LB, I await your Denial to the following. Hurry.!


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Entry #1,796


Avatar sully16 -
He'll never get it, he wants to be a victim.
Avatar CARBOB -
He is a victim, he is a Democrat, who fell for the line of bs, hook. line and sinker.
Avatar jarasan -
DemoncRATS have nothing but racism and division to offer up, they are going to keep losing if they don't get a rational message and end the hate.
Avatar lakerben -
Lol he's an idiot! Isn't he the one that claimed he was this and that and was caught in lies? You got to do better than this MD. Go back to your hillary cartoons.
Avatar lakerben -
The kkk backed trump during the election and is now recruiting all over the south! Lol your logic is flawed again but I don't mind schooling you again. This is too easy!
Avatar CARBOB -
lb, you are showing your ignorance, again. If you knew anything at all about the Democrat Party, it would be different. If a person like Dr. Carson was not sure of which he spoke, do you believe he would have said it. Why would such an educated Black man speak differently. You know nothing about the South!!! You know nothing about nothing!!!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
LB'y you have to be the dumbest Liberal I've known. " He was this, He was that, and caught in lies?
Really reaching the bottom of the Garbage Bag for this aren't you? While your in desperate denial LB, why don't you show me all of your so-called allegations and prove me wrong. Everyone knows you're another BS artist. What about that stock Market benny? you know the one you said would tank? any comments?
President has proved you a BS artist also on every turn and you're still in denial. I think you need time out with your coloring book and Pacifier.
Avatar CARBOB -
I think he should be picked up by the Border Patrol.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Avatar lakerben -
Wasn't Carson laughed out of the debates?
The kkk is backing the republicans....
I hope the stock market does good to make up for "W" and the huge losses during his term. Isnt it about time the republicans do something right? But you forget Obama left trump a huge number over 19000 in the market.   Touche! Thanks for the free pub. I enjoy every minute schooling you guys.
Its still early in his term let's sit back and enjoy the ride.
Avatar sully16 -
Benny, you are not schooling us, I am a minority and have no use for the KKK, TAKE YOU NON SENSE SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Avatar CARBOB -
One thing you and none of the other trolls mention is all the "SPIES" Obama and the AG Lynch left behind. I hope they prosecute every one of those leakers. They are attempting a non-violet coup against President Trump. Sessions will stop those leaks, I guarantee that.
Avatar lakerben -
It's must see tv coming up the flynn. Trial! Sully I tell it like I see it. No sympathy. My great grandmother was a Navajo Indian and was a tough lady.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
LB, you've either had a few ex-wives or Boyfriends, because you sure like to live in the past a lot. You've made a fool of yourself with your statements "The Stock Market will Crash", " We will be at War in the first couple of weeks". etc,etc. You can't give me answers, because it's BS and you know it. The KKK? man take your nonsense back to the Trolling blog.!
Avatar jarasan -
I would block laker dummy, keep him/her/it on truesees and lil*poopys blogs, it isn't even funny anymore.

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