
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 87 for education. (3.38 seconds)

Good subject...............................but what we TASTE???????Do we ALL not have an education of some KIND??????????????????????????DO we need direction FROM other'ertherrrrrrrrr......on this EARTH???????????.ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR........CAN we not DIRECT-OWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..........OWNNNNNNN!!Thanks,PSYKOMO
Mar 17, 2005, 11:50 pm - psykomo - Mystical Forum

Mars joins Jupiter in Libra 9/24-10/9
Libra is a Air signJupiter has to do with law,religiontravel,foreigners,far places,education,sports,politics,large bodies of people,rules hospitals,doctors.Libra rules entertainers,politicians,gatherings,women,relationships .Issues such as these takes center stage.I know its election time and football season so enthusiams run high.However caution is needed because of the excessive naturethese planet emit together.Avoid rash actions.These two planets come togetheragain,we seen the floods,hurrican
Sep 24, 2004, 6:20 pm - Blackapple - Mystical Forum

Title 36 of the United States Code
Learn something new every day!!! LOL ] Blessings for Gratitude, Abundance, Prosperity Service. ~~~~~~~~ Title 36 of the United States Code From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Title 36 of the United States Codeoutlines the role of Patriotic Societies and Observances in the United States Code. Subtitle I Patriotic and National Observances and Ceremonies Subtitle II Patriotic and National Organizations Subtitle III Treaty Obligation Organizati
Oct 4, 2011, 6:50 pm - karinda - Mystical Forum

Communisim, Soxialisim, Tlotaliarisim vs Capitalism
by David Ross The Soviet Union was the world's first communist country, so why was its official name the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)? Are socialism and communism actually the same thing? Yes and no, says Norman Markowitz , a history professor at Rutgers University who has taught a course on the history of socialism and communism for the past 40 years. ' The Communist Manifesto ,' published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848, became the foundation of both sociali
Jan 9, 2024, 8:15 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Planetary alignment numbers for today
Hey deo no worries but i completely understand the way you feel i worked for nyc dept of education for years n the principals never would acknowledge the work some of us do wasnt looking for an emmy or anything like that just a simple thank you or job well done would of been appreciated people can be jetks because they dont have anything better to do than to act an ass any who later for the idiots n them ur awesome at wat u do so dont let no low life ppl get to u n steal your joy or blessings th
Jul 26, 2017, 10:38 pm - ladysweetz - Mystical Forum

Visualization/Mind Over Matter
Howdy Ayenowitall,no aspersions of any sort are meant. I generally answer to the last post intended. Observation and agreement is the ticket. Nay sayers that have blinders on without personal knowledge of a given subject motivate my generative discoursiant conversations. Neither magician, mystical savant nor seer, have I ever been nor do I wish to be! This person was raised in a society of telling it like it is and not make blatant remarks if I don't know something for fact. Didn't mean to sta
Nov 7, 2004, 8:13 pm - Teufellj - Mystical Forum

Harve$t Moon Billionaires Club - Members Only
21 Ways Rich People Think Differently World's richest woman Gina Rinehart is enduring a media firestorm over an article in which she takes the jealous middle class to task for drinking, or smoking and socializing rather than working to earn their own fortune. What if she has a point? Steve Siebold, author of How Rich People Think, spent nearly three decades interviewing millionaires around the world to find out what separates them from everyone else. It had little to do wit
Sep 20, 2012, 7:57 pm - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum

Real Live Nightmare
I pray for you Grace and your friend as well as all victims of senseless crimes here in Georgia and the nation. But most of all I pray our generation focus more on the family ( too many fatherless households), improving education and quality of life for our young people. There has to be a better future for our kids. They must have a reverance for human life but many do not. They have given up and are filled with anger and hatred. You were given God's grace . I believe it is a wake up call to
Apr 30, 2017, 11:02 am - c*aramel - Mystical Forum

Popular Toilet Papers, Butt Wipes, Unique Toilets & Humor Corner
World Toilet Day Every November 19th Hold The Potty Jokes: World Toilet Day Seeks To Raise Awareness About Need For Basic Sanitation By Mary Beth Quirk November 19, 2013 The next time you visit your clean, safe commode in the privacy of your own home, take a minute to think about how lucky you are. Seriously. Today is World Toilet Day, and despite the easy potty jokes you could easily summon, a third of the world s population doesn t have access to basic, clean sanitation. Never
Sep 29, 2015, 9:57 pm - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum

Harve$t Moon Billionaires Club - Members Only
America s Greediest: The 2013 Top Ten Butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers. You won t find any of them in this latest annual list of America s most avaricious. You will find wheelers and dealers and a candy store heiress. thanks ~ Sam Pizzigati The headlines haven t been particularly kind to America s most relentlessly greedy over the past year. In just the last month alone, the world s two most visible religious leaders Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama have once again dramatic
Jan 7, 2014, 5:53 pm - Harve$t Moon - Mystical Forum

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