
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 51 for correction. (0.02 seconds)

Neural Net Lottery Picker
Correction: that shouldn't be there .
Apr 5, 2020, 10:48 pm - MillionsWanted - Mathematics Forum

Excel Formula for Pick 4
Oops - correction all the 000 should be 0000 .
Aug 10, 2016, 10:30 am - ithastobesaid - Mathematics Forum

5th Degree Polynomial Wave Projection
Typo correction:
Jul 23, 2007, 3:49 pm - JADELottery - Mathematics Forum

Error Correction
Has there been an algorithm or software developed that looks back at the variances between the predictions that it makes for lottery picks and the historical jackpot values, and uses that lookback to adjust it future forecasts. I believe in math this lookback is referred to as an error correction function that may look at the variances and calculate the standard deviation about each guess for the jackpot value. I'm thinking of a base function or procedure that makes the
Jun 20, 2005, 11:31 am - lchoro - Mathematics Forum

Error Correction
First one would have to establish the effect that historical jackpot values have on guessing the size of the wheel to use and then adjust the variances in the standard deviation to create an error correction routine accordingly. This all assumes that the forecasting function started out being correct and got worst over time or there would be no guide line for the error correction routine.RJOh
Jun 21, 2005, 12:28 am - RJOh - Mathematics Forum

Ball Ranges Anyone?!
right now I am using a weighted average of statistics.I have the following stats for match6... MODE, Average Deviation, Mean, my own set of lucky numbers, standard deviation and finally a conglomerate average of all the other stats...They are generated based on the previous draw history to see if they help indicate where the next numbers will come from. Beside each set of 6 columns of stats (it is broken down by position) is a delta number, or how each generated number deviated from the actual
May 22, 2004, 5:20 pm - hypersoniq - Mathematics Forum

Math Geniuses, Help!! "SLAG" Odd/Even Analysis - Chart I
I agree with AllenB. You have to take into account the slight over-representation of odd-balls, and the easiest way is to apply a correction factor to the even ball counts. The even/odd discrepancy is significant in a small matrix game like 5/39 over tens of draws. If the number of balls is N and N is odd, then the correction factor is (N+1)/(N-1), easy-peasy. Ex: for N=39, the factor is 40/38 = 20/19 1.0526 and for N=69 the factor is 70/68 = 35/34 1.0294. This works regardless of the number of
Oct 10, 2021, 4:27 pm - cottoneyedjoe - Mathematics Forum

Who in the Hell is goining to play that!
Quote: Originally posted by MrSteel01 on June 21, 2004Numbers are definletly random but within limits paramters what ever! this is true, and by smoothing out the stats, you can profile the ideal draw... only it is never good enough to match the next draw...I get your older posts about 1 thru 10 and sequential order... I just prefer to play only one ticket per draw (proud of myself... kept lottery spending down to $8 per week ;-) for a few weeks now... that's for 2x draws of match6 and 2x draws
Jun 26, 2004, 9:59 am - hypersoniq - Mathematics Forum

Weird trees
^ Correction. G(n) above is wrong. Ok, I'll come clean. I used wolfram alpha to compute round(A 27 )
Feb 7, 2023, 10:55 am - Wavepack - Mathematics Forum

Craps Pass Line With Odds Bet - Casino Advantage
Correction: on Don't Pass, a result of 12 must be a Push , meaning the bet is returned to the player and settled. This is necessary to keep the overall House advantage. The House advantage on Don't Pass is 1.364% (or 3/220 to be precise). In the Pass Line case it's 1.414% (or 7/495 to be precise).
Sep 7, 2022, 5:18 pm - Orange71 - Mathematics Forum

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