It's NOT Discrimination


I've seen some faux outrage and absurd virtue signalling over this new ban on transgender in the military in the comments under this blog post LGBQT community takes a second hit and this earlier one John McCain Backs Transgender Ideology Slams Policy 


One person claims he served in the military, but I guess it was so long ago he's forgotten that the United States Military is not a place for social experiments.  It has one purpose and one purpose only:  to defend the nation from our enemies through superiority, readiness and lethality.

It's not discrimination to deny transgenders to join the military, no more than it is to deny those with flat feet or being too short - or too tall -  or not having good enough vision.   As an American, you have certain rights guaranteed you by the Constitution, but there is no inherent right to serve in the military.  We deny the right to serve to not only those with physical disabilities, but also to those with criminal records,  drug users or even those with various medical conditions.  (the Marines have been known to deny otherwise perfectly healthy individuals who happened to have an arm tattoo)

It's also not discrimination to deny someone with a mental illness to serve in the military, and it's accepted by medical professionals that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.  Those suffering from this ailment are nearly ten times as likely to commit suicide as the overall population. 

Those who have transitioned need to maintain constant medical treatment because their body is constantly rejecting the operation.  Others require a constant need for hormone therapy and this affects their readiness and hampers their ability to be deployed on a moment's notice.

One needs only to look back at history to learn how the dissolution of gender leads to the eventual fall of a culture.  Camille Paglia, (a noted scholar who also happens to be a lesbian) points out "Historically, the movement towards androgyny occurs in late phases of culture as a civilization is starting to unravel.  You can find it again and again and again throughout history, in the Greek art, whether it's the Hellenistic era or the Roman Empire.  What you invariably get in response to this decline in culture are people who are convinced of the power of heroic masculinity on the edges of the weaker culture, whether they're the Vandals or the Huns or whether they're the barbarians of ISIS."

If we are to remain a powerful and sovereign nation and keep the barbarians from our gates, the military must maintain a strong, lethal and alert fighting force.  Any compromise or placation would be detrimental to the entire country.   It's not discriminating to think that way;  it's survival, both as a nation and as a people.  I'm not sure why certain persons are arguing this unless their intent is to weaken this country.  If that's the case, then they're more dangerous to the survival of this country than are our enemies. 

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Entry #6


Avatar KAL035 -
What you posted is absolutely correct. I tried to educate some of the usual resident trolls about the mental illness aspect of gender dysphoria as it relates to prolonged periods of depression and anxiety and how these issues can be expected to adversely affect dependability, readiness and deployability. Like talking to a brick wall as all they can do is holler about discrimination and bigotry, Lol.

If CNN has the numbers correct, approximately 87.4% of active service members are transgender. I did not know this, but apparently the US Military war machine is simply going to implode and fall apart without transgender participation, Lol
Avatar mikeintexas -
That's a pretty big chunk of the military, Kal. I guess even that majority of transgenders don't want to serve, because I saw a poll the other day that said 94% of all military personnel don't want to admit transgenders, either. - wink-

No, just like Bradley - now Chelsea - Manning, they (the leftists and transgenders) want the govt. to pay for their surgeries and all the other medications and therapy that goes along w/ it. Sure as hell - the figures on suicide show it - some will off themselves and their families will sue the govt.. Sheesh, our combat vets already have a higher than avg. suicide rate, guess the leftists want everyone to kill themselves.

Also, the biggest outcry is by people who don't want to serve, but think everyone has the "right" to serve if they want.

Thanks for your comment.
Avatar sully16 -
Thanks Mike, it's not okay to use our Military as an entitlement program, for sex change operations, and that's exactly what many of them are doing. You won't hear Hollywood or the left wing media talk about that.
I worked with a girl who joined the Navy, after boot camp she got pregnant, ( not married) went on maternity leave, had all kinds of female problems after the baby was born, and never served another day, and is eligible for all the benefits. She is now on welfare. figures.
There's a Navy Seal, spewing his crap, tough guy wants a piece of the President, I guarantee 20 years ago he did not tell the other guys he dressed like a girl and likes sleeping with boys, I call that gay actually.
Kal, these trolls are big babies, they are all victims and they don't have the common sense of a chipmunk.
Avatar mikeintexas -
That's exactly right, Sully. Obama lifted the ban and opened up a Pandora's Box.

I noticed in yet another thread that three of our local progtards are still screaming discrimination, and even brought up the cost of erectile dysfunction drugs vs. that of the expenses for transgenders. Those figures they're throwing out are being repeated by major news outlets but they're not accurate.

Figures from UCLA Williams Institute and the National Center for Transgender Equality claims that .7% of the military is transgender, over twice the number of actual transgenders in the U.S. Since less than 1% of the population serves in the military, i find it hard to believe that .7% number, but if they want to claim that, then fine, let's crunch the numbers.

That would mean there are currently 14,910 transgender service members.

According to the Williams study, thirty percent will likely seek surgeries, or 4,473 transgender troops. The average cost per surgery is $132,000, which is a combination of the average cost of male to female ($140,450) and female to male ($124,400) surgeries.

The cost to taxpayers for these surgeries would be $590 million, and $770 million with a 3 percent inflation rate by 2027.

There are 178,000 new military members per year, and assuming 0.7 percent are transgender, 1,246 new transgender service members each year. Assuming 30 percent get surgeries, there would be an additional 374 surgical transitions per year, or 3,740 over 10 years. Those surgeries would cost $493 million, and with 3 percent inflation a total of $579 million by 2027.

The costs of active duty transgender surgeries and those of new recruits over a 10-year period total $1.349 billion.

It is likely even more transgender service members would seek sex reassignment surgeries if they are taxpayer-funded.

More than 30 percent of transgender individuals say they want to have various sex reassignment surgeries in the future, according to the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey.

Fifty-three percent of men who identify as women say they someday want a breast augmentation, and 61 percent say want an orchiectomy, the surgical removal of one or both testicles, in the future.

Sixty-four percent say they want a vaginoplasty, the construction of a vagina, someday.

The $1.349 billion cost does not include additional medical costs of transgender service members, including hormone therapy, mental health services, or costs associated with surgical complications.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Oh, and thanks for your comment, Sully.

Even though our L.P. commie wannabes are saying we're complaining about the cost and trying to rebut that in the most feeble of arguments, that's not the main issue. No, it's due to the main reason I outlined in the original post, that it does not benefit the military, just like having some little twit get knocked up and wasted not just the taxpayer's money, but the time the military spent on training her, only to have it all for nothing. That said, the money SHOULD be a consideration in the argument; if the military is wasting money on erectile dysfunction drugs, then why is it OK to waste even more? Their arguments make no sense...nothing surprising, coming from the political side of the aisle that specializes in fuzzy logic.

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