The Truth About Age


I see one of the resident leftists in here is whining that there are some "scary old GOP men".  It seems he agrees with that great astute political observer, Rosie O'Donnell (We REALLY need a sarcasm font in here!) who recently tweeted that Republican Senators Grassley and Hatch need to retire:

"grassley and hatch - too old- they should be done - come on - at thanksgiving we don't let the 85 year olds carve the turkey #retire."

Grassley is 85, while Hatch is 84 years old,  that's a fact, but several prominent Democrats are in the same age range; Dianne Feinstein is 85, Maxine Waters is 80, Nancy Pelosi is 78 and Bernie Sanders is a spry 77 years old.

Look up "partisan hack" and "hypocrite" in the dictionary and Rosie's ugly mug should be featured right next to the well as that of anyone else who doesn't acknowledge the "age problem" on the Democrat side of the aisle as well.

From a yr. ago, but still valid since the mid-terms haven't yet taken place.

The Democratic Party has an age problem

Members of both parties in Congress are at their oldest average age in decades, but the average Democrat has about four years on the average Republican on Capitol Hill. The average Democrat was 61.0 years old at the start of this term, the highest average age for Democrats on the Hill in available data stretching back to 1947.

The average Republican was 57.2 years old. The gap between the two parties has been roughly four years since the 2010 tea party wave. For two decades before that, Democrats tended to be about one year older than Republicans, on average.

Also from a yr. ago:

The 115th Congress is among the oldest in history

Democratic leaders in the House are two decades older than Republican leaders.

The average age of the Democratic House leadership is 72 years old, whereas the average age of Republican House leadership is 48 years old. This trend continues in House committee leadership with Republican chairmen averaging 59 years old and ranking Democrats averaging 68 years old.

There are 44 congressional districts in which the age of the Representative is more than double the median age of their constituents. Of these 44 Representatives, 38 won their last election by more than 60% of the vote.

There are five representatives whose age is double or over that of their district's constituents and four of them are Democrats.

From Wiki: 

The youngest current U.S. senator is 41-year-old Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), who was elected in 2014. The second youngest senator now is Cory Gardner (R-Colorado), at age 44, also elected in 2014.

Looks to me as though the Republicans are injecting "young blood" into the party.  The Dems?  Not so much.  They're vampires, bleeding not only this generation dry, but that of future ones. They'll do anything to hold onto their power, even to the point of running this country into the ground.

But yes, many older Senators are Republican, there's no denying that, but let's look at the entire picture, not just focus in on one small part of it.

— Fifty-four senators are Republicans; 44 are Democrats, and two are independents (both caucus with the Democrats).

— The average age of a U.S. senator is 61.

— Nine senators are over the age of 80.

— Twenty-two senators are over the age of 70.

— Thirty-nine senators are over the age of 60.

— Add them up, and the sum is 70, or 70 percent of the U.S. Senate is over the age of 60.

So, it's not just the Republicans who "have an age problem". I'll call your "bunch of scary old GOP men" with some "scary old Dem women":  Feinstein, Waters and Pelosi and raise you one "scary old Commie" - Sanders...but wait, I'm not through... and finish my raise with Ginsberg - hopefully she won't crumble into dust as I'm throwing her decrepit old bones on the table.

If you or anyone else is fed up with "scary old" people in govt., you should be calling for her to step down IMMEDIATELY.  After all, she wields MUCH more power than a Senator.

NOTE:  I would have posted this under the blogger's own post, but it seems he's afraid for me to comment, afraid that I'll rip apart his BS opinions as I always do.  It's obvious he's scared of me - a conservative-leaning small "L" libertarian and not just "old GOP men"

Entry #44


Avatar rcbbuckeye -
Lil PeePee and Ambergirl are too scared to let others post on their blogs.
Good post...truth!
Avatar mikeintexas -
Thanks, rcb. I was only trying to point out that it's not just the Republicans who are the old ones in Congress. There's a graphic at the second link that shows the ratio of older Senators who are up for reelection this year as well as in 2020 and yes, most of them are Republicans,but who knows what those ones whose term runs out in two more years will do? I don't like to see ANYONE desperately trying to hang onto power, esp. if it's obvious it's time for them to go.

That said, voters...don't have to have term limits b/c we hold that power with our ballots. Apparently these older Senators and Reps. have constituents who want them in office, right?

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