
ForumsResults 31 - 40 of 402 for law of attraction. (0.01 seconds)

Lottery winner gives away millions
we had people who think god did it for them we even had a guy think Witchcraft did it, aka Wicca believers millions of total idiots have been fooled by belief in magic , and the new age bull snip that is Law Of Attraction is the same as magic in the past of human history when i seen that movie millions watched, no thanks to Oprah who is promoting all this carp to millions of people when i watched the secret My bull snip -o-meter was off the scale! I en
Apr 4, 2010, 4:08 am - joshuacloak - Lottery News

My New Years resolution is to win the lottery
Your belief seems to be that others have tried the law of attraction but manifested nothing. Over 111 million Powerball tickets with zero jackpot winners in the last two drawings. And that's not counting the millions of non-jackpot winning tickets bought in the 37 previous drawings or the past 20 years of drawings. It sure looks like a fact that very few lottery players benefit the law of attraction. Firstly, using the law of attraction correctly is difficult only to the point of havin
Jan 4, 2022, 11:47 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

The Law of Attraction and the Lotteries
In the last years many people talk about the law of attraction and their power to use in everything we want to achieve in life , but this thing can be use to win the lottery or any other game?
Nov 8, 2015, 8:38 am - PAMPAS - Lottery Discussion Forum

Law of attraction
Greetings! this post is to discuss with fellow players their methods of playing. Me as an individual apply the Law of attraction process to allow the win. I just wanted to know who also follows this process or has a different way of going about it. Thanks to all and have a blessed day! remember you can win if you don't buy a ticket :)
Mar 2, 2015, 11:16 am - LOALottery - Mystical Forum

Law of Attraction ?? The Secret
Has anyone every read or seen the video THE SECRET? I have the book and watched the video online today and was wondering if anyone use this Law of Attraction on their daily life? It does provide a lot of good information. O-H-I-O Diva..
Dec 5, 2014, 1:50 pm - OhioDiva - Mystical Forum

My New Years resolution is to win the lottery
So many people never take the second step; Law of detachment - the law of making law of attraction work tbh. Law of attraction. Like attracts like. So, Want something? Ask it. You can use your convenient methods here. visualization, act as if, affirmations etc., Alright. I did all those. But, Why is my desire still didn't manifested? Well, If you are saying that, You didn't do it properly. You missed the Last But Important step here. Law of detachment. What is it? I
Jan 4, 2022, 6:15 pm - Coin Toss - Lottery Discussion Forum

Law of Attraction and The Secret - the 'rest of the story'
A friend who has read almost all of the LOA books out there sent me two that are a little different. They are both very interesting reads: Burying the Secret The Road to Ruin Is Paved with Books About the Law of Attraction by Carol Rutter The Attraction Distraction Why the Law of Attraction Isn't working for You...and How to Get Results - FINALLY by Sonia M. Miller, BBA, MSW
May 15, 2012, 2:32 am - Coin Toss - Mystical Forum

Law of Attraction fans, new book: The Moses Code
From One spirit: The Moses code by James F. Twyman The Moses Code was first used 3,500 years ago to create great miracles, but then it was hidden away. Now, James Twyman reveals the Code for the first time, showing how you can create miracles in your life. At the heart of the Code is the Law of Attraction. You may think that this Law is about getting things, but using the power of the Moses Code depends more on what you're willing to give. You have the power to cre
Feb 15, 2008, 10:06 pm - Coin Toss - Mystical Forum

Virutally none of us will win a jackpot but...
I thought The Secret was all about the law of attraction, and said that you should think less about what bothers and worries you and more about what would make you happy? So....if you wanted to attract a lottery jackpot you should mentally live and think as if you already have the money, and not focus on the negative parts of not having the money you need/want..such as the inability to pay your bills, buy the new car etc... Apparently I'm confused...what's the difference between the law of
Jul 7, 2009, 6:50 pm - DelmarvaChick - Mystical Forum

My New Years resolution is to win the lottery
jpgrygus, Back in the days of yore when people here got excited over much lower jackpots there were a lot of people saying before hand I know I'm going to win ir because I'm using the law of attraction. Nope, nada, zilch People don't realize by doing that (or appealing to an angel) they are asking the law of attraction or the angel to deny everybody else trying to use the same thing. WHO DARES WINS..........motto of the SAS and has nothing to do with the law of attraction.
Jan 4, 2022, 2:49 pm - Coin Toss - Lottery Discussion Forum