The Deep State


Puppet Masters

Warning: *Some* offensive language and if you're a Democrat, that will be the least offensive thing to you.

The author is an Aussie, but knows more about American politics than many Americans. (and most all Democrats)

He's bloody brilliant.

The Deep State

Entry #7


Avatar rcbbuckeye -
Good read Mike.
Hit on points that I considered when deciding to vote for Pres. Trump.
The gist of what is going on between the President and the worthless a-holes in Congress, along with the mainstream media is that he can't be bought, and he is beholden to nobody. That just drives them all crazy.
I love it!

Avatar mikeintexas -
I subscribed to his blog in my reader several years ago b/c of his astute observations of the climate change hoax, but wasn't for sure I'd like his new direction with politics, but I have really enjoyed his take on the American political scene.

Thanks f/ your comment.
Avatar lejardin -
What an interesting read, someone who actually gets it.
The democrats have lost their way once their cash cow Obama left office walked into $$$$$$ life.
Now we have the snake in the grass Republicans working against Trump, I hope they are voted out and Trump can get some traction.
Avatar mikeintexas -
He also at times writes about his upbringing and it's very interesting ; foreign (literally & figuratively) but interesting.

Thanks for stopping by.
Avatar konane -
That was an excellent read, so much so I passed it along to friends. Yes his writing style is not pc but it's most likely similar to language used by them in private. Thank you so much for posting it.
Avatar mikeintexas -
I liked it so much I read it twice, once in my reader and another after I went to his blog. Yes, Aussies can be non-PC, but it's more of a blunt approach, painfully honest.   I "met" one in a chatroom once, introduced by a mutual online friend and after she had left the chat, he and I continued on talking about everything under the sun. This was back in the early 2000's and he wasn't much of a Bush fan, but we agreed on nearly everything else.

I got an email from our mutual friend the next day, saying I had made an impression on him and that he had said I was a "right fair b*stard". I was taken aback, wondering what it was I had said to make him question my parentage and she LOL'd and said that was a great compliment Down Under.

Thanks f/ your comment, Konane, glad you liked it.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
There is NO DOUBT about it He Is SPOT-ON. Let the Fun Begin.!!
Avatar mikeintexas -
Spot-on is right, Maddog. Like I said, he knows more about American politics than do many Americans.

It IS about to get very "interesting", huh? The leftists think they're going to have the last word and they better hope they don't...because it might literally be their last word.

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