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Global Pyramid Lottery Sceme Indicted Again
On the heels of several indictments and guilty pleadings worldwide, World Games Inc. (WGI) is once again the target of law enforcement.WGI offers different lottery and gaming products to its members on the Internet. Like a pyramid scheme, members join with the intention of registering as many new members as possible, in order to derive credit from those new members. In keeping with a pyramid scheme, the vast percentage of rewards go to the members highest up in the scheme.Pyramid schemes are i
Dec 17, 2004, 12:26 pm - Todd - Lottery News

Gaming executives guilty of operating illegal lottery, pyramid scheme
WGI Members claim moral victory in Canadian caseBy WGI (Published 08/12/2004)WGI Members who were originally charged with offences under the Criminal Code of Canada were today celebrating a moral victory when all criminal charges were dropped by the Prosecution. The WGI Members charged were prominent members of their local communities. The Members had consistently protested their innocence and were prepared to mount a vigorous defence to prove that innocence. Their defence proposed to include ev
Dec 9, 2004, 6:27 am - slampen - Lottery News

World Games officials face probe
Quote: Originally posted by Todd on March 1, 2005 MillionsWanted:Just being involved with WGI is bad. It has already been judged as an illegal pyramid scam in several courts around the world, and is illegal in the USA. You may want to advise your relative that they should consider cutting all ties with that scam outfit immediately.At the moment WGI is legal in Norway, incredibly enough. The problem for many members now is that they have found out that they will have to pay taxes for the income
Mar 1, 2005, 5:37 pm - MillionsWanted - Lottery News

Online lotteries in Brazil
I've been doing qute a bit of research into online gaming recently and came across this forum while researching online cross border lotteries. At the risk of interrupting a private argument it seems to me that both of you have missed something here and that is that WGI is not what the world would generally term a 'pyramid' scheme. Pyramid schemes are typically based purely or substantially on the money that changes hands rather than offering any kind of product. Pyramid schemes all dventually f
Aug 5, 2004, 5:21 am - Boots - Lottery Discussion Forum

Online lotteries in Brazil
Yes, I see I cannot change your mind. A closed mind cannot be changed.For someone who started this thread innocently looking for information about WGI, you all the sudden seem to be an expert on the company. Perhaps your inquiry was just meant to get people to check out WGI, like a spammer.This WGI is like peeling back an onion, and it gets more rotten as you near the center.If the Australian case gets decided against WGI, I'm sure you'll still be in denial, but the rest of us will be laughing
Jul 24, 2004, 8:36 am - Todd - Lottery Discussion Forum

World Games Inc (WGI) is officially an ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME!
Now it's official: World Games Inc (WGI) has been successfully prosecuted, and is officially an illegal pyramid scheme.Anyone still clinging to the preposterous notion that WGI is a good company should have their head examined.Better yet, the Canadian prosecution of seven WGI promoters commences November 29, 2004 in Calgary, Alberta.Here's some documentary proof:In the matter of ACCC v Worldplay Services Pty Ltd and Greg Kennedy:Judgment in this matter was handed down by Justice Finn of the Fede
Sep 7, 2004, 8:37 pm - Todd - Lottery Discussion Forum

Online lotteries in Brazil
I have to reply to this. The Norwegian Gaming Board can't say WGI is illegal, even before any trial has taken place. What they say is WGIs lottery is illegal to advertise, because of the norwegian gaming monopoly - Norsk Tipping . WGI has not been charged anywhere, and ain't going to, simply because their business is legitimate and according to all laws and rules in the contries where WGI is operating.BUT; because Norway is a member of the E S/EFTA, they have certain obligations to follow regar
Jul 23, 2004, 11:02 am - slampen - Lottery Discussion Forum

World Games officials face probe
Officials of global pyramid lottery scheme face tax evasion chargesA lawyer representing disgruntled investors in the controversial World Games Inc. (WGI) has reported WGI's Norwegian officials to the country's white collar crime unit kokrim.An kokrim official confirmed the federal agency that investigates and persecutes economic crimes in Norway had received the filing from lawyer Olav Sylte.He represents 8 people who are demanding the return of around NOK 1.2 million from WGI officials in No
Mar 1, 2005, 10:43 am - Todd - Lottery News

Online lotteries in Brazil
Quote: Originally posted by Todd on July 24, 2004Yes, I see I cannot change your mind. A closed mind cannot be changed.For someone who started this thread innocently looking for information about WGI, you all the sudden seem to be an expert on the company. Perhaps your inquiry was just meant to get people to check out WGI, like a spammer.This WGI is like peeling back an onion, and it gets more rotten as you near the center.If the Australian case gets decided against WGI, I'm sure you'll still
Jul 24, 2004, 9:01 am - slampen - Lottery Discussion Forum

World Games officials face probe
Judging from how other countires in the vicinity are treating the WGI [scam] company, I don't think it will be long before they bring criminal charges on WGI, and force them out of Norway. Finland is totally cracking down on WGI, for example.
Mar 1, 2005, 8:38 pm - Todd - Lottery News

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