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BlogsResults 311 - 320 of 468 for Legislation. (0.02 seconds)

If Reelected, Obama will Destroy 2nd Amendment
If Reelected, Obama will Destroy 2nd Amendment -reelected-obama-will-destroy-2nd-amendment Excerpt: The first is that Obama, in order to avoid a guaranteed defeat in 2012, has thus far kept his powder dry on gun-related legislation (but not anti-gun regula...
Aug 25, 2012, 3:24 pm - JAP69

Tiny Kamikaze Drones and a new gov't agency
These will only ever be used for noble purposes, like tasers, and only on the battlefield, never by a power-tripping donut-grazer. Oh, wait, there's a new battlefield in town ... your town....
Jan 21, 2012, 10:08 pm - time*treat

Ahhhh, 2012... Election year!
Time to clean house again. We cleaned house in 2010, we're gonna do it again in 2012. This time around, we take the Senate. Some say the Tea Party is dead. LOL. Let them think that. The liberals have been living delusional lives for too long. But most important, we need the Whitehouse. Obama has proven his disdain for the Constitution time and time again. Remember the health care debacle, remember how he told Republicans We won, you lost, we don...
Jan 18, 2012, 11:06 pm - Piaceri

Under the radar on US gun control
Letting the UN do the work on gun control. If they think congress is going to work on passing legislation on this they gonna have some rebuttal on it. How is that liberal agenda working out for ya. This country is going to look more like Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen and all the other nations in revolt pretty soon. The liberal agenda has divided this nation. How do you like it liberals? You must be proud of yourselves....
Jun 7, 2011, 6:35 pm - JAP69

Back up the dump truck, pull the lever, raise the dump box
Dump all the legislation that had time to be handled all year long. Wait until the final days of Dec to dump it for passage. Waited until after the election for all of this of course. Did you ever see such nonsense in all your life. It's pathetic. I hope all this gears up the anger of the voters to get rid of the rest of them next election. Lets see how they are going to maneuver around the legislators in the next 2 years....
Dec 15, 2010, 2:54 pm - JAP69

"Harry Reid's illegal alien student bailout (amnesty - Dream Act)
Harry Reid s illegal alien student bailout ........The so-called DREAM Act would create an official path to Democrat voter registration for an estimated 2 million, college-age illegal aliens. Look past the public relations-savvy stories of undocumented valedictorians left out in the cold. This is not about protecting children. It...
Sep 20, 2010, 10:58 am - konane

"Tea Party insurgents prepare to seize power in 2012
- Tea Party insurgents prepare to seize power in 2012 Misunderstood and misrepresented, the Tea Party is a genuinely democratic movement with growing political power, argues Toby Harnden .......A desire for small government, lower taxes and fidelity to the United States Constitution binds members together. There is a prevailing mood of anger towards Washington and a sense...
Sep 20, 2010, 10:51 am - konane

"Retirement Fund Trillions Lure Government Grabbers
- Retirement Fund Trillions Lure Government Grabbers ........Bureaucrats and politicians have been hard at work formulating a social justice excuse to legislate an historic seizure of private assets. ...... .....The public shakedown always employs a two-step tactic to repeatedly dupe the malleable electorate. First, the statists fabricate and incessan...
Sep 14, 2010, 3:49 pm - konane

"Pandering To Trial Lawyers
Interesting facts I've seen other articles allude to. ____________ PANDERING TO TRIAL LAWYERS By Neal Boortz @ July 15, 2010 8:50 AM Permalink Democrats are bought and paid for by the trial lawyers of this country. Over 95% of the considerable campaign contributions made by trial lawyers go to Democrats. In return, Democrats will do anything they can...
Jul 18, 2010, 10:45 am - konane

Liberals analyze their Obama 'despair'
Jul 11, 2010, 7:26 am - truesee