

On Nov 3, 2020, regular gas in my area was $2.16 a gallon. As of Thursday regular gas is currently at $4.39 a gallon. I'm quite sure it will go higher.

Congratulations on a job well done!! Take a bow. 

P.S. Please try to make better choices in the future.

Entry #366

Covid Misinformation. The Shots Are Effective.

Fauci, the cdc, fda, nih, big pharma, and the media all claim the covid shots are effective at preventing covid.

So why is it that Kamala Harris who has had 2 shots, PLUS 2 booster shots, the last booster on April 1, has just tested positive for covid?  Somebody is lying to us big time.

Entry #361

2,000 Mules Preview

Entry #359

Just Saying...

From cnn, 

Since Moscow invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, the Biden administration has deployed more than 100,000 U.S. troops to NATO-member countries and authorized $3.4 billion in security assistance. (To help Ukraine stop the Russian army from invading their country).


But he won't spend any money, or send U.S. troops, to help the border patrol secure the U.S. against the millions of illegal aliens invading our country. Makes you wonder what his priorities are.

Think about that. 

Entry #356