thousandair's Blog

9486 ready to pop

9486 ready to go for the straight hit in NY PLAYING 5 STRAIGHT EVERY DAY AND BOXED AS WELL.
Entry #21

watch those 7' s

looking for the double 9 or the 878 to come tonight in NY good luck
Entry #20


looks like the double 9 ' s are really poppping in NY may pop 999, or 666 may take a chance for this eve. look for 88 to come back in NJ today or monday. ggod luck.
Entry #19

may come out tonight 923 combo

923,329,392,932,239,293 still waiting 8496,7496, 698 combo,798 combo. lets see what the weekend has in store for these selections. the NY numbers game is so fixed, we can only guess what they will do to make money hand over fist and then throww us a bone once in awhile. so another day and we try again. good luck to all.

Entry #18

looking for 698

waiting for the next win 798,698,598 8496,,7496

and my favorite 353 in NY GOOD LUCK

Entry #17

ready to win

due 4796, 5498 ready to win good luck 698 392 470
Entry #16

here it is ready to hit you

4689 ready set now go bet ready to be drawn this week !!!!!!!


all states  time to win a few thousand. good luck! tony time to win.

698 986 4679

Entry #15

this one for NJ

316,392,911,344 4796,9486, my favorite353. 675 good luck tony.
Entry #14

More numbers more straight hits in all states

Here are some really good picks,392,123,312,886,668,334,looking for the 698 to come back in NY,47 came back as74in the midday looking at 4796 any combo of that, still hot on the 9486 waiting to jump. could be the 0164  and the 0168 in all eastern states, Good luck to all.

Entry #13

the sun is finally out

look at this 118,811 or the 872 to come back in NY 4796 or 4396 for tonight and monday straight and combo.could also be 4423 and 443. good luck to all remember the 47 in the pick four
Entry #12

4796 due in ny


Entry #11

look for the 8-8 to come back

 881,811,698,696,089,868,392,look for these numbers in NY,NJ, AND POSSIBLY PA , PICK FOUR FOR NY 4796 8756, 7980,9680,9686.GOOD luck to all.

stay dry.

Entry #10

staying with the 392 and 312

392,312 1806,1604 698 to come back in ny.played 312 and 392 also 122 in all states double numbers should always be in a combo bet never a box. good luck to everyone. tony i hit the 968 combo in ny for the midday. looking for the pick four tonight. later.
Entry #9

Playing the field

3171,4679,9686,9689,box them three of each for the restof the week. looks good in all states dont forget numbers are repeating.We might see the 0164 come back on the first. happy trout day. three digit #392 312 133 401.Good luck tony hope you hit in nj. good luck all.
Entry #8

spring is here

2161,8696,5876, 876,396,392 these numbers in ny for the rest of the week, and lets not forget 133 and 611 good luck to all.
Entry #7