Trump nominated "a democratic pansy" to the district court!



That's according to apparently one of the hard-core Kool-Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters that spoke before reviewing the facts. U.S. District Court Judge Mary S. McElroy, a Trump nominee, sentenced lottery scammers to federal prison. 

I suppose it could be blamed on poor reading comprehension. Wink, wink

Entry #173


Avatar Stack47 -
Instead of admitting they said something really stupid, the Trump Kool-Aid drinkers attack the messenger. What did Marco Rubio say about skyscrapers and big cigars; or was it men with "little hands"?
Avatar noise-gate -
* They never admit they stupid. You know when you do dumb things you sometimes will say " l was a fool, l was stupid." Well that's not going to happen with these ghouls. I think 45 drinks his own kool- aid 1st thing in the am. How else can one function in their own reality always thinking they right?
Avatar noise-gate -
* A really foolish post was put up by the " ghoul " blaming the " mail in ballots" as the culprit for 45's loss. Once again, no admission of fault. Wasn't it 45 that told his supporters N.O.T. to mail in their ballots, instead he wanted supporters to be rubbing elbows with the folks who were doing the counting, if they were not close enough- there had to be mischief going on. Talk about paranoia.
Avatar Stack47 -
Some intelligent people believe questionable things like possible election fraud, but at some point, require proof before saying something really stupid.

Mail in ballots were largely the results of all the inaction by the Trump administration at the beginning of the pandemic. Someone told him most of the mail in ballots would be counted after the votes cast on election day and used that to claim fraud before all the votes were counted. Been over a year now; where's the proof?

It's not just about believing what should be obvious lies, but telling more lies to justify why they are lying. The facts here are simple, a Federal Judge nominated by Trump was called a "a democratic pansy" because the judge sentence criminals exactly how a plea bargain suggested.

Another intellectually challenged poster posted the judge was renominated by Trump as if that changed the fact that judge was still nominated by Trump so a Republican Senate could confirm her. Now it looks like they want to have a " childish name calling fight" in the News Forum.

Avatar Stack47 -
Had the former or present (who knows) moderator just complained about the obvious plea bargain sentencing fine. But because they didn't read the article or missed where it named the judge, they added "He is not folloowing [sic] the Law, he's making his own."

The strange part is one of their buddies pointed out the FEMALE judge was never confirmed when Obama nominated HER, but somehow thought because Trump re-nominated HER, it still made HER "a democratic pansy".

Maybe they were in a hurry to weirdly congratulate the losers in their guessing games. Don't get me started on the very liberal practice of presenting "partisipation trophies"
Avatar Stack47 -
Don't get me started on the very liberal practice of presenting "participation trophies"

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