" What Democrats Hide"...!



You’ve probably seen the list making its rounds on the Internet, to wit:
  • If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.  If a liberal  doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
  • If a conservative doesn’t like a talk-show host, he switches channels.   Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

  • If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for  it, or may choose a job that provides it.  A liberal demands that the rest of us  pay for his.

… and so on and so forth.

To this excellent list, I would like to make an addition: If a conservative  doesn’t like where he lives, he moves.  If a liberal doesn’t like where he  lives, he moves and then tries to endow his new setting with the same problems  as his old location.

Keep this in mind for a moment as I confess to a deep dark secret: I’m from  California.

Yes, it’s true.  In 1972, when I was 10 years old, my dad was transferred  from his job in western New York State, and my parents moved us to California,  where I lived for the next 20 years.  I always viewed California as too hot, too  crowded, too expensive and too restrictive.  So shortly after my husband and I  were married in 1990, we left. We spent 10 years living in southwest Oregon  before moving to Idaho in 2003, where we’ve been ever since.

The reason my Golden State heritage is so distressing to admit is because  Californians have, let’s face it, a bad reputation outside their borders.  As  newcomers to Oregon, we soon heard the term “Californication” and became aware  that Californians were viewed with hostility because of their penchant to act  like condescending know-it-alls, scornful of local culture and customs.

We got away with it because we simply didn’t act like transplants.  We  bought a small and modest fixer-upper, started a home woodcraft business (thus  reducing our income) and otherwise broke the typical California stereotype.   What we didn’t do was build a McMansion while complaining about hayseed  contractors who couldn’t possibly live up to our superior standards.  We didn’t  join a deep ecology group (consisting of other out-of-state transplants) and  start petitioning for an end to logging.  We didn’t forget that the local  economy was supported by logging and that our blue-collar neighbors had  mortgages to pay and children to support.

But it seems this behavior was the exception, not the rule.  It’s gotten so  bad that “California” is now not just a geographic location but an  attitude.  Anyone can be a “Californian.”  A typical  example hit the news this week in which a progressive transplant from  Virginia named Audette Fulbright moved to Wyoming and then became offended at  the local culture, specifically gun laws and oil drilling.  Aggrieved, she wrote  to State Rep. Hans Hunt and said, “My husband and I moved to Wyoming not too  long ago. We believed it was a good place to raise children. With the recent and  reactive expansion of gun laws and the profoundly serious dangers of fracking,  we find we are seriously reconsidering our decision, which is wrenching to all  of us. However, the safety of our family must come first. We are waiting to see  what the legislature does this session. I know of other new-to-Wyoming families  in similar contemplation. Your choices matter. It would be sad to see an exodus  of educated, childrearing-age adults from Wyoming as a result of poor  lawmaking.”

No doubt expecting the soothing platitudes typical of most “California”-style  legislators, it must have been a shock when Rep. Hunt forthrightly replied,  “I’ll be blunt. If you don’t like the political atmosphere of Wyoming, then by  all means, leave. We, who have been here a very long time (I am proudly fourth  generation) are quite proud of our independent heritage. I don’t expect a ‘mass  exodus’ from our state just because we’re standing up for our rights. … It  offends me to no end when liberal out-of-staters such as yourself move into  Wyoming, trying to get away from where they came from, and then pompously demand  that Wyoming conform to their way of thinking.”

Rep. Hunt’s response went viral and received the enthusiastic approval of  millions of people around the country who’ve suffered from “Californication” for  decades.

Let’s face it, this is typical of “Californians” (and please remember the  term refers to attitude, not geographic origin) who move away from the  gutter they’ve created through excessive legislation and tax laws built on envy,  into places where the locals are enjoying their constitutional rights and making  a living with their area’s natural resources.  Then, through complaints and  agitation and ganging up, these “Californians” raise taxes and restrict freedoms  and otherwise drag their new home down to the same cesspool they worked so hard  to leave behind.  Finally, after succeeding in their mission to “improve” their  new home, they complain that things are too expensive and restrictive.  Then  it’s time to move on, dragging their liberal strategies with them and leaving  another progressive California-style nightmare behind.

Presumably these out-of-staters don’t recognize their tactics as being  destructive.  They’re only trying to do good, you see.  They just want to  tutor the poor ignorant locals to get in touch with their feeeeeelings  rather than bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles.  They’re just here to  help.

These “Californians” have an enormous disconnect between cause and effect.   They don’t recognize that the effect of gun confiscation is skyrocketing crime,  or that shutting down economic opportunities means unemployment.   They never  seem to “get” that the progressive policies they endorse cause the crime,  pollution, out-of-control spending, regulations and taxes that chased them out  of “California” to begin with.

Michael Savage once wrote a book called “Liberalism  is a Mental Disorder.”  The behavior of “Californians” supports this  premise.  It’s been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing  over and over and expecting a different result.  Californication always means  failure and suffering, usually for others.  Its practitioners are, by this  definition, insane.

So my advice to “Californians” everywhere is this: stay where you are.  We  don’t want you.  Read Matthew  7:3-5, then clean up your own cesspool before criticizing the ways of  others.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/californicating-our-nation/#hXyBi4709uTDLXDE.99

Entry #346


Avatar JAP69 -
" Rep. Hunt forthrightly replied, “I’ll be blunt."
Avatar CARBOB -
I agree with your assessment about attitude. I lived in the area known as silicon valley, an area reaching from south SF to San Jose. I lived in Wyoming for 6 years and the people who are considered "locals" are down to earth, friendly, not hard to live with. To give an idea of the locals, one Christmas eve, in the afternoon. I was with some guys in a bar, The Four Winds, the governor walked in and began setting up the house, wishing everyone Merry Christmas. How many states have a governor with that type of attitude. People in Montana are the same way. I have many stories about California people that I associated with, working and socially. They were not like the ones you described, very down to earth.
Avatar sully16 -
Good article, If you don't like it leave! Love it!
Avatar emilyg -
Excellent read.
Avatar rdgrnr -
We get 'em in TN too, from all over. They come here cuz there's no state income tax and what's the first thing they do when they get here? You guessed it! They vote for Democrats who want to start a state income tax! You can spot the goofy lookin' dorks pretty easy. They all look a lot like Harry Reid.

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