
ForumsResults 11 - 12 of 12 for won multiple times. (0.01 seconds)

Pick 3 Forecast (Multiple States) 15th Edition
The Perpetual Winning Forecast : Level 3 Prediction Statement : There are only 10 combos to $mash per drawing. I expect 1 out of the 10 combos to win in =78 drawings. Since there are 62 drawings to play per day in this forecast, I expect to win in 1-2 days. Note: The blue underlined words are links that you can click on. I am open to being corrected. I don't claim to be perfect so if you see an obvious mistake or something that could be a mistake then let me know so I can ad
Feb 5, 2024, 2:58 pm - LottoIntuitive - Pick 3 Forum

Maryland husband calls wife cheap for lottery strategy, but she wins $229,774 using her method
Lottery-playing husband and wife have differing opinions on how to place a bet By Kate Northrop A husband called his wife cheap for the way she chooses to play the lottery, but her $229,774 Racetrax prize is anything but. Despite her husband's dismissal of her lottery playing tendencies, a Maryland woman stuck to her guns and won a $229,774 Racetrax prize. It's not the first time her persistence paid off either. The winner, who dubbed herself and her husband the Bowie Ballers, ha
Nov 9, 2023, 10:53 am - Todd - Lottery News

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