*Most Say Media Working With Democrats to Impeach Pres.Trump



Most Say Media Working With Democrats to Impeach Trump

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Most voters don’t expect fair play from the media when it comes to news coverage of the Democrats’ impeachment attempt.


Fifty-three percent (53%) of Likely U.S. Voters think most reporters are trying to help impeach President Trump when they write or talk about the impeachment effort. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 32% believe most reporters are simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner. Eight percent (8%) say most are trying to block Trump’s impeachment. (To see survey question wording,  click here.)

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans and a plurality (48%) of voters not affiliated with either major political party say most reporters are trying to help impeach Trump, a view shared by only 36% of Democrats.

Eighty-six percent (86%) of all voters say they have closely followed news reports about House Democrats’ efforts to impeach the president, with 54% who have been following Very Closely.


Among voters who have been following impeachment news Very Closely, 58% think most reporters are trying to help impeach Trump; 34% say they are simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner.

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The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted November 12-13, 2019 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by  Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See  methodology.


Trump’s voter approval stands at 48% following the first day of the House impeachment hearings.

Men and those 40 and over are following impeachment news more closely than women and younger voters. Men and middle-aged voters are the most skeptical of the media’s motivation.


Unaffiliated voters are less interested than Republicans and Democrats.


Other minority voters (60%) believe even more strongly than whites (51%) and blacks (53%) that most reporters are trying to help impeach Trump.


Ninety percent (90%) of voters who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing think most reporters are trying to help impeach the president. Among voters who Strongly Disapprove of Trump’s job performance, only 16% agree; 64% of these voters say most reporters are trying to do an unbiased job.


Voters are mad at Trump and his political opponents, but  they’re angriest at the media these days.

Distrust of political news reporting remains at a record high, with just over half of voters now convinced that most in the media are out to get Trump. By contrast, 48% thought  most reporters were trying to help Obama pass his agenda.

Entry #1,107


Avatar eddessaknight -
*If not for this, we would not be having impeachment hearings because it would be seen as a political tactic to get one’s opponent, not the high crimes our Founders mandated.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Of course they are. I can't pinpoint the exact time when the tide turned w/ the media, but I guess Watergate would be a milestone. Everybody after that wanted to win their own Pulitzer and for a while, there actually was some great investigative reporting..but then their bias started showing. They kept it hidden until recently and now they make no bones about being leftists.

The final straw for me was NBC and Dateline rigging the GM trucks to explode when their tests were getting the results they wanted. I think that was in '92-93- the early 90's. It wasn't just TV "news" either; the print media had turned to the dark side long before that, back during Watergate as I said

I used to read multiple papers every day, but stopped around the same time of the Dateline controversy, around the same time I quit watching broadcast news. When I got online in '99, I became a news junkie, but quickly found out I sure as hell couldn't believe everything I read, not even from so-called "trusted sources".

What with the recent shift at Fox News, even they have become suspect and of course, one has to be very discerning about Internet sources. Funny how college educated "journalists" are whining about regular folks not being "journalists" but independent reporting and investigating is much more credible than the MSM.
Avatar mikeintexas -
correction: "when their tests were NOT getting the results they wanted".

The sad state of what passes for journalism is something I'm deeply concerned about; I majored in journalism in college and while I wasn't for sure what niche of that field I wanted to enter, I became disillusioned with how slanted the media had become.

I have said it before, but I think it's still something worth remembering: Most of the people who make up our once-esteemed Fourth Estate have become Fifth Columnists.
Avatar jarasan -
Goebbels was the inspiration for today's sh1tstream media. Dahmm them all to h3ll, this great nation will overcome....hallelujah! P.S. Epstein didn't kill himself.
Avatar eddessaknight -
BINGO Mike & jarasan

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