Detroit lottery millionaire charged with murder

May 17, 2011, 7:37 am (57 comments)

Insider Buzz

DETROIT, Mi. — A man who was part of a U.S. Postal Service employees group who won a share of the $93 million Mega Millions Jackpot in February is now accused of killing a Detroit landlord from Australia.

In a bizarre twist to the tragic death of Greg McNicol in Detroit, police said suspect Freddie Young won a $1.8 million slice of $93 million Mega Millions lottery.

Young allegedly shot McNicol during an argument over just a few hundred dollars in overdue rent money Young's daughter owed.

"It didn't make any sense," Lieutenant Dwane Blackmon, commanding officer of the Detroit Police Department's homicide division, said. "I guess he just let his anger take over."

Young did not have a criminal record, but Lieutenant Blackmon said interviews with family members indicated he had a "violent temper".

Young was arrested on Saturday and during questioning confessed to the murder, Lieutenant Blackmon said.

McNicol, 45, moved to the US from Victoria about 12 years ago. In February, he purchased a rundown 10-unit apartment complex in Detroit.

Tenants praised McNicol as he worked hard to renovate the building, transforming it from a "rat trap" to a livable environment, with plans to install picnic benches on an adjacent block of land.

An argument broke out on the front lawn of the premises on May 7 between Young's daughter, who lived in the building, and McNicol, who threatened to evict her for not paying her rent.

It is alleged Young drove up in a car, pulled out the silver Colt .45 and shot McNicol in the groin, likely severing a major artery that led to the Australian bleeding to death, Lieutenant Blackmon said.

Young was part of a 13-person P1 Gold Lottery Club that had one of two winning tickets in the February 4 Mega Millions lottery.  In February, Lottery Post reported that the group included 13 postal workers from the priority mail processing center in Romulus.

The members of the lottery pool chose to take the cash option of just over $29 million, less taxes, leaving Young with about $1.8 million.

Ed Moore, a local spokesman for the U.S. Postal Service, confirmed Young was a 13-year employee, but didn't have additional information Monday night about whether he was in the lottery club.

Andrea Brancato, a state lottery spokeswoman, said Monday night she could only confirm the name of the winning group, not its individual members.

News of the lottery win surprised residents at McNicol's building. Residents said they were devastated by the loss of the man who had purchased the building, fixed it up and befriended tenants.

Florida Benton said given his reported status as a millionaire and the alleged rent dispute, she questioned the suspect's motives.

"What kind of a man are you?" she asked.

Lieutenant Blackmon added, "You wouldn't think an individual who was pretty much set for his life financially would go over to the apartment complex and do what he did."

Young has been charged with first-degree murder and a felony firearm charge. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

He has been remanded in custody.

Detroit, the home of the US automobile industry, was slammed by the recession, with property prices plummeting as a quarter of the city's population left the city the past decade, resulting in thousands of homes being abandoned.

McNicol was one of many investors enticed to buy discounted property in the ailing city and community leaders fear his murder will turn new investors away.

"By all accounts he was a landlord hoping to have a positive impact in the community," Detroit prosecutor Kym Worthy said.

"This is extremely discouraging and I sincerely hope that this does not have a chilling effect for others who want to do business in the city of Detroit."

McNicol's Brazilian-born wife, Karen, has vowed to continue the work her husband began at the apartment complex.

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Lottery Post Staff


Raven62's avatarRaven62

Their may be more to this story: Considering McNicol was shot in the groin...

Being a Mega Millions Jackpot Winner: Doesn't make one smart or non-violent...

dallascowboyfan's avatardallascowboyfan

Sad story.........RIP Mr. McNicol may God bless your family that you leave behind......... true Raven62 there may be more to the story however base on the info that we have this gives Young no right to do what he did. If he felt his daughter was being treated unfailry he should have hired an attorney and persued legal action.

OK now on to this lunatic Young, he does not deserve to be addresed as Mr. you deserve everything that you get in prison and then some.....

Oh and to the daughter pay your bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lottery Queen's avatarLottery Queen

That's Jacked Up Darn Shame

sully16's avatarsully16

I saw this on the news, the daughter called daddy when she was being evicted, and started a fight with Mr. Mcnicol, daddy raced up in his car shot, Mr. Mcnicol , jumped back in his car and raced off. As far as I am concerned the daughter should be charged also, sad story , but a daily one here in Detroit.

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

Rest in Peace Mr. Mcnicol!

Detroit is what is wrong with America ............. the Greed of Envycrowd is entitled to what ever they want .............. you don't have to pay rent ............... "Obama got a stash"

When I win, I will invest carefully .................... I will look at the political demographics and go where the people don't expect something for nothing!

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax


MADDOG10's avatarMADDOG10

Quote: Originally posted by Raven62 on May 17, 2011

Their may be more to this story: Considering McNicol was shot in the groin...

Being a Mega Millions Jackpot Winner: Doesn't make one smart or non-violent...

It's possible that there is more to this story, or just that this man was a poor shot.

Either way it doesn't justify this man getting gunned down and left to die. When are people going to realize the " MOUTH " is more powerful and can do more damage than a weapon.

A war of words would have sufficed in this situation, rather than a man having to die for a couple of hundred dollars.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

This is an absolutely inhuman, inconceivable, unconscionable, insufferable outrage.

It's reminiscent of the mindless murder of Abraham Shakespeare by another scumbucket .

The weeds always choke out the flowers.

I would love to have 15 minutes in the cell with this piece of crap SOB.

Unfortunately, this is where the entitlement mentality of liberalism always leads.

Detroit is it's flagship, shining example and showpiece.

butterflykt's avatarbutterflykt

Quote: Originally posted by sully16 on May 17, 2011

I saw this on the news, the daughter called daddy when she was being evicted, and started a fight with Mr. Mcnicol, daddy raced up in his car shot, Mr. Mcnicol , jumped back in his car and raced off. As far as I am concerned the daughter should be charged also, sad story , but a daily one here in Detroit.

I totally agree with you.  Such a sad story to hear.

Littleoldlady's avatarLittleoldlady

This is very sad.  a person trying to make a positive impact on society gunned down by someone who didn't have a clue to the real meaning of life.  To his daughter, pay YOUR OWN BILLS!! Now that your Dad is going to prison for the rest of his life, who will pay them now?  To the family of the slain man, you have my deepest condolences.

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on May 17, 2011

This is an absolutely inhuman, inconceivable, unconscionable, insufferable outrage.

It's reminiscent of the mindless murder of Abraham Shakespeare by another scumbucket .

The weeds always choke out the flowers.

I would love to have 15 minutes in the cell with this piece of crap SOB.

Unfortunately, this is where the entitlement mentality of liberalism always leads.

Detroit is it's flagship, shining example and showpiece.

Amen Brother !



Gee I wonder if they will prosecute this as a Hate crime?   Probably not....If  I were to win a jackpot I would get out of Detroit and possibly Michigan sas quickly as possible!      Maybe the should have a Law that If you have worked for the US Post Office you should have a mental exam before you can own a gun?  LOL Big Smile...Anyhow I hope this guy gets the death penalty or many years in prison...but somehow I think he will probably just blame "Whitey" for his rage and get off by a jury of his Peers......

louise black

Quote: Originally posted by petergrfn on May 17, 2011

Gee I wonder if they will prosecute this as a Hate crime?   Probably not....If  I were to win a jackpot I would get out of Detroit and possibly Michigan sas quickly as possible!      Maybe the should have a Law that If you have worked for the US Post Office you should have a mental exam before you can own a gun?  LOL Big Smile...Anyhow I hope this guy gets the death penalty or many years in prison...but somehow I think he will probably just blame "Whitey" for his rage and get off by a jury of his Peers......

What! the hell are you  people talking about Obama what I am so dam tired of you people blaming everyting on  President Obama and Liberals. If there was something like he was having his way with my daughter,he meet the same faith at my hand not to say this was the case.Cussing Face

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by louise black on May 17, 2011

What! the hell are you  people talking about Obama what I am so dam tired of you people blaming everyting on  President Obama and Liberals. If there was something like he was having his way with my daughter,he meet the same faith at my hand not to say this was the case.Cussing Face

Louise, just to be clear, you're saying that this guy was correct to shoot the landlord, and that you would do the same thing?

louise black

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on May 17, 2011

This is an absolutely inhuman, inconceivable, unconscionable, insufferable outrage.

It's reminiscent of the mindless murder of Abraham Shakespeare by another scumbucket .

The weeds always choke out the flowers.

I would love to have 15 minutes in the cell with this piece of crap SOB.

Unfortunately, this is where the entitlement mentality of liberalism always leads.

Detroit is it's flagship, shining example and showpiece.

You know Rdgrnr I wish they would give you 20 min. with him also. What is sad is that every chance you Obama hater get a chance .You shoot even if its blind shooting. Are you people forgetting it was the Black man who had the money. I believe it's more to the story. Just like it was more to the Maria and Arnold breaking up!Wink

freeobama's avatarfreeobama

May Mr.McNicol rest in peace.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by louise black on May 17, 2011

You know Rdgrnr I wish they would give you 20 min. with him also. What is sad is that every chance you Obama hater get a chance .You shoot even if its blind shooting. Are you people forgetting it was the Black man who had the money. I believe it's more to the story. Just like it was more to the Maria and Arnold breaking up!Wink

Louise, I think you may be confusing me with someone else.

I didn't say anything about Obama or white or black or who had money.

I said the weeds always choke out the flowers. Bad people kill good people.

I don't like bad people and I don't care what color they are.

But liberalism always favors and makes life easier for bad people.

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

Normally I would agree to not jump the gun and assume things. The Gent "CONFESSED", need there be more? I respect the man for owning up as now the judicial system will run its course. Doesnt make for any more sense to this senseless crime. He will pay his dues that no money can buy.

THe slain victims family has my prayers. So terribly sad and done in such a heartless way....


You can not move anywhere, to avoid studpidity.  Its in every state and country.  Its found in every class of people, every ethnic group, and whether you have money or not.  Its not exclusive to liberals or conservatives.  Its not exclusive to hillbillies or ghetto monsters.  Look at Arnold & Maria.  He worth $300million and she worth $100million. 

Humanity has good and bad, and this story is only about the bad choice the father made bringing a gun to a dispute about rent.  Its about good and bad people, not anything else.


the daughter will probably get his cash at least...maybe she set him up to get it...

tiggs95's avatartiggs95

louise black please before you post make sure it's a post we can understand..This had nothing to do with Obama at all..It's a Postal worker who shot and killed a landlord who was trying to help people...No one should take the law into their own hands..ridge never said anything about black white or Obama..Calm down and think before you post..

maringoman's avatarmaringoman

This is a sad story. A seemingly good man is shot dead by an evil guy. I do not know the full facts of what happened

 but one family lost their son/nephew/husband/brother/father while he was doing a good thing to society. The shooter will go to

jail for a long time, does Michigan have the death penalty because the murderer does not deserve to live.  Hopefully the apartments

 had security cameras that caught the whole incident. The shooter cannot escape responsibility on this one. 

 All this other stuff about the color of the people involved and the liberals and conservatives and President Obama are irrelevant.

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss

Quote: Originally posted by louise black on May 17, 2011

What! the hell are you  people talking about Obama what I am so dam tired of you people blaming everyting on  President Obama and Liberals. If there was something like he was having his way with my daughter,he meet the same faith at my hand not to say this was the case.Cussing Face

This post by you is the first mention of Obam in this thread.

No matter what happens to the untermensch that shot and killed the victim, the victim's family has already gotten life.


Quote: Originally posted by maringoman on May 17, 2011

This is a sad story. A seemingly good man is shot dead by an evil guy. I do not know the full facts of what happened

 but one family lost their son/nephew/husband/brother/father while he was doing a good thing to society. The shooter will go to

jail for a long time, does Michigan have the death penalty because the murderer does not deserve to live.  Hopefully the apartments

 had security cameras that caught the whole incident. The shooter cannot escape responsibility on this one. 

 All this other stuff about the color of the people involved and the liberals and conservatives and President Obama are irrelevant.

You say the accused is evil because he killed someone. And yet you are in favor of the death penalty. Does that not make the state evil?

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by Mario38 on May 17, 2011

You say the accused is evil because he killed someone. And yet you are in favor of the death penalty. Does that not make the state evil?

You're a liberal. What a surprise.

Let's coddle the criminal now and make sure he gets all his rights. The hell with the victim and his family. Let's make sure the killer is comfortable. Let's make sure he doesn't meet the same fate as the guy he brutally murdered in cold blood. Let's hold a candle light vigil in support of the murderer. 

You people make me wanna puke.

TheBox1225's avatarTheBox1225

Quote: Originally posted by dpoly1 on May 17, 2011

Rest in Peace Mr. Mcnicol!

Detroit is what is wrong with America ............. the Greed of Envycrowd is entitled to what ever they want .............. you don't have to pay rent ............... "Obama got a stash"

When I win, I will invest carefully .................... I will look at the political demographics and go where the people don't expect something for nothing!

what does Obama have to do with this


Quote: Originally posted by louise black on May 17, 2011

What! the hell are you  people talking about Obama what I am so dam tired of you people blaming everyting on  President Obama and Liberals. If there was something like he was having his way with my daughter,he meet the same faith at my hand not to say this was the case.Cussing Face

LOL!  I Don't want to start a flame war on this thread so I'm not going to get started on Obama.  But.....It is pretty funny that if you look back at my post I said NOTHING about President Obama or Liberals...just about Hate Crimes and blame whitey and you instantly think of OBAMA!  Big Grin        I was just pointing out that a jury of his peers in Detroit MI could have a mentality that maybe the white guy had it coming..and the jury could nullify.   The only thing about the Obama Administration you could possibly get out of my post was maybe that Attorney General Eric Holder has refused to prosecute "Hate Crimes" commited against white folks.   But anyhow whatever happens happens and I can't control it......In the end this guy is responsible for his own actions.  If he is found guilty or not guilty by the justice system he will still have to answer for his sins to GOD....

OwlCreekBridge's avatarOwlCreekBridge

so Freddy Young goes from winning 1.8 million dollars in the lottery to life in prison, all within the span of 3 months. Amazing.

time*treat's avatartime*treat

Quote: Originally posted by OwlCreekBridge on May 17, 2011

so Freddy Young goes from winning 1.8 million dollars in the lottery to life in prison, all within the span of 3 months. Amazing.

Somewhere, a lawyer is dancing. Dance

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