It was all fine and dandy, but now you have to ask yourself...


..."what have you done for me late-lee, Mr. President?"

It's nice to see that an African-American became President, but now it's time for your Job Review.

Everyone that voted for the current President has to ask themselves:

Did I get what I want from this President?

Do I have a better job?

Do I have a job?

How do I get a job?

Are there any jobs out there to get?

Did I really get better health care?

Do I really care about my health?

Do I have health care insurrance?

How do I insure my health care?

How do I insure my health without a job?

Do I really care if I have health insurrance?

Hey! Where the Fuc are the JOBS?

Where the Fuc is teary eyed Opra now when you need a Fuc'ing JOB NOW, Mutherfuc'er?

Entry #2,103


Avatar joker17 -
C'mon Jade, I thought you were already past the presidents being in control nonsense. You know very well that they don't control anything. It's the powers behind the scenes that pull all the strings. The presidents are only there for people to point at when things go bad. And he gets paid nicely for putting up with everyone's crap just like all the other presidents. meanwhile, all the evil monsters in the backround can keep doing what they do and don't have to worry about facing the public.

It's all a sham...
Avatar JADELottery -
There is more to this post than what it may seem.
Avatar Tenaj -
I must say this race baiting "Where are the Jobs" campaign is satirical. Its disquised bigotry ozzes to the tune of blackface.   Well done.
Avatar jarasan -
Now it's race baiting, sick hypocrites. 16% unemployment at minimum everywhere, and it's because of "racism", twisted beyond twisted. Our leader couldn't make a lemonade stand work much less the US economy, and we all knew it, yet we voted him in. Hopey changy no workey.
Avatar time*treat -
Folks act like they weren't warned. :-*
Avatar joker17 -
@Jarasan Bush wasn't exactly a light in the dark either. In 2008, unemployment rates reached a 14 year high. It climbed from 4.7 in 2007 to 6.5 in 2008. 240,000 jobs plus much more later were lost. In total 1.2 million were lost of which half of that was in just 3 months alone, and if you remember, everyone was talking about a recession coming soon.

The deregulation by under bush caused the financial mess, and now everyone wants to blame Obama for taking over the reigns of that mess and not fixing Bush's crap.

You left/right junkies make me sick.
Avatar joker17 -
Also, it's not 16%, it's 9 %
Avatar Rick G -
They are ALL to blame going back at least 20 years. This is a purposeful controlled demolition of the US so they can have their one world corporate oligarchy. "Americans clinging to their Bibles in one hand and their shotguns in the other" are what is standing in their way.

Joker is right - the left/right, black/white divisions are their keys to controlling us. We have to get beyond the differences and focus on our commonality. For example, 80% of us agree that Congress is doing a piss-poor job.
Avatar Rick G -
PS, just saw joker's last comment and had to respond. Do you actually believe the govt figures on unemployment when they are trying to convince you that the stolen bailout money actually improved the economy? You're smarter than that. The figure is at least 16% and I've seen that from multiple sources. (Actually it's probably more like 20%.)
Avatar Tenaj -
Joker, I think this message was meant for the white upper/middle class educated Republians who voted Obama into office and presented as a parody.   To be more effective it should be presented to SNL and done in blackface.

The message is - see what we do to a black president - everybody goes down - don't be voting fo a black pres'dent no mo. That's what we were warned about.

It's on time too because the pub campaign now is "where are the jobs." They probably will run that throughout the campaign. But the race baiting is for their own kind who dissed them.

Otherwise it would be like posting "Starbucks" billboards in the black ghettos.
Avatar sully16 -
Close to 16 % collecting unemployment, another 15 % on welfare, Thats actual 31 percent of the population without a full time job.oh and 30 million illegal, who knows what the hell their doing.
Avatar joker17 -
Wahtever the real percentage is not the point I was making. It's not Obama's fault. It's the evil empire in the backround. The only reason I brought up Bush was to show how rediculous it is to keep playing the blame game on presidents. As if the world was raosy and shiny when Bush was's just silliness...
Avatar time*treat -
You think it's bad now, they're doing their best to get governor gardasil elected. Add *that* mentality to your health-scam mandate.
Avatar jarasan -
Race baiter racist Tenaj never disappoints. I'd elect/nominate Herman Cain in a heart beat, a dream ticket is Cain/Borelli (Deneen Borelli)
Avatar sully16 -
I got word they are building another Fema camp here in Michigan, we have 2 already, we don't have earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, WTF IS UP.

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