
ForumsResults 101 - 110 of 313 for Television. (0.01 seconds)

Numbers in TV Shows or Movies
My favorite lottery television series episode was from the series Monk the numbers were: 12, 15, 25, 33, 54, 62. (2008-ish I believe) And Monk caught the 'hooligans' painting the lottery balls with magnetic paint to rig the draws. ... too bad neither MM nor PB go up to 62 or I would use them!
Apr 14, 2012, 9:53 pm - maximumfun - Lottery Discussion Forum

If you won a really Big one and you could buy something back for America, What would it be?
I would buy back the old media from the dawn of television and radio. Today's big three tv media outlets, some newspapers, MSNBC, and people like Bill Maher like to force their opinions down your throat and make you believe you're a bad person or a racist communist if you don't agree with them. Just report what happens and let the VIEWERS decide what they want to believe!! Fox started down this path but doesn't seem to be exactly what the idea of we report, you decide should be. America was foun
Jul 27, 2010, 3:24 pm - MdLot66 - Lottery Discussion Forum

How Much Will You Give?
Yeah, that's where it derived from...21 Jumpstreet which was a television series. A Hoveround is an electric wheelchair. Ask him how knows about the Hoverround...and I can tell you all about the bench press... L.L.
Apr 5, 2010, 10:56 pm - Lucky Loser - Lottery Discussion Forum

Any Big Winners Here? TLC Wants To Hear From You!
Has your newfound life as a prizewinner been filled with dream homes and exotic trips? Have you used your winnings to donate to charities or family, rebuild local communities, or create the business ventures of your dreams? We want to hear about your unique stories and be there to capture these life-changing moments for a major cable television network. Sounds like they are interested in Big lottery winners who are Big spenders and want to be known.
Mar 17, 2010, 4:10 pm - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

Should there be Lost Winning Tickets Bounty Hunters?
There are already lost winning ticket bounty hunters, they're the people who sift throuh store trash bags and dumpsters for mistakenly discarded tickets. Also regular people who see unsigned tickets on the ground, picking them up on the off chance one might be a winner. Lottery Post featured a story about one older gentleman who found a discarded unsigned ticket which became subject of a lawsuit. That man was a bounty hunter of sorts .... perhaps someone can find the specific story. However i
Jul 3, 2009, 3:31 pm - konane - Lottery Discussion Forum

Universal Studios, Powerball and the Art of Deception
Putting two and two together is relatively easy. If you'd like to see if that kind of fakery can be made to look real, you don't have to look far. It's staring you right in the face almost every day. It can illustrate the level of perfection that has been achieved in a variety of applications from total CGI to CGI with live action embedded. It is the TELEVISION COMMERCIAL. Just watch carefully how the Unreal can be made to Look Real. This is just one example of an application in the Art of Decep
Feb 21, 2009, 9:01 am - JADELottery - Lottery Discussion Forum

The JP and fast food
Yes, Pac. Everything is a conspiracy. Food, water, cigarettes, television...there's probably a microchip in those boxers (or briefs) you bought last week. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I found out LP is run by terrorist groups. They want people in the United States to get hooked on the lottery, start to believe there is actually a system or a code and they will break it, and all of us will go broke trying to win. Then they will convince us to move to China where all the jobs are and...
Jan 5, 2008, 7:13 pm - justxploring - Lottery Discussion Forum

FL Lottery is trying to build our trust!
The Lottery always has had live televised drawings, just not on their web site! The Pick-3 and Pick-4 are shown on local television every evening just before 8:00. I haven't seen a live drawing in Orlando, since they changed the format of the Play 4 and doing test draws. Do they show live draws in your area? I'll bet you won't see the test draws. They only flash the results on the local TV channels.
Dec 29, 2007, 6:59 am - CARBOB - Lottery Discussion Forum

Anyone watch E! True Hollywood Story: Curse of the Lottery show?
I have not watched television in a while, but I would never watch one of those shows anyway. To me, winning a lot of money would never be a curse but a true blessing. A curse is an affliction and something that brings evil unhappiness to others. The people who screw up their lives after hitting a jackpot are only doing it to themselves. Money is only a curse when you don't know what to do with it or how to manage your life. Take a $20 bill out of your wallet. Stare at it. It's just a
Jul 28, 2007, 11:33 am - justxploring - Lottery Discussion Forum

Honesty About Your Desire For Wealth
i agree with you spy because why do some people think that only the pastors should be rich while the members should just tithe and be happy with what they have? i agree God doesnt have a problem with you being rich as long as you dont make money your new idol and your new god that is when God has a problem because you are putting a god before Him. the pastors are making millions and some of the television ministries combined near the billion dollar mark so why cant we the believers also be wealt
Apr 23, 2007, 12:12 pm - tnlotto1 - Lottery Discussion Forum