
ForumsResults 141 - 150 of 9597 for If I have my way. (4.15 seconds)

The Most important Lottery Statistics
Benmas: I agree with you 100% on your first post. Lottery drawings are random and the only hope we have of making smart picks is to try to find some kind of pattern we can exploit. For a long time I only bought quick picks. I started getting tired of quick picks that seemed very unlikely to hit. For example for a pick 5 something like: 5-6-7-8-30. I started trying writing all kinds of spreadsheets that would analyze hot/cold, even/odd, hit/skip....etc. It would all look good on paper, but never
May 18, 2008, 2:49 am - Texas MadMan - Mathematics Forum

Every number averages 20 hits per yr.
Hi takeitez,about the names i wrote down, i did not write them down to put these people down or anything.I truly respect these people, 'tho i have never met them in real life. (btw, somehow i must have forgotten Sandy K, the work she puts in is just amazing!) And i forgot others...True, you don't see me posting numbers anymore. I did, for all states lol, and that's a big LOL!How much draws a day? 55 or something?Surely, 10 numbers, some of them will hit, or perhaps even all of them.Then again,
Jan 27, 2006, 5:07 pm - paurths - Mathematics Forum

Mersenne prime number guide
Hi CD,the first draw i have is 05/22/1975, NJ evening. (i have a total draws of over 80 000 today)Well, it's pretty limited since i did not get around to download all of the states/games.I'm sure a premium membership is a pretty great thing, since i heard so many splendid things about it.But i like to have my own data, in my own program, so when i need something or think of a new way of approaching it, i can just code it myself and half an hour later i have a visual of it.Whenever i hear of
Jan 7, 2006, 3:10 pm - paurths - Mathematics Forum

Excel formulas for Pick 3 & 4 help needed
Yes Lottoloot that is excatly what I'm trying to do except not by box by best combination hitting so I can narrow down which combo hit more and what would be a good straight.So for example:047207434070470170407400Total6 This # has been hot across the states.6 hits in 21 days. Not bad!! Remeber this is mid-day only.So I know now that 074 seems to be a good way to play the # but, also 704 and 740 have not come out yet across states. See where I'm going with this. So if I bet 074 straight 047 and 4
Nov 24, 2005, 2:33 pm - powerplayer - Mathematics Forum

This post is for 'pacattack05' and i am offering my support to you on this forum we seem to have the same ideas about patterns and systems and that in random chaos there are actually patterns and these can be used to your advantage however you seem to be persecuted on a daily basis becuse of your beliefs, i suffer the same from work collegues, family and friends. PPeople dont seem to have an open-mind and i share your confusion to why these people even join a forum like this. My first ever post
Aug 24, 2005, 6:18 pm - daveyctvr - Mathematics Forum

Quantum Physics
Some of you, based on this thread of conversation, might be interested in reading The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts, and also some of her other books, which are known as Seth books. Seth was a channeled entity who spoke about how we create our own realities. --through our thoughts and beliefs, and not through dumb luck. Is he right? I don't know. When I see what sure looks like random numbers and winners in the lottery, I doubt it. Yet at other times, it sure SEEMS like
Jan 30, 2005, 10:04 am - LuckyFoxTerrier - Mathematics Forum

Combinatorics & Modus Tollens
This is my hybrid DSH/TGGC chart. It is supposed to be fully colored. Again Lack of DISCIPLINE. I will color it fully tonite after tonites results and will post my lines to play for tommorrow. I also need to print out some A+ charts, because I need help to hit a 3/5. I have not het a 3/5 or a 4/5 yet in this 5/43 So I need to dig a little deeper. Truthfully I have ZERO intution developed for this game yet. I hope to make some of my custom charts soon, and need to prioritize macros for high value
Aug 4, 2020, 5:05 pm - JeetKuneDoLotto - Mathematics Forum

Does Mathematical Innumeracy foster superstitions and support the belief in them?
Jimmy Many of my post take me an hour or more to write. I have with instruction learned to conceal what I consider my biggest weakness which in my eyes places me just above illiteracy. I was found to be dyslexic upon entry into the airforce where I received help. I went from c's and d's in HS math and english to making the Deans List my first semester in college. Most of the writting skills found here will fall around the 8th to 9th grade level. Some may just be being lazy and not
May 25, 2011, 5:15 am - RL-RANDOMLOGIC - Mathematics Forum

Statistics around the balance of even/odd and small/big numbers
RL-RANDOMLOGIC, You said, And by the way JIMBOB I do understand what he was saying exactly... Sorry RL-RANDOMLOGIC, but you DO NOT understand [ALL OF] what dr san said, and I refuse to waste any more time trying to explain it to you. Perhaps dr san will try again. I had a great vacation in Las Vegas a few months ago with one of my sons that I don't get to see very often. He looked over my shoulder in the hotel one night as I composed one of my futile rebuttals here on my laptop. After
Jan 29, 2011, 1:15 am - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Do Not Need Mathematics to Track
Good to see you too... inittowin. I had to return to a regular job in 2004 and worked 40-60 hrs a week for 5 years. When my emploiyer and I parted ways I picked back up tracking after about 6 months of not being able to find another job. Been concentrating on the larger games instead of the Pick 3 and applying some initial ideas I came upon when the Lottery started in Texas in the 1990's. I know a lot of people track the numbers trying to use mathematical formulas, tracking pairs, what usuall
Aug 1, 2010, 2:15 pm - Clipper - Mathematics Forum