Mother of Marine slain in Kabul says Biden voters 'killed my son'



  requiescatin pace, “may (the deceased ) rest in peace.”


Entry #1,463


Avatar eddessaknight -
“Twenty years and six-months-old, getting ready to go home from freaking Jordan to be home with his wife to watch the birth of his son, and that feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die,” McCollum said in the radio interview with host Andrew Wilkow on The Wilkow Majority show.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Losing a loved one is tough, but her husband knew that his choice to serve the country came at a risk. She politicized her husband's death & that unfortunate.
* When 241 Marines lost their lives in one night under Reagan's watch back in the 80's, l don't recall reading widow's going after him and calling him names.
Just saying..
Avatar grwurston -
That was cold.
Avatar Stack47 -
Wonder how many of the 81 million Americans that voted for Biden had a son, daughter, wife, husband, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, brother or sister die defending the U.S. in the last 80 years?

While it's tragic when any mother loses her son or wife loses a husband especially in war, but considering when Sgt. David Johnson was killed in action, Trump told his widow "'Well, I guess he knew what he was getting into". Speaking of being cold and insensitive, apparently the Kool-drinkers have selective memories.
Avatar eddessaknight -
A Purple Heart vet who fought in Afghanistan died of a treatable disease while waiting hours for an ICU bed
Avatar jarasan -
It wasn't joepedo voters, it was 20million fake voters, ghosts, and copier machines. Staples, Office Depot, and Office Max made out big selling paper and toner for printing those fake votes.

Anyone that believes that the idiot joepedo actually received 80+million votes is a bigger idiot and I have a short bus waiting for you.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Are we still bitching about “ unproven voter fraud?” Its 10 months ago, and the judicial system took a hard look at these so called claims and tossed everyone of them.

* Which is one of the reasons Rudy, Sidney & Wood are facing DISBARMENT- that’s serious in case you didn’t know. It’s a guy punch to their careers. So you keep doing what you doing, which is make yourself & others who think like you, look foolish.

* Republicans in some States have looked in the BS you promoting here & since they couldn’t find any- they decided that they will put in place tougher voting rights.

* One last thing fool: We put a Man or should l say Men on the Moon decades ago, yet no agency can find these “ voter fraud “ the night of, or months later- how is that even possible? Are you saying all agencies are incompetent like you & 45?
Avatar jarasan -
Avatar grwurston -
Talk about cold and insensitive, did you forget this democrat's quote?

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?”

Hillary Rodham Clinton responding to the death of Americans in Benghazi.

Avatar noise-gate -
* .. and she paid the price for her remarks at the poll. But there are those who live on a fantasy world, where everything goes is supposed to go according to plan.

* Remember before the invasion of Iraq: “it’s going to be a cakewalk, we have superior fire power.” How many Americans died there?

* Now we have folk blaming Biden for the way things turned out- granted it was not pretty, but war is hell, and despite the assurances Trump got from the Taliban, there was always the off chance that some lunatics would try and upset the apple cart. This “ doctor turned politician “ from TX said “ there wouldn’t have been any American casualties “ had 45 been President. Really? It’s thinking like that is all screwed up.

* Every President from Bush- Trump kept kicking the can further up the road, no one was willing to “ put an end” to the Afghanistan war. Now that we out, the Monday quarterbacking is relentless. For good or bad, Biden tried while others simply talked.
Avatar grwurston -
You're wrong. Trump was trying to get us out by May 1.
As part of the Doha Agreement, signed in Feb. 2020, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments.
At the start of the Biden administration, there were 2,500 US soldiers in Afghanistan and in April Biden said the US would not begin withdrawing these soldiers before 1 May, but would complete the withdrawal by 11 September. On 8 July, Biden specified a new completion date of 31 August.

Where biden screwed up was the way he did it. 1) You get civilians out first. 2) You get equipment out. 3) You get the soldiers out.
biden did it all backwards. He should have started pulling the civilians out in April instead of waiting till the last minute.
And now the taliban has $85 billion of US military equipment to use however it wants. Watch how fast they team up with Al Queda, or sell it to them.

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