
UsernameResults 11 - 13 of 13 for lakerben. (0.04 seconds)

There needs to be...
Several of the systems are excellent. Step one: download Paruths system that shows what sums,roots are due, what digits are hot/cold, pairs etc. Step 2: learn your game. Spend time to se what digits are hot ,cold sums etc. Step 3 learn the terminology . Step 4: learn how to backtest and use a system such as: Lottolaughs 747 program which is very good. Backtest in your game. Step 5: remember its gambling and nothing is a sure thing.
Feb 27, 2013, 7:21 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

A beginners corner
Potato, potatto. Well, since the basic mirrors and vtracs etc are on hunderds of posts why complicate things any more than you have to? I have many new members expecting me to educate them on the basics and frankly I don't have the time.
Nov 25, 2012, 5:56 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

A beginners corner
Is there a way to start a beginners corner that shows examples of a mirror,total,vtrac. etc for the new members? Some sort of basic info would really help.
Nov 17, 2012, 12:20 am - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

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