Heartland patriots: The key to bucking tyranny


Heartland patriots: The key to bucking tyranny

Exclusive: Patrice Lewis has faith when riots begin, the  unbrainwashed will stand firm


author-imageby Patrice  Lewis Email  | Archive
Patrice Lewis is a  freelance writer whose latest book is "The  Simplicity Primer: 365 Ideas for Making Life more Livable." She is  co-founder (with her husband) of a home woodcraft business. The Lewises live on  20 acres in north Idaho with their two homeschooled children, assorted  livestock, and a shop that overflows into the house with depressing regularity.   Visit her blog at www.rural-revolution.com.More ↓Less  ↑

Does it seem to you like there is far more strife within America in the last  few years? Brother against brother, women against men, parents against children,  neighbor against neighbor, race against race, faith against faith …

You’re not imagining things.  It’s happening. And a great deal of this strife  can be directly or indirectly traced back to the government and its  programs.

 How?  Let’s examine this.

It is the natural course for government (any government, really) to gain  power by dismantling or neutralizing any restrictions placed upon it.  In  America, those restrictions are found in the Constitution and Bill of  Rights.

But the government can’t just declare the Constitution null and void.  Too  sudden, too dangerous.  Instead, it must incrementally remove these restrictions  by fomenting dissension among citizens, using divisive tactics, and then  proposing the suspension of certain liberties in the name of “safety” or  “fairness.”

The plan is deceptively simple.  The first thing to do is create dependency  whenever possible.  The government has done this by pushing (actively  pushing) welfare on any and all who want it.  By removing the incentive  to work, eradicating the need for fathers and subsidizing unwed motherhood, the  government has created a multi-generational dependent class rife with poverty,  apathy, violence and criminal behavior.

Next, nurture distrust between economic levels.  By implying that the  economic playing field should be leveled (regardless of effort) and the rich  should “pay their fair share” (regardless of reality), the twin sins of envy and  greed are cultivated.  Productive citizens are punished for their success, and  unproductive citizens are encouraged to take without earning.  Imagine what this  does to personal incentive on either end of the spectrum.

Next, discourage entrepreneurship by imposing insane and unnecessary  bureaucratic red tape on businesses to keep us all “safe” from any harm and make  things “fair” to anyone whose feelings get hurt.  This discourages the free  market and makes room for state-controlled monopolies.

Next, reduce the need for self-control.  By removing the consequences of poor  decisions, the government breeds indulgence, decadence and selfishness.   Self-disciplined people are self-governed.  Those without self-control need  strong government to control them.  The more personal responsibility our  government can convince us to surrender, the more power it obtains over us.

Next, cultivate hatred between racial groups.  “Obama has repeatedly returned  to the well of racial divisiveness to serve his political ends,” notes Ann  Coulter, and this administration has certainly seen far more racial violence and  tension than any time since the Civil Rights Movement of the ’60s (but without  the noble motivation).

Next, take hold of the children.  Progressive indoctrination in government  schools has been taking place for decades.  Children are imprisoned and subject  to mind control to the extent that even nibbling a Pop-Tart into the shape of a  gun can get a kid into trouble.  Children are trained to passively submit to  violations of their free speech (stifling any references to God, pro-life  sentiments, or patriotic expressions) and to submit to violations of their  persons and property (metal detectors, locker searches, urine tests).  And they  are taught only a progressive agenda, often in defiance of parental values and  always in defiance of civilized and decent behavior.

Next, plunge the nation into debt so massive that an economic collapse is a  statistical certainty.  The scale of societal upheaval (in commerce,  transportation, and justice) in the aftermath of such a collapse has no  precedent in America.

Next, water down the right of self-defense by claiming certain pieces of  metal are evil in and of themselves, and therefore illegal for any civilian to  own.  Only elites and their guards are permitted to own them.

Next, demonize gun owners.  Categorize trained veterans as mentally unstable  and therefore unfit to possess firearms.  Confiscate weapons from any citizen  speaking his mind in public or seeking medical care.

Next, use crude, offensive and sneering labels for anyone who opposes these  tactics.  The most popular labels include racists, birthers, teabaggers,  right-wing nutjobs, fanatics, tinfoil hat wearers, conspiracy theorists, etc.   I’m sure you can think of more.

And above all, be patient.  The government can afford to take 50 years to  create a dependent class.  It can afford to wait a few generations to breed out  any vestiges of pride or self-reliance in children, their parents and their  grandparents.

These divide-and-conquer strategies work.  They keep the masses bickering  among themselves.  And while we the people quarrel with each other, our  attention is diverted away from the government, which is gradually dismantling  the Constitution and implementing anti-constitutional legislation to control us.  All for our own good, of course.

When the dependent class gives in to violence and begins rioting, the  government will find it convenient to intervene.  Perhaps they will implement  martial law or impose gun confiscation on everyone (not just rioters) to  calm the masses and reduce strife… the very strife the government purposely  created.

Always, always, it comes down to self-defense.  As long as its citizens are  armed, no government can succeed to despotism.  That’s why they spend  generations training children about the evils of guns.  That’s why they’re  hostile to patriotic families.  That’s why they sneer at veterans and tell them  they’re too mentally unstable to own firearms.  That’s why our politicians,  public schools and other federal branches demonize guns and gun owners at every  possible opportunity.  The government must disarm us, whatever it  takes.

But I have hope for our future, and I’ll tell you why: America is unique  among nations.  We do not have deep roots of meek obedience and passivity in the  face of government abuse.  At heart, we remain a stubborn and independent  people.  While the flicker of autonomy has been forever quashed in some, for  most of us that irrepressible spark can never be fully eradicated.  Our heritage  of freedom, liberty, self-reliance and sheer orneriness will eventually  rise.

When it does, our own government might be shocked and appalled at the unified  spirit of opposition that will sweep our country, bypassing liberal bastions but  rooting deep in the heartland.

And if the government elites come for our guns, they’re going to find  themselves facing a conflagration larger than anything they could ever imagine.   By and large, the heartland of America hasn’t been brainwashed into the  progressive groupthink that’s been so successful in the cities.

When it comes time to reclaim our country, we’ll be ready.  We’ll no longer  be brother against brother, blacks against whites, rich against poor, elite  against the masses.

We’ll be patriots against tyranny.  Just as America has always  been.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/heartland-patriots-the-key-to-bucking-tyranny/#dPOkfyEdmhMBDf38.99

Entry #368


Avatar JAP69 -
I just read recently the VA is refusing to turn over mental evaluations of VA patients.
The feds want the evaluations to take away veterans firearms.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Exactly Jap, but this will never happen, too many patriots to see otherwise...
Avatar emilyg -
We'll be ready.
Avatar sully16 -
Great article.
Avatar jarasan -
We ain't going to let them get over.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Good piece.

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