
ForumsResults 1 - 4 of 4 for russia. (0.01 seconds)

Neural Net Lottery Picker
players! be careful! this player Miha69 communicates on the Russian-speaking lotto forum and can harm you. All ru forums are controlled by the FSB russia
May 11, 2022, 11:32 am - SEA-Pick3 - Mathematics Forum

The odds question
Thanks guys for participating. I do not think we can add anything more to it. Unless that somebody who always knows those 2 numbers drops in. Ok as my favorite soccer event Mundial 2018 in Russia has just started I'd better be off and watch some great games, hopefully.
Jun 17, 2018, 6:37 am - adamcustom - Mathematics Forum

Artificial Intelligence
Neuroxl has an add-on for excel. Careful tho, they are in the old russia and have a lousy distributer last time I looked. Many sites for the home company (and names?) and one I think was In the Maldives. The site that came up on a G search shows a big sale going on. Keep me informed and PM me if you find anything out about this stuff. It looked good and better than most I found or had, just never took the leap. Make a purchase with a visa gift card to limit any bad biz from the distributer, t
Jul 6, 2010, 2:40 am - Delta Draw - Mathematics Forum

Every number averages 20 hits per yr.
Perhaps i am not understanding this like it should, afterall, English is not my native language. What good is the data if you can't use it to play the games that you need or want to play? I'm a little confused here... What good is the data...? , that to me is the only thing important in that line. What good is the data? It's obvious one is pretty much off base when using Australian, New Zealand, Belgium, Russia and e.g. South African pick3 results to determine what the hot numbers are to play i
Jan 27, 2006, 4:34 pm - paurths - Mathematics Forum

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