pacattack05's Blog

On The Pork Front

What a fat pig.......!

Lose that fat.

A pig walks in a bar....


Entry #589

Back in Floriduh !

One more year in Florida while I get a local trucking job. Save my money and try to to further test my roulette method at the hard rock casino in Tampa.

I've also had a miniature brainstorm of an idea on how to utilize the roulette method and apply it to the pick-3. Seems very promising.

The idea stems around first trying to determine which half of the 1000 possibilities will come out based on what the roulette template splits out. Second, to see if I can cut that remaining 500 possibilities in half using the same template, and so on, until I have about 10 sets to play. Won't go into detail, but monitor the systems section soon for a play by play testing of this unbelivable new outlook on how to break the p-3 chaos.

Miss you guys and gals, and again...thanx Todd for this great site. I'm hooked!

Entry #588

Cold in Harrisburg Penn.


Can't stay long here,at .20 a minute in internet

HEY everyone...just saying hello to my friends at the LP. Tired of this long haul trucking so I'm going back to Florida temporarily for a year to work locally, and save enough money to move to California. Now that I have my CDL, I can work anywhere I WANT.

just can't live my life out of a

See you all real soon.

Entry #587

Sitting Here in the Hoosier State

Hey guys and gals!

I'm here in losing Jeff territory, Indiana. I'm graduating the big rig trucking academy in about 10 days, and will be trucking across this great land pretty soon. I've already driven across, coast to coast with my trainer, 4 times now.

 If I turn the T.V. down and open the window in my Super 8 motel room here, I can hear losing Jeff

My trainer's tractor clutch needs reparing and so we're staying overnight here in Indiana while it's in the shop.

I miss you all and will be back regularly in about a year. I'll be settling in California and get me a computer. See y'all

P.S. My trainer has a very heavy southern accent, and it's starting to rub off on me. I'm starting to talk with a southern drawl. "I reckon I'll be fixin to have me a bite here real soon"

Bye bye boys and girls. 

Entry #586

Lightning Strike Blew Up My CPU

I'm using my roommate's computer to type this in here.

A couple of days ago, we had a wicked lightning storm that was hitting all around the house. I was standing  in the living room and watching the strikes hitting all around the house. It was very exciting because I like the force of nature.

I went back to my computer and the screen was frozen. Naturally I shut the tower off and restarted it but it would not restart. After many attempts, i realized it was futile. It is connected to a surge protecter strip, but I think I know why it still happened.

A couple of weeks ago, they were working on the main road, widening the road, and replacing power cables to a different location. On one particular day, whether it was them or some other reason, the power to the house was turned on and off throughout the day. I would say about 6 or 7 times which obviously shut my computer in the process. I'd have to keep restarting it. I know that it's not good for the tower to get that kind of abuse, and I think that's the reason.

This last lightning strike took it's toll on my tower. My poor tower just couldn't take any more It could be that the power supply or the motherboard is fried up.

One lady I spoke to, said that the same thing happened to her house but worse. It must have hit the house directly because she said just about everything in he house was fried. Thousands of dollars worth. Luckily she had insurance.

I heard many years ago that you should unplug all aplliances and tvs, computers and the such during a storm. I just didn't think it would happen to

Ironically, I'm going away to school for a month or so, and then going on the road for an indefinite amount of time, putting the computer away anyway.

See you all down the road sometime.

Entry #585



Bush and Powell were sitting in a bar. A guy walked in and asked the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Powell?"

The barman said, "Yep, that's them."

So the guy walked over and said, "Hello. What are you guys doing?"

Bush said, "We're planning World War III."

The guy asked, "Really? What's going to happen?"

Bush said, "Well, we're going to kill 10 million Afghans and one bicycle repairman."

The guy exclaimed, "Why are you gonna kill a bicycle repairman?!"

Bush turned to Powell and said, "See, I told you no one would worry about the 10 million Afghans!"
Entry #583

Einstein was right after all

About a year ago I saw an article on the net by someone who said that something infact did travel faster than light, and I posted a paraphrasing of his explanation here in the blogs.

I just found out the guy was wrong.

He stated that gravity is instantaneous and therefore faster than light. So if the sun blew up right now, we would still see the light for about 8 and half minutes, but that the grip of the sun holding us in orbit would be instantaneously gone and the earth would hurdle through space in s straight line.

It turns out that it's not the way gravity works, even though it seems logical that it would. Since Einstein had proven that nothing can go faster than light, but Newton  said that gravity would, made Einstein think about how to prove him wrong, which took him 10 years in the doing. That's when Einstein's general theory of relativity was introduced.

And I thought I had a good understanding of that theory. It turns out that if the sun blew up, that disturbance would ripple the well thats created in the fabric of space and time and travel across the 93 million mile expanse at the same rate of the speed of light, thus disproving the guys theory that I read.

A better explanation is in this video.


Entry #581

God sent you

A 2nd grader asked her mother the age-old question, "How did I get here?" Her
mother told her, "God sent you."
Did God send you, too?" asked the child.
"Yes, Dear," the mother replied.
"What about Grandma and Grandpa?" the child persisted.
He sent them also," the mother said.
"Did he send their parents, too?" asked the child.
"Yes, Dear, He did," said the mother patiently.
"So you're telling me that there has been no sex in this family for 200 years!
No wonder everyone's so grouchy around here."

Entry #580