
ForumsResults 1 - 4 of 4 for decades of dollars. (0.01 seconds)

You could make from $613,200 dollars every year with 3/5 in Pick5 if youcan doit
but see it this way, all these amounts of money ive been saying you can win by playing many states think about it as money been burned or as money placed in a suitcase place on a spaceship and sent into the sun...For example, every year $400 Million dollars get burned or sent into the sun everytime someone do no win them all every day...not just, $400 Million but, $600 Million dollars, $700 Million dollars, $50 Million dollars, $5 Million dollars, $450,000 ect, ect, ect all per year and the cloc
Feb 22, 2011, 11:16 pm - pumpi76 - Pick 5 Forum

How you could make: $54 Million dollars PER year playing Pick5, if you can do it..
you look at the numbers and you make them into decades... 1-10 then 11-20 then 21-30 then 31-40 then how many Pick5 drawings are there in the, USA per day??? 28-39..Well according to the law of groupings it says that: 1 or 2 out of daily 28 pick5 drawings should go in ascending order... $150,000 x 365 days = $54 Million dollars.... you can do it with pick4 also because, 3 drawings daily should go in ascending order... $5,000 x 365 = 1.8 Million per year x 3 = you do the m
Nov 5, 2010, 6:07 pm - pumpi76 - Pick 5 Forum

NewYork Take5/39 Jackpot game.
Explaining a wheeling strategy for Pick 5/39 games without the aid of graphics is proving to be a difficult task. The first order of business is renaming the ping pong balls. Henceforth, they will be known as 'wooden blocks' like those found in most kindergarten classrooms. Because the blocks are deadwood, there can be no algorithms, no mathematics, no odds, no probability, no roots, no pairings, no statistical charts or other gimmicks. The blocks are arranged and rearranged accordin
Sep 23, 2016, 1:55 pm - bobby623 - Pick 5 Forum

With: $700,000 you got: 98.9% of winning Powerball if you lose you get your money back
With: $700,000 you got: 98.9% of winning Powerball/MegaMillions GUARANTEED, if you lose you get your money back...Remember this???? Well you can do it with Pick4...I ll explain: 24 ways pick4 can play and 1 of them you will get it straight...then you multiply times: 10 numbers or the numbers in between or deducing the 5th number which comes out to: 10 for there are 5 or 6 decades in POwerball... you use 9 number all numbers except: 0...the 9
Nov 6, 2010, 5:40 pm - pumpi76 - Pick 5 Forum

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