A house divided, or Reality?


A tale of 2 nations: Patriots and Patricians

Exclusive: Patrice Lewis asks, what if 225 million Americans  simply said 'NO'?

author-imagePatrice  Lewis About | Email | Archive 

Patrice Lewis is a freelance writer whose  latest book is "The  Simplicity Primer: 365 Ideas for Making Life more Livable." She is  co-founder (with her husband) of a home woodcraft business. The Lewises live on  20 acres in north Idaho with their two homeschooled children, assorted  livestock, and a shop that overflows into the house with depressing regularity.   Visit her blog at www.rural-revolution.com.

Once upon a time, we were One Nation Under God.  Sure, America had its  faults, but overall things were fairly good and we worked to make improvements.  The government understood that its purpose was to safeguard the Rights (note the  capital “R”) with which we were endowed by our Creator; and most other  legislative matters were left to the states per the 10th Amendment.  America had  public servants, but these people were just that – servants.  They were there to  uphold the Constitution.

That was then.  This is now.

Today we have two nations, peopled separately by what I’ll call the Patriots  and the Patricians.

Patriots (We the People) work hard, raise our kids, build businesses, don’t  take government handouts and otherwise engage in mature, responsible lives.   Patriots don’t look to the government to bail us out of our mortgages, pay for  our health care, or otherwise nanny us.  Historically, we are the folks who made  America thrive.

Then there are Patricians, leaders of a separate America, the core of which  consists of less than 600 people in the three branches of government.   Patricians now occupy the Patriots’ America, utilizing millions of useful idiots  who support everything the Patricians do, no matter how intrusive and  anti-constitutional it may be.

Patricians don’t allow their subjugated Patriots to do anything without begging permission.  If someone wants to start a business, build a  house, partake of a medical procedure, sell a food item, or purchase a rifle …  he can only do so after wading through massive bureaucratic red tape designed to  make people “safe.”  Additionally, Patricians force Patriots to pay for the  useful idiots’ illegitimate babies, college educations, mortgages, health care,  food and anything else their greedy and fertile minds can imagine.  They believe  Patriot pockets are bottomless and abundant, and Patriots should empty those  pockets without question or complaint.

The least infraction (such as a kid wearing an NRA T-shirt) will trigger a  resounding punishment calculated to instill maximum fear.  Patricians feel  entitled to intrude into every facet of Patriots’ lives.  And if Patriots  object, Patrician stormtroopers kick in their doors.  Where does safety end and  tyranny begin?

Additionally, in a classic Cloward-Piven strategy, Patricians create chaos,  incite restlessness, overwhelm the system and create so much pain that Patriots  will accept anything to make it stop.  H. L. Mencken said, “The aim of practical  politics is to keep the populace alarmed – and hence clamorous to be led to  safety – menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them  imaginary.”

As the recent lock-down in Boston illustrated, martial law has become  frighteningly easy to impose.  Innocent people can be ripped out of their homes  at gunpoint in the name of “safety.”  There need be no warrants and no probable  cause – only fear.  Supported by the media, Patriots are being  conditioned to accept governmental lawlessness.  Boston was merely a  beta-test.

Now we have Patrician Mayor Michael Bloomberg stating that the country’s  interpretation of the Constitution (which Patricians loathe anyway) will  “have to change” to allow for greater security in order to stave off future  terrorist attacks.  Who determines the “change”?  And remember, “change” will  only affect law-abiding citizens.  For criminals and terrorists, it’s business  as usual.

“Sometimes it seems the war on terrorism is really a war on the people of the  United States,” noted Joseph  Farah, “and, particularly, on their liberty, as DHS and other agencies  target entire classifications of law-abiding Americans rather than those  who pose the gravest threat.” [Emphasis added.]

If there is one flaw common to Patriots – a flaw the Patricians exploit with  enthusiasm – it’s a failure to understand how evil, calculating and far-seeing  Patricians really are.  Part of that failure happens when Patriots give over  their children’s education to Patrician schools. As Thomas Jefferson said, “An  enlightened people cannot be enslaved.”  Patricians strive (successfully) to  keep Patriot children unenlightened, the better to enslave them.

The Patricians delight in enacting tyrannical laws all Patriots must follow,  while making themselves exempt (see examples here, here, here and here).  Their oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign  and domestic mean NOTHING to them. Why should it?  Patricians do not  support individual liberty and freedom. They are the domestic  enemies.  They believe only in power.  Their power.

Patriots, ever hopeful, believe they can persuade the Patricians to see the  error of their ways through letters, emails, phone calls and votes.  But  Patricians don’t listen.  During recent gun-control  debates in Colorado, “… the vast majority of citizens testifying before the  legislature were opposed to any new gun control laws. However, frequently their  testimony was dismissed and treated with disdain by Democratic lawmakers who  seemed to have already made up their minds about passing the laws.”

In short, the only voices the Patricians listen to are the voices of other  Patricians.  When occasionally their drive for power is thwarted legislatively  (such as massive gun control), then the Patricians simply bypass the legislative  roadblock with an Executive  Order to force the legislation through against the will of the Patriots.

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,” said Thomas  Jefferson, “so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so  the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”  No wonder  Patricians loathe Thomas Jefferson.  He and the other founders knew them for the  criminals they are.

To see the Patrician future of America, we need look no further than  California, a state that is bankrupt, tyrannical, restrictive and expensive; a  place where people are defenseless by government edict and crime runs rampant; a  place where the slightest desire to do something independent and self-sufficient  (raise some chickens? start a small business? build a shed? plant a garden?  homeschool your kids?) requires so much Patrician boot-licking that people often  give up in despair.  In a collectivist society (a Patrician utopia), there  simply isn’t room for people who want liberty.  Too many Patriots finally just  surrender.  It’s easier.

I fear we will soon become One Nation once again, a nation where Patriots are  forcibly subdued and Patricians (and their useful idiots) will have dominion.   But it sure as heck won’t be a nation under God.

The solution, of course, is revolution, just as it was in 1776.  But need it  be violent?  Could it be a “Ghandi” revolution?  What if 225 million Patriots  simply said “NO”?  NO to Patrician threats. NO to government usurpation of  God-given Rights.  NO to the chains of tyranny. No NoNO!

If Patricians have one flaw, it is arrogance and overconfidence, and the  resulting underestimation of the resolve of Patriots.  For too long Patriots  have been quiet.  For too long we’ve been cowed.  For too long we’ve been naïve.  But that time is done. And Patriots everywhere, with a firm reliance on the  protection of divine Providence, are once again pledging to each other our  Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Thomas Jefferson said, “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers  are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of  resistance?”

Patricians, pay heed. Your time is nearly done.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/a-tale-of-2-nations-patriots-and-patricians/#Zb4dWQ3ee0emxcDf.99

Entry #411


Avatar rdgrnr -
Excellent piece DOG, and so true, thanks.

And it may come to that again, where patriots everywhere, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence will once again pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.

We've done it before.
Avatar emilyg -
Maddog - thank you - great read.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
You're welcome Ridge,   You're welcome Em.
Just think if 225 Million people did say NO...!
Avatar sully16 -
Great article, I always love her perspective, will pass this along.

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