Pick 3 best number groups to use.


This is a list of the 66 boxed combos that have the most chance of coming out out of the 120 boxed singles:

015 016 025 035 036 037 038 039 045 047 049 056 057 058 059 067 069 125 126 136 138 145 146 147 148 149 156 158 167 168 169 235 236 237 238 239 245 247 249 256 257 258 259 267 269 345 346 347 348 349 356 358 367 368 369 378 389 456 457 458 459 467 469 478 479 489

And this is a list of the 60 boxed doubles that might have the best chance of coming out out of the 90 boxed doubles.

003 004 005 006 033 044 055 066 113 114 115 116 133 144 155 166 223 224 225 226 233 244 255 266 334 335 336 337 338 339 344 355 366 377 388 399 445 446 447 448 449 455 466 477 488 499 556 557 558 559 566 577 588 599 667 668 669 677 688 699

This is a list of the 66x6=397 straight single combos out of the 720 that should had the most chance of coming out most of the time.

015(051,105,150,501,510) 025(052,205,250,502,520) 016(061,106,160,601,610) 035(053,305,350,503,530) 125(152,215,251,512,521) 045(054,405,450,504,540) 036(063,306,360,603,630) 126(162,216,261,612,621) 145(154,415,451,514,541) 235(253,325,352,523,532) 136(163,316,361,613,631) 037(073,307,370,703,730) 245(254,425,452,524,542) 146(164,416,461,614,641) 236(263,326,362,623,632) 047(074,407,470,704,740) 038(083,308,380,803,830) 056(065,506,560,605,650) 345(354,435,453,534,543) 147(174,417,471,714,741) 237(273,327,372,723,732) 138(183,318,381,813,831) 039(093,309,390,903,930) 057(075,507,570,705,750) 156(165,516,561,615,651) 346(364,436,463,634,643) 247(274,427,472,724,742) 049(094,409,490,904,940) 148(184,418,481,814,841) 238(283,328,382,823,832) 058(085,508,580,805,850) 067(076,607,670,706,760) 256(265,526,562,625,652) 347(374,437,473,734,743) 149(194,419,491,914,941) 239(293,329,392,923,932) 158(185,518,581,815,851) 167(176,617,671,716,761) 059(095,509,590,905,950) 257(275,527,572,725,752) 356(365,536,563,635,653) 348(384,438,483,834,843) 249(294,429,492,924,942) 069(096,609,690,906,960) 168(186,618,681,816,861) 258(285,528,582,825,852) 267(276,627,672,726,762) 456(465,546,564,645,654) 349(394,439,493,934,943) 169(196,619,691,916,961) 259(295,529,592,925,952) 358(385,538,583,835,853) 367(376,637,673,736,763) 457(475,547,574,745,754) 269(296,629,692,926,962) 368(386,638,683,836,863) 458(485,548,584,845,854) 467(476,647,674,746,764) 369(396,639,693,936,963) 378(387,738,783,837,873) 459(495,549,594,945,954) 469(496,649,694,946,964) 478(487,748,784,847,874) 389(398,839,893,938,983) 479(497,749,794,947,974) 489(498,849,894,948,984)

As for straight doubles, always use the boxed doubles instead and just reposition them for straight hits, because they are only 3 way combos, instead of 6 way combos like the singles.

You of course are not to use any of these groups as they are, but should be reduced farther with key numbers (1 or 2 or so key digits) and sums and or roots and other filters and or systems.

Out of the 10 roots you should "Filter-out" 4 to 6 roots and for key numbers use 1 to 5 digits only out of the 10 digits and what-ever else you want to use to filter out with, like pairs.

Entry #8


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