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Best keno wheel?
Hello friends. I have a problem that I need your help with. I play the 80/20 keno game. I will choose 35 numbers that I know for sure there will be 6-10 numbers out of those 35 numbers that will appear in the 80/20 keno result. I'm thinking if I use a wheel that guarantees 6/6, 6/8 or 7/8 or 8/9 or 9/10, which wheel would be the most optimal, and can anyone help me? Choose which way to play is best.
May 13, 2024, 10:13 am - Hungus - Lottery Discussion Forum

Best keno wheel?
A full 6 if 6 of 35 numbers wheel has 1,623,160 lines and probably not what you're looking for. Lots of video Keno players use a 12 number 3X4 or a 16 number 4X4 grid. A 5 if 6 guaranteed 12 number wheel has 38 lines. Granted it's all in the timing, but those grids catch 8 or more numbers and could mean multiple 6-spot winners. Good luck!
May 17, 2024, 2:08 am - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

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