
UsernameResults 11 - 15 of 15 for grwurston. (0.02 seconds)

Drawing statistics - combined draws
When you are on the results page and you go to daily numbers games, once you click on your state and game. If you click on drawing statistics you only have 2 options, midday and evening. I was wondering if you could add a third option that would give drawing statistics for both drawings combined, that would be in addition to the separate drawings you have now. Thanks.
Jul 14, 2013, 10:53 pm - grwurston - Suggestions Forum

A beginners corner
Here is the link for a tutorial on V-Tracs.
Dec 23, 2012, 11:10 pm - grwurston - Suggestions Forum

Comparitive shopping!!
Calabs, yes the vtrac results does list the actual winning numbers. It also has all the states listed alphabetically. The calendar lets you look back as far as you want. The other thing you could do is list all of your states mirrors across the top of a sheet of paper with the dates down the side and just write in the numbers for each state on each day. Then highlite the numbers that appear under the mirrors more than once in the last week or so. You can then see what may come to your state.
Oct 19, 2011, 8:02 pm - grwurston - Suggestions Forum

Comparitive shopping!!
Calabs, see thread/126839 for Laverne's list.
Oct 18, 2011, 11:49 pm - grwurston - Suggestions Forum

Comparitive shopping!!
Calabs, I have a suggestion. Do a search for mirror states, (Laverne Maloney posted a list in Jan. '06.) Find your state's mirrors then go to the v-tracs results page and compare your state with it's mirrors all on one page. It's not exactly side by side but it's close enough to what you're looking for. Good Luck!!!
Oct 18, 2011, 11:37 pm - grwurston - Suggestions Forum

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