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Lottery software development ideas
Quote: Originally posted by biglooooser on March 26, 2005 I am a professional songwriter, the money I have made in songwriting is of more than I have made in playing the lottery. I do not have a 9-5 job.I am very good at what I do.The great thing about a song is once it is finished,it is on cd and you do not have to take the time with that song any further. Any time I spent is finished, once the song is finished.I can then move on to other things, like the Lottery.The lottery is my HOBBIEI do no
Mar 31, 2005, 6:32 pm - psykomo - Lottery Systems Forum

Gaming the lottery was this couple's retirement plan
Gerald Selbee broke the code of the American breakfast cereal industry because he was bored at work one day, because it was a fun mental challenge, because most things at his job were not fun and because he could because he happened to be the kind of person who saw puzzles all around him, puzzles that other people don't realize are puzzles: the little ciphers and patterns that float through the world and stick to the surfaces of everyday things. This was back in 1966, when Jerry, as he is kno
Mar 1, 2018, 6:10 pm - Todd - Lottery News

Helping others learn how to win
I am admitting that I do not use what Stats calls Probability Math. I have managed to get past the Conspiracy Stuff enough to be interested in what Stats has to say, if he would explain himself. So, if the answer is right in front of those that will see, when I get back at this, I am going to study Probability and more particularly Likelihood AllenB?,..You others would be doing yourselves the biggest favor in taking a more serious look into Probability Math.! I've made it no big secret a
May 28, 2021, 9:13 am - Stat$talker - Lottery Discussion Forum

Cycles - Interesting Numbers
By the Way, I am actually a retired Civil Engineer. I always worked by myself or for firms small enough where I could Survey my own projects. A lot of what i did was design the change to the surface of the Earth with a Grading Plans. Grading Plans placed something on the surface and changed the Elevation. Autocad (Land desk) was the Drawing Program. What is overlooked in all of this is that all points within the Project Area only move vertically. Once the Grading Plan was completed it was back t
Sep 12, 2018, 12:02 am - AllenB - Lottery Discussion Forum

New Systems Forum just based on real stats and facts!
Any person who starts a topic with something like I cracked the lottery or the word guaranteed winning I just skip over. There is not, nor will there ever be a method or system that can produce 100% and if you find one it will be due to a defect in the drawing machine or the operator is corrupt. But RL, these two claims are not mutually exclusive. One can crack a lottery; AND one can with that cracked system, method, formula, whatever you want to call it, still not win 100% of the ti
Oct 4, 2014, 1:26 am - PeerGynt - Lottery Systems Forum

Ping for All
Hey LP Family - Change is in the Air. Mercury moved at around 6 a.m. (EST) to Scorpio and I personally love this line up. Scorpio is dark, dangerous, passionate and infinitely secret-keeping while Mercury just has to tell the tale. This will be the case until 11/2, and perfect for the All Hallows Eve to come. I'd bet most of the farm that tons of LP members dreamed vividly last nite/early morning. Dreams are the domain of Scorpio. If you have second sight ability, it will typically manife
Oct 13, 2011, 10:12 am - Jake - Mystical Forum

Win with Magic ( numbers and more)
Spellcasting with Stones and Gems Don't let the word Spellcasting scare you, it's quite simple actually, most times the stones can be worn as jewelry, we all have rings, bracelets earrings and necklaces made from beautiful stones, we choose them for their beauty, but have you ever considered maybe they choose you? If you were ever walking through the mall and something caught your eye, maybe it was for a reason. You can also hang stones in windows , man made crystals hung in windows bring
Apr 22, 2011, 9:23 am - sully16 - Mystical Forum

New York: 3/1 - 3/31/2011
sorry for dragging this out but we need to even the playing field 300- 3 im number 3 here is a sample of a past post oct 6 2010. thats what you get for jumping the gun aanewyork you are a piece of can tell everyone and pass on my words..but thats what you get for being fast to claim brag and boast... without getting the check downs i use.... fool.... we spoke on the phone not made love.......why would i give it all at once. ive been feeding it to you slowly for a month ca
Mar 15, 2011, 8:53 am - headcrack - Pick 3 Forum

Statistically Speaking - QP's and PP's
i go hunting down people who believe the opposite of what i do. Oh so it s windmills you want? You are wrong, Dulcinea . The book needs no defense any more than how someone plays a game. What needs defending are personal beliefs like luck or that science cannot prove God, or that you are meant to win. Truths need no defense even if nobody adheres to them. Gravity is a truth, try to defy it! The man of the five senses cannot know God or understand his word, His written revelation . God is
Aug 21, 2010, 2:51 am - Delta Draw - Lottery Discussion Forum

Heads Up - All you dreamers
Being a child of Mercury, whenever this planet becomes super-active, my head starts spinning, kinda literally. Between this moment and the next 48 hours, Merc isn't necessarily bouncing, but it's out there trying to get our attention with several alliances that will be ramping up intuition all over the planet. Today, after 12 noon EST, there will be a lot of communication to be had. If I were in a position of power, I'd walk into a meeting and hold my tongue. I'd bet someone is going to let
Jul 15, 2009, 10:10 am - Jake - Mystical Forum