Academy Awards or Anatomy Awards ??



Academy Awards or Anatomy Awards???





The 89th showing of the Academy Awards is coming up on February 26th.  It is important that we, the deplorable, show the likes of Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Alec Baldwin, Cher, Ashley Judd, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and the other arrogant hypocrites, that we, the backbone and decent people of America, are more united than the bitter, unhappy, angry, divisive people of the entertainment industry.


These arrogant, pompous, pampered soulless individuals declare that half of Americans are racist, sexist, and bigoted for voicing our political choice through Donald Trump. Yet there can be no doubt that the entertainment industry does more to exploit, degrade, minimize, and stereotype women than Donald Trump or any other industry ever has.


From Madonna and Miley Cyrus parading on stage with little to no clothing while grabbing their crotches and allowing fans to do the same, to movies that depict women as whores, sluts, and gold-diggers dependent on their bodies for survival, to the deplorable speeches of Madonna and Ashley Judd talking about their periods in a vile manner and talking about blowing up the White House, we must send these evil-hearted people a strong and distinct message that they do not speak for the women of this country and they are not the role models of our young daughters.


The wearing of pink does not negate the black hearts that these people have for our country and our Constitution.  Nor does it negate the disdain and contempt they have for the American people and our political process.


In recent social media threads, the good people of this nation are calling for a full boycott of the entertainment industry for this unwarranted and outrageous display of petulant behavior. Some in the entertainment industry are mocking us saying,  "Go ahead, we don't need you trailer trash racists."


That may be true, but these people do need our green dollars.  It is important that we send a strong and powerful message to this group telling them to stick to their make believe jobs and to leave the politics of this country to the people, just as our wise and forward thinking forefathers designed.


The good people of this country are not asking you to give up movies.  We are asking you to take two simple steps. 


  • First, protest these groups by refusing to watch the Academy Awards on February 26.  Simply change the channel or go for a walk with your family members and tell them how much you love them.
  • Second, forward this request to as many friends as possible and post it on social media to get the word out.


This will only be effective if we show the same unity we exhibited during the election.  Yet how powerful will it be when the ratings for the Academy Awards fall in the toilet.  It is only for a couple of hours and requires very little effort.  When this happens, the arrogant entertainment industry will understand just how insignificant and powerless they are.


I am so proud of my fellow Americans who stood up and said, "Enough is Enough."  Michelle  may have only been proud of this country once in her life, but we the patriots have never lost our love and pride in America.  The left is now up to their old tricks trying to bully the rest of us into feeling guilty.


Let them know that their selfish, vulgar, and unpatriotic behavior over this past week will not be tolerated.  Let them know that we will not be silenced and that we are no longer going to be shamed for what we believe.  We must continue the fight.  We must shut them down now.  We must show them that America will be great again no matter how filthy and disgusting they become.


Boycott the Academy Awards on February 26, 2017.

Entry #96


Avatar sully16 -
Passing this along. Will be happy to ignore them.
Avatar atoz -
me too
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
My wife and I haven't watched any awards show in years, and that's not gonna change anytime soon.
We rarely even go to the movie theater, maybe once a year. I hate supporting those a-holes.
Avatar jarasan -
What are oscars? And who cares?
Avatar jarasan -
Yes, seriously I know of not one person that watches or even talks about the oscars. They will have lower ratings than ever just like the grahmmys crackers.
Avatar lejardin -
Not the least bit interested. I used to love the Grammy's when they had REAL musical talent, like Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, Waylon & Willie, Lionel Richie, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, The Four Tops and on and on. I never heard of these "artists"? I find most are vulgar, vile and untalented. As for the movies, I will go see Christian based movies, which they are making at the moment, who knows for how long. Other than that, the movies are stupid, full of swear words, too much sex and violence. I refuse to pay for trash.
Avatar CARBOB -
Amen lejardin!!! That was music for the soul and I still listen to it. The awards shows are as phony as the attendees.
Avatar mikeintexas -
I don't watch these self-aggrandizing types whose biggest "talent" is being good at make-believe. What makes me the most annoyed is listening to one of them talk about their "art" or their "craft". No, "art" is a painting, a sculpture or a poem or book (and some of those don't qualify, at least not to ME). A "craft" is welding or pipe fitting or carpentry...or could even be pottery making or basket weaving, but it's NOT acting.

A century ago actors were thought of as unsavory characters. I've always wondered why that was and even puzzled more over why the perception has changed...because "unsavory" would probably be more apt about actors today than it was a hundred years ago.

I don't give Hollywood a dime. The last movie I saw in the theater was "Titanic" and since I got a computer, have found out there are dozens of ways to watch TV shows and movies online.(some even legal!) w/out subsidizing an industry and people who ridicule where I live, how I vote and my core beliefs.

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