
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 15 for sports. (0.02 seconds)

Mathematics and the Lottery
* Math is always involved in statistics and lottery. of course chance is involved,but when you have a formula like sports it gives you the edge to win! Some often wonder why others are winning more than is the strategies and mathmatics whihc formulates the best possible wins!
Aug 18, 2011, 5:44 pm - Number19King - Mathematics Forum

Another Type of RNG for Keno...
you know the floor of football, soccer, rugbby, basket ball...This is combining letter soup with sports...Is actually a number soup...Well randomly create a number soup put it in small squares like a pleated square field, let s say of: Pick11/80...create a random number soup field from a range of 1-80 and embedd it underneath the floor/field of football, soccer, rugby, basketball and everytime the score you freeze the picture and every location the players were corresponding to the particular nu
Oct 8, 2010, 1:16 am - pumpi76 - Mathematics Forum

Do you Think Math will Eventually solve the lottery...
While it couldn't tell you whats going to happen at a given time the Annual EA Sports Simulation started in 2004 has only been wrong once. It may not give the correct score outcome,but it has only missed one game.
Jun 18, 2010, 3:37 pm - Lazyscholar - Mathematics Forum

A Probable + EV Game? Need Help Confirming.
Hello and welcome! I'm not sure about Vegas odds and sports odds. I've never delved into any of that. I know there is a way that some do it. Following stats for whatever they are betting on. Billy Beane did similar with building the A's years ago and everyone thought he was nuts. He built a winning team with low pay though. With sports, I think favor plays a bigger part when it comes to betting. Then there are those that have an idea of what is going on and actually follow the teams that c
Jun 21, 2020, 8:21 pm - Greenfox - Mathematics Forum

Probability of Ending a 7 Game Series
This is related to sports games that have a 7 Game Series. It would have been posted in the Gaming forum, but it's math specific.
Nov 14, 2017, 8:44 am - JADELottery - Mathematics Forum

OHIO Lottery Machine was Hack using Fhhl Hacking it.
When I find the money for it, I get one good computer disconnected from Internet. - Some hack for sports, I could still laugh about it when the computer wasn't more than some tool to keep busy in my free time. Today you can shop and bank online. Fun is over, a computer is to be taken serious and being hacked or getting the settings set wrong by some program is no fun. ... I pay for the antiviral and firewall program. A computer is an expensive tool that consumes your money. I liked those years w
Dec 7, 2014, 7:02 pm - SergeM - Mathematics Forum

Does Mathematical Innumeracy foster superstitions and support the belief in them?
Interesting somethig like the NBA draft would be brough up in a thread trying to refute superstition. Sports, gambling, and entertainment are full of superstition.
May 23, 2011, 1:36 am - Coin Toss - Mathematics Forum

How Can I Win Lottery?
Hello. Dear Moses, I've found your message about system combine of numbers like as than me. I have got one system 1 - 9 convert to 1 - 52. And do you know about the Sports TOTO Malaysia? Regards, Tommy Yow.
Apr 5, 2009, 8:53 am - tommyyow - Mathematics Forum

Does Mathematical Innumeracy foster superstitions and support the belief in them?
( INNUMERACY - MATHEMATICAL ILLITERACY AND ITS CONSEQUENCES , Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (Hill and Wang division), 1989. -- INNUMERACY is an examination of some of the consequences in everyday life of mathematical illiteracy. These consequences - confused personal decisions, muddled governmental policies, even an increased susceptibility to pseudoscience - are not as visible as are those of illiteracy or general cultural ignorance. Unlike the l
May 21, 2011, 3:29 am - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Lottery prediction using Python's Numpy (Some one pitch in?)
I suggest you work on stocks or sports betting as NN don't work on random. I have built many and tried just about every prediction method. Sure you can build something that will give you the best numbers to play based on the history of the game, just don't expect the best numbers to show in the next game or the one after that or even the game after that. Using a NN to come to a solution looks attractive until the drawing. At best it might get a couple numbers, just enough to keep you
Apr 11, 2016, 12:26 am - RL-RANDOMLOGIC - Mathematics Forum

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