Lindsey Graham - new hero kicks off Barr hearing with an F-bomb


Lindsey Graham - new hero



After telling the audience, “I can tell you this, if you change the names, y’all would want to look, too,” Graham pointed to the biased media in the room. “Everything I just said, just substitute Clinton for Trump,” he added, “and see what all these people with cameras would be saying out here about this.”


Lindsey Graham kicks off Barr hearing with an F-bomb

May 1, 2019 |  Tom Tillison |   


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, captured everyone’s attention during his opening statement Wednesday at a hearing featuring Attorney General William Barr.


In a move to highlight the bias against President Donald Trump at the FBI, Graham read aloud text messages between disgraced former agent Peter Strzok and his lover, bureau attorney Lisa Page — both involved in the early investigation of the president.


Graham’s motive was to show that Strzok, who led Mueller’s investigation before he was removed for bias, “hated Trump’s guts.”


In doing so, the Republican lawmaker read one text message from Strzok as written — F-bombs and all.


“Just went to the Southern Virginia Walmart, I could smell the Trump support,” one text stated, according to Graham.


“Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer,” another message read, as the chairman read it verbatim.


“Sorry to the kids out there,” Graham said.


Strzok, who would later be fired, was involved in an extramarital affair with Page, who was assigned to the case, and the two exchanged thousands of text messages.

And these people were involved in the Hillary Clinton classified email investigation.

“These are the people who made the decision that Clinton didn’t do anything wrong and a counter-intelligence investigation of the Trump campaign was warranted,” said Graham.

The reality of that accurate observation so bizarre that you’d never believe the plot if it were a movie.


Graham then promised that his committee will be investigating any wrongdoing in the two investigations.


“We’re going to—in a bipartisan way, I hope—deal with Russia, but when the Mueller report is put to bed, and it soon will be, this committee is going to look long and hard into how this all started,” he said.


“We’re going to look at the FISA warrant process,” Graham continued. “Did Russia provide Christopher Steele the information about Trump that turned out to be garbage, that was used to get a warrant on an American citizen? And if so, how did the system fail? Or is there a real effort between [George] Papadopoulos and anyone in Russia to use the Clinton emails stolen by the Russians, or was that thought planted in his mind? I don’t know but we’re going to look.”

After telling the audience, “I can tell you this, if you change the names, y’all would want to look, too,” Graham pointed to the biased media in the room.


“Everything I just said, just substitute Clinton for Trump,” he added, “and see what all these people with cameras would be saying out here about this.”

Entry #948


Avatar eddessaknight -
Strzok, who led Mueller’s investigation before he was removed for bias, said “hated Trump’s guts.”
Avatar lejardin -
I love Lindsey Graham. He has come a long way since President Trump has been elected.
Avatar sully16 -
it's about to hit the fan.
Avatar Vergie6 -
Kamela Harris and Mazie Hirono showed how mean they really are last night the way they attacked Attorney General William Barr....I don't blame him for not going thru that again today one bit!

They both are do they even live with themselves!

I can't stand either one of them especially Mazie Hirono...she's he one who told all of the men when they were investigating Cavanaugh to sit down and shut up...that's what she should do!

I'm glad Lindsay Graham tells it like it is...I'm sure they hear him!
Avatar eddessaknight -
thanks for candid inputs-

Wow, he is the exterminator/terminator :-)

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