I want to know what people think of their existence here on a floating rock, hurdling through space, at a thousand miles per hour.
The reality is that we are living on a rock. A round one. I'm not trying to be cute, really!
I could spend a week preparing a nice little coverage of perceptions alone. Not to mention what I'm about to unveil.
Basically it goes like this.
We are basically made up of stardust. Every facet of our being, whether it's physical or mental derived from the planet earth.
The planet earth was a creation from the sun. The sun is a product of the basic elements of the universe. Visa Vee....The table of elements.
Humans have been created by the universe, in order that the universe can look back on itself. It has devised a way, over eons, to form the right atoms in such a way, as to create a life source, that actually wakes up, so to speak, from the inanimate, to the animated. What a feat I must say. To create a spark out of nothing but amino acids.
This juncture is difficult because of the different belief ideals that are abound.
I look at it this way. Until I get some real life divine intervention with real angels and demons fighting for a seat, I'll just have to use my noodle that has been knitted for me. This is all we have, to understand our reality. Think about it, how many times have you tested God's patience with challenges, and he always won. Is that a sin? I don't think so.
How come there are no divine interventions anymore? Back in the bible days, every other decade there was something supernatural going on.
The other dilemma......Age of the earth.
Religous people view the world as a planet that is only about 10 thousand years old. I can prove this is not so. Not to mention the fact about carbon dating. But there is a more practical way to explain that the earth is billions of years old.
Here's the explanation.
The Andromeda Galaxy is like two million light years away. It took the light at 186,00 miles per second, two million years to reach your eye. Therefore if the planet earth is only about 10,000 years or so old, how is it that we can see stars and galaxies that are so way out, that it takes millions of years for the light to travel?, It only proves that the system has been around for a very very long time.
Andromeda Galaxy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Andromeda Galaxy (also known as M31 or NGC 224; older texts often call it the Andromeda Nebula) is a giant spiral galaxy in the Local Group, together with the Milky Way galaxy. It is at a distance of approximately 2.5 million light years or 770 kpc, in the direction of the constellation Andromeda.
According to the bible, not only was the earth created in 7 days, but the universe itself. If it was created about 10 or 20 thousand years ago, why does it take so long for the light to travel here. If the universe is only about 10 thousand years old, the light should take a matter of days to get here, maybe even weeks or months, not eons. The stars and planets and galaxies would be much closer to us. We would be inendated with brightness year round. If you do your homework, you'll realize that the moon was 10 times closer, at the very beginning of the formation of planet earth. Throughout time, the moon has slowly veered away, even to this day. This is measured as about one and a half inches a day.
That's one proof right there.
Here are some general thoughts:
Over 50 million people died in World War II. No intervention.
Countless soldiers gave their life during WWI.
The black plague killed, how many?
Earthquakes, floods, famine in Africa, at untold proportions, the list goes on. Aids has taken over and now the bird flu?
I look around and see a life that is constantly challenging me. No response. I call out to the creator of the universe, in helping me understand. I get no reply. We were created by aliens who are in cahoots with the devil. He impregnated an ape. We are just here because of an experiment.
Nevertheless, It's important to remember that when you look up at the starry night, you'll see yourself. You are the universe looking back on itself.