
UsernameResults 1 - 10 of 13 for lakerben. (0.03 seconds)

A section to teach new members the terms
You are correct but I still get slammed with numerous requests for explanation of terms! These are the same terms that are used by other members. It becomes at times a lengthy discussion that takes over a thread. That is the point. If a person wants to comment about a system at least have some idea what you are asking if not it becomes a mess. There should be a simple thread that explains what a root,mirror,total,ldr are. I've seen members that have been on this site for several years that still
Feb 3, 2024, 11:47 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

A section to teach new members the terms
I'm constantly a asked what a root, mirror tool, ldr etc is. It would be beneficial for the new members to have a section with examples so they can learn these terms that are frequently used on this site.
Dec 12, 2023, 5:12 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

When people sign up to be members
They should have access to an area where they can learn the lottery terms such as mirror, tosl,roots etc. I still have people who have been on this site for years that don't know what a mirror and total are. They get on the threads and turn it into mass confusion.
Mar 2, 2022, 10:53 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

Need more moderation
There are certain members that do not contribute to this site. Their only goal is to downgrade threads and people. This is both mine and other members. They enjoy their actions. There needs to be a moderator to stop this stupidity. I have had to deal with this and other members pmed me to stay on this site. I've contributed for years but I'm not on this site to deal with harrasement.
Oct 24, 2021, 12:05 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

A section for new members,
Long before I was a member. ! I read the long winded thread and it was pure agony. On and on, but no solution. I'm busy like everyone else so I can only answer so many what is a root questions. I guess I'll concentrate on my stuff and ignore the rest.
May 2, 2020, 4:36 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

A section for new members,
There needs to be a section by the home column that says new members must read this before posting. I get several questions asking what a mirror,total,width,root etc. This bogs down a thread by getting the same questions over and over. There need's to be some sort of tutorial to learn the lingo.
May 2, 2020, 9:55 am - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

Private threads/chat rooms
Do lottery officials really snoop on this or other sites? Who knows. That's debateable. I doubt it. But I could be wrong.
Jun 5, 2016, 1:31 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

Tutorials for beginners
It should be a top priority for this site.
Apr 10, 2016, 1:59 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

Tutorials for beginners
But many people don't know to use the search. It would be nice to have a section to refer to with explanations and a input for your draw. I've seen this on another site. You put in 123 and it shows the Calcs for root,short sum,sum etc. Very nice to have.
Apr 3, 2016, 12:56 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

Tutorials for beginners
I've seen it many times new members get on a thread and ask a detailed explanation about mirrors, roots etc. I think there should be a lottery basics section or forum that upon signing up for lottery post membership a new member should go through before they are allowed to post. Maybe a little quiz or test. Many threads are muddled by new members that don't have a clue what a mirror or root, etc is. This would also be very helpfull to all the members to brush up on in,outs,roots sums,totals, an
Apr 2, 2016, 4:15 pm - lakerben - Suggestions Forum

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