Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt.!


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Entry #1,776


Avatar lejardin -
Exactly. I am grateful to have Trump as President.
Avatar emilyg -
A President who keeps his word.
Avatar eddessaknight -
Thanks Maddog, I can foresee that we be hearing this more & more !!!
Avatar konane -
I am very grateful also. He's had an amazing first week with lots of changes with long term benefits for us all. I wish the butthurts would give him a chance like we gave their choice a chance 8 years ago. We didn't riot and destroy property like we're seeing now.
Avatar lakerben -
Lord help us!
Avatar CARBOB -
lb, you had better call on someone who knows you. You are a Lucifer worshiper.
Avatar sully16 -
Refreshing, God Bless America.
Avatar jarasan -
Yes! @lakerdummy, the Lord did help us. Divine help, plain and simple He saved this country from going to he11ary.
Avatar lakerben -
One week in and the whole world is pissed off. Great job???
Avatar lejardin -
That is NOT true, quit posting lies. The whole world, jeeeeeeez.

I for one, am GLAD we have President Trump. I for one, Thank God for saving us just as Jarasan said. President Trump is doing EXACTLY what he has been talking about the past two years and is doing what he was voted in to do. President Trump is changing all that was wrong by the Obama 8 years and he is NOT wavering nor wasting time. Finally some sanity. Only the Democrats and whackjob liberals are complaining. Suck it up buttercups. I love it.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Well said Lejardin, Well Said.!
Thanks Everybody...!!!

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