Old Whiskey


Old Whiskey

A man sits down at a bar and asks the bartender for 30 year old glass of whiskey.

The Bartender turns around and pulls a bottle of out of the cabinet and pours the glass and hands it to the man.

The man takes a drink and then spits it out and says "I asked for 30 year old whiskey! That's only 15 year old whiskey!"

So then the bartender turns around and and gets an old bottle and pours the man a glass.

The man takes a sip and says "I asked for 30 year old whiskey! Thats only 25 year old whiskey!"

So the bartender takes an old, spider web covered bottle and pours the man a glass

The man takes a sip and says "Aww now thats 30 year old whiskey!"

An old man at the end of the bar slides the man a glass and says "Take a sip of that"

The man takes a sip and he says "that tastes like piss"

The old man at the end of the bar says "I know, but tell me how old I am"

Entry #202


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