
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 34 for jackpots. (0.07 seconds)

How you could make $584,000 dollars every year playing, 2by2
look at them as another lottery/jackpot with a: $584,000 a year jackpot.....that s how i will see them... the ones where i say you can win: $400 Million dollars a year and up, look at them as 3 + jackpots or [n+] because for example, $500 Million in the bank for 1 year is, $25 Million dollars extra another PB jackpot...
Feb 18, 2011, 5:20 pm - pumpi76 - Pick 4 Forum

Texas Daily 4 for upcoming week??
You said you are pretty good at picking jackpot games numbers??? Thats commendable but have you won any jackpots lately???. What methods or systems do you use to pick your combinations, if you don't mind me asking???. I won three dollars last week on picking the bonus ball for the powerball game, a GP. I did not win anything else, I played all the jackpot games and the daily 4 everyday (evening only ) but no success yet. I hope you win big this week. Thanks. AL .
Aug 9, 2010, 3:51 pm - alsports2000 - Pick 4 Forum

New York: 7/1 - 7/31/2015
I'm in Anna Maria island off the gulf coast . It's serenity at its best . Hot as usual but I'm maintaining so far my name hasn't changed from Beatrice to Bitchtriss so I'm good lmao ! I sweat I turn into Linda Blair lmaoo . As for my Aunt , she is in hospice and is truly trying to hold on . I keep telling my cousins who never experienced this to tell her she can go tell her it's alright since she is struggling for you guys . I know we want to be selfish and keep her here but if we al told her it
Jul 17, 2015, 12:46 pm - Mommysb - Pick 4 Forum

North Carolina: 5/1 - 5/31/2014
Just curious who on here has won a Pick 4 jackpot? I have mentioned before that I won 2700.00 back in February playing 50/50 on some numbers on a hunch. Did not even play Pick 4 that often back then but did then and won. While I was at the regional office in Greensboro collecting my winnings I sat beside a truck driver from Virginia collecting 1000.00 on a scratchy. He told me he has won jackpots on Pick 4 at least 6 times. Has won 10,000 once on a scratchy and there that day to collect on his
May 21, 2014, 9:52 pm - Lsmith1535 - Pick 4 Forum

Maryland Pick 4 for April 2011.
Hello fellow Marylanders. Im a player that plays Powerball Mega Millions for years. I play Pick for two or three times a year in patches of time like 10 days and then I stop for about 3 or 4 months. Because of all the large Jackpots this year, I havent played much of Pick 4 this year. I started playing the following patch of numbers for the last two weeks. Im hoping the money comes in today. 0418, 0469, 2398, 1703, 2059, 1491 1959, 1969
Apr 20, 2011, 3:58 pm - delS - Pick 4 Forum

Maryland Pick 4 for December!
Hello Everyone!!! My picks for tonight are 1000, 7000, 9000, 5959, 5454, 9009, 8885, and 8880...Im feeling the doubles and triples this month!! Good Luck Everyone!! And dont forget your mega millions and powerball...those jackpots look lovely!!!
Dec 23, 2010, 5:49 pm - Shereezy - Pick 4 Forum

Florida: 5/1 - 5/31/2018
P4 Midday Winning Numbers: Monday, May 28, 2018 6-3-4-1 ................................. Close Bringa, maybe tonight ?! Do you ever work Cash4 Life ? Your good at jackpots - if so we could compare ! Just put dots or on start up check the on board keyboard option,then OK . I use that one !
May 28, 2018, 2:06 pm - Timewalkerv - Pick 4 Forum

Georgia Team Players Post Pic 4"S Here
I was all over combinations of 1964 (1649 9164 6419 1946 1964 and qp 9146) for evening draw. Obvious 3 digit return from previous eve draw 9646. And noticed jackpots on bottom of tickets PB 103 F5 649 Too bad that hunch didn't work out!
Nov 15, 2017, 7:51 pm - KAL035 - Pick 4 Forum

Double Wammy
Yep ... like Pennsylvania had 613 Evening (Jan 9, 2010). The very next draw was 613 Midday (Jan 10, 2010). Human hands must be stirring the lottery jackpots! The proof is in the pots with our favorite ingredients of HOT numbers! Ble$$ing$
Jan 30, 2010, 9:23 pm - Harve$t Moon - Pick 4 Forum

North Carolina: 2/1 - 2/29/2024
oh, thanks ghl 1234 . I did, yes, read below what happened . ALMOST MISSED my 1st of the year jackpot! Thank the lord for NC being a state having ONLINE PICK 3 and PICK 4 play since 02/01 a year now or it began a day prior 01/31. It got me my Double jackpots @ the very last minute today $$$ two times, bye for now. GOOD LUCK TO YA! Not the 10,000 or higher again yet, but, I am confident it's really soon 0806( or any which way it'll hit like EVERY JAN/WINTER MONT
Feb 4, 2024, 5:42 pm - Cassie8620 - Pick 4 Forum

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