Powerball fever spreads as jackpot reaches $177 million

Oct 6, 2004, 8:25 am (25 comments)


At Gold Mart, a small convenience store near the Rhode Island border, dreams cost exactly $1

When no one came up with Saturdays winning Powerball ticket, an already sweet pot got a whole lot sweeter. Before the low-stakes gambling public knew what hit them, $177 million was at stake for tonights drawing.

Until 9 p.m., Powerball veterans and fortune hunters from as far away as Boston will descend on convenience stores like Gold Mart, buying one, two, even 40 chances to hit it big.

Gold Mart manager P.J. Patel isnt complaining -- on Monday a single customer spent $300 to improve his Powerball prospects.

By late Tuesday afternoon, a steady stream of low-rollers, mostly from Attleboro, found its way to Gold Marts lottery register -- convenience store gamblers all, but no two alike.

Some folks play Powerball as a part of their weekly routine; some are in it for that one big jackpot; most fall somewhere in between.

Tracey Rounds of Attleboro bought five numbers.

"I dont buy these on a regular basis," she said, "only when the amount gets up there. I figure you cant win if you dont play."

Jeff Monty of Attleboro is a Powerball player of a different breed. Monty said he buys tickets seven or eight times a week. On Monday he bought $40 worth. On Tuesday he spent another $15.

Despite varying levels of dedication and investment, all Powerball players have one thing in common: a willingness to plunk down a few dollars for an excuse to daydream about a life unfettered by work and cash-related worry.

"I think I would pay all of my power bills, buy a house and donate a bunch of money to charity," Rounds said of her post-win plans.

Montys answer was short and sweet, but no less considered.

"Id quit my job," he said.

Patels fortunes are more certain than his customers. Tuesday was good, but Wednesday will be even better, he said.

With $177 million waiting in the wings, Patel didnt mind stating the obvious: "Everybody wants money, man," he said.

Kent County Daily Times

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fja's avatarfja

I'm a little surprised that the dollar amount didnt jump again based on sales before the draw....they must not be selling as much as they think!

RJOh's avatarRJOh

The big jump will come tonight if there is no jackpot winner, I wouldn't be surprised if it jumped $30M plus.  A couple of more roll overs and they'll start adding to the second prize amount.


urbossmanpimpin's avatarurbossmanpimpin

the jackpot can  only increase by a max of $25mill per roll over. Thats why it doesn't increase like MM.

rock_nc's avatarrock_nc

well, i went and got my 2 dollars worth of tickets.

i even picked my own numbers,what's the odds, i wonder?l

fxdwg's avatarfxdwg
Quote: Originally posted by rock_nc on October 06, 2004

well, i went and got my 2 dollars worth of tickets.

i even picked my own numbers,what's the odds, i wonder?l

One in 120 million
RJOh's avatarRJOh


For the $25M limit to kick in and they start adding to the 2nd prize level, the jackpot has to reach a record level first and it's not there yet.


RJOh's avatarRJOh
Quote: Originally posted by fxdwg on October 06, 2004

Quote: Originally posted by rock_nc on October 06, 2004

well, i went and got my 2 dollars worth of tickets.

i even picked my own numbers,what's the odds, i wonder?l

One in 120 million

If he bought 2 tickets rather than 1 with powerplay then his chances are Two in 120 millions

fxdwg's avatarfxdwg
Quote: Originally posted by RJOh on October 06, 2004

Quote: Originally posted by fxdwg on October 06, 2004

Quote: Originally posted by rock_nc on October 06, 2004

One in 120 million

If he bought 2 tickets rather than 1 with powerplay then his chances are Two in 120 millions

 Chances yes but the Odds remain the same
urbossmanpimpin's avatarurbossmanpimpin

well i got 27 on it. . . . .

DoctorEw220's avatarDoctorEw220

dude. 27? i hope you have enough money to afford that, and food, bills, etc. you don't want to go over-budget on a big jackpot.

urbossmanpimpin's avatarurbossmanpimpin

the only reason I

fxdwg's avatarfxdwg
Quote: O
urbossmanpimpin's avatarurbossmanpimpin

YES YES YES the dreams of w

RJOh's avatarRJOh

In a Lotto South Test that I'm participating in another thread in the Lottery Discussion Forum, I've matched 4 twice and matched 3 several times in four trys with 100 random picks.  The other two participant's used their systems to come up with 100 picks each and have only matched 3 three times between them in the same period.  I've been so impressed with those results that I may use the same RNG to pick another 100 lines for PowerBall and travel to Indiana to play them this weekend if there are no jackpot winner tonight.  If I only matched 4, it would be like get 100 chances at over $200M for free and even if I don't win much and I played every bonus ball twice, it would cost $94 or less for those 100 chances.  It would be a gamble, but if the jackpot rolls over to over $200M, it'll be a good time to gamble.




Does anyone know what time the oct 6, 2004 eveing powerball drawing is at?

Todd's avatarTodd

At 11:00 tonight go to this link and if it's not there yet keep hitting the Refresh button until it appears.  Alternatively, try this link.

fxdwg's avatarfxdwg

Aw not that I had

urbossmanpimpin's avatarurbossmanpimpin

ok.....it rolled so that me

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Quote: Originally posted by urbossmanpimpin on October 06, 2004

the jackpot can  only increase by a max of $25mill per roll over. Thats why it doesn't increase like MM.

Recheck your information, it increased by $38M this roll over.


urbossmanpimpin's avatarurbossmanpimpin

i have already been put in check by dvdiva ...... lol thx anyway

DoctorEw220's avatarDoctorEw220

would you guys believe my pal Matt (also an RA in my building) knows Jack Whittaker?


$215 million.


I think the amount will increase because of the very big numbers of players and maybe reach $230 for next draw

Quote: O
Quote: O
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