truesee's Blog

101-year-old woman runs for town council


101-year-old woman runs for town council

Published: May 14, 2009 at 6:23 PM

A 101-year-old woman in Saleducio, Italy, is campaigning to become the oldest town counselor in the country in the upcoming June 6-7 elections.

Maria Donati, who will be 102 in September, is running for the town council on the Civic Non-Party Ticket For the Common Good in the same village that her granddaughter, Roberta, is running for mayor, ANSA reported Thursday.

Donati's daughter and son-in-law are also running for positions on the Saleducio council.

''I want to improve the roads around here and listen to everyone's problems as I have always done,'' said Donati, who has eight grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. ''One thing is sure: I have a century's worth of experience to draw on."
Entry #472

Coupons For $1,000.000 Off


Coupon: $1 million off condo purchase

Published: May 14, 2009 at 4:10 PM

A Florida real estate broker said he has been distributing coupons for $1 million off the price of a condo to help sell a luxury Palm Beach property.

Rusty Gulden said the coupons he had printed in the Palm Beach Daily News, which expire May 31, offer to reduce the price of a 2,000-square-foot unit at the Sun & Surf condo in Palm Beach from $3.7 million to $2.7 million, the Palm Beach Post reported Thursday.

Gulden said the coupon is aimed at helping him move the property despite the current state of the luxury housing market.

"The volume is significantly off -- you don't need a Ph.D. in finance to know that," Gulden said.

He said the coupon has generated a lot of interest in the unit.
Entry #471

Free Funeral Planning for Drunk Drivers

Memorial Day Promotion:

Free Funeral Planning for Drunk Drivers

Thu May 14, 2009 3:05 PM EDT

Did you know that Memorial Day ranks as the 3rd most deadly holiday due to drunk driving accidents? wants Americans to stop and think before drinking and driving this Memorial Day Weekend. To raise public awareness of this serious issue, is encouraging anyone who plans to drink and drive over the holiday weekend to create a funeral plan in advance. They made need it sooner than they think.

You can join in the fight against drunk driving because will donate $10 to Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for the first 10,000 funeral plans created using our online funeral planner through May 25th. Your funeral plan will not only be helping MADD but you'll be taking an important step for your family as well. All you need to do is take a few minutes to complete a simple 4-step funeral plan.

 Thank you. Have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend! wants Americans to stop and think before drinking and driving this Memorial Day Weekend. To raise public awareness of this serious issue, is encouraging anyone who plans to drink and drive over the holiday weekend to create a funeral plan in advance. For people who do not intend to drink and drive, is providing a tangible way they can help fight drunk driving by donating $10 to Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for the first 10,000 funeral plans created on its website through May 25th.

Entry #470

Man Hasn't Bathed in 35 Years So Next Child Will Be a Boy

Man hasn’t bathed in 35 years to sire a son

May 14, 2009 • 8:46 am
By Diana Fasanella

An Indian father with seven daughters has not washed for 35 years to help ensure his next child will be a boy.

Kailash Kalau Singh told a friend that a “seer” once told him 35 years ago if he did not take a bath he would be blessed with a male child, according to Hindustan Times. So he stopped. 

Instead of washing with water, Singh bathes by standing with one leg beside a bonfire and smokes marijuana while praying to Lord Shiva. The “fire bath” helps to kill germs and infection, he claims. 

The 63-year-old man’s professional life suffered when customers of his grocery store stopped shopping there due to his “unhealthy personality.” He had to close the store and now tills fields in the holy city of Varanasi. 

Kalau claims his commitment to not bathing was due to national interest. He vows to end his pledge when all problems confronting the nation end. His neighbors in the village of Chatav differ and say his washing boycott really is about his suspicions and not having a son. 

Most Indians prefer sons, who are typically regarded as breadwinners, while girls are seen as a burden because of the matrimonial dowry demanded by a groom’s family and the fact that their earnings go to their husband’s family. 

No washy washy? It’s a miracle he has seven daughters. 

I’m melting, I’m melting!

Entry #469

College Student Grows Pot in Dorm

May 13, 9:15 PM EDT

Woman accused of growing marijuana plants in college dorm room in Maine

UNITY, Maine (AP) -- Police said a Unity College student who failed to do a thorough cleaning of her dorm room before leaving campus faces criminal charges after security guards found several marijuana plants growing there. The Waldo County Sheriff's Office said a 19-year-old was charged with cultivation, sale and use of marijuana.

The college held its graduation ceremonies Saturday. The Morning Sentinel in Waterville said security guards were checking dorm room the following evening to make sure they were emptied when they discovered the plants in plastic containers.

Police said fewer than 10 plants were seized.

The suspect was scheduled to appear in court July 7.


Information from: Morning Sentinel,



Entry #468

Waitress Accused of Shooting Customer

MANNING, S.C., May 13 (UPI) -- Police in South Carolina said a waitress allegedly shot a customer in the arm and struck the customer with the gun during a heated argument.

Crystal Samuel said she was waiting for a takeout breakfast order at the Waffle House in Manning, S.C., when a waitress, identified by police as Yakeisha Ward, 29, allegedly told her friends they could not eat their food while waiting for Samuel's order, WLTX-TV, Columbia, S.C., reported Wednesday.

"I said what is your fuss about. I said we haven't paid for our food. She (Ward) said well you all got to leave. How you want us to leave and we ain't paid for the food yet," Samuel said.

Samuel said she threw a waffle at the waitress "but it didn't hit her."

"That's when she (Ward) jumped across the counter and we got into it," she said.

Clarendon County Sheriff Randy Garrett said the women took their argument outside and Ward retrieved a gun from her car. He said Ward's gun discharged during the altercation and a bullet fragment struck Samuel in the arm. Ward also struck Samuel in the head with the gun before deputies arrived and ended the confrontation, Garrett said.

Ward was charged with assault and battery with intent to kill. She was released after posting $500 bond.

Entry #466

Dallas Twins Fathered by Two Different Men

May 12, 2009

DALLAS - Like most twins, 11-month-old Justin and Jordan have a lot in common. But it's what they do not have in common that has a lot of people, including their parents, calling them a miracle of science.

"I have twins, but they're by different fathers," said Mia Washington.

The twins' parents contacted FOX 4, wanting to go public with their story. Washington admits she had an affair that resulted in two babies, born at the same time, fathered by two different men.

"Out of all people in America and of all people in the world, it had to happen to me. I'm very shocked," Washington said.

The parents went to Dallas DNA Lab Clear Diagnostics after noticing the twins have different facial features.

According to the paternity test, there's a 99.999 percent chance Justin and Jordan do not have the same father, and zero percent chance they do. The lab has never seen this type of result, nor do they expect to see it again....


Video Link:

Entry #465

Switched at birth, women meet 56 years later

Switched at birth, women meet 56 years later

After lifetime of mix-up rumors, DNA test turns families’ lives upside down





   Two women switched at birth reconnect

   May 12: Two 56-year-old women reconnect after DNA tests confirm they were switched as newborns at an Oregon hospital. TODAY's Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford discuss the amazing story.

updated 1:18 p.m. ET, Tues., May 12, 2009


HEPPNER, Ore. - On a spring day in 1953, two baby girls were born at Pioneer Memorial Hospital in eastern Oregon. They grew up happily, got married, had kids of their own and became grandparents. Then last summer their lives were turned upside down.

Kay Rene Reed Qualls found out that she and DeeAnn Angell Shafer were switched at birth.

They recently met for the first time and underwent DNA tests after a woman who knew both their mothers called Qualls' brother with her suspicion

Qualls' brother, Bobby Reed, said the 86-year-old woman knew his mother and had also lived next door to the Angell family.


"She said she had something she had to get off her chest," he told the East Oregonian newspaper in a story published Monday.

Rumors of a mix-up
The woman, whom he declined to identify by name, told him that his mother, Marjorie Angell, had insisted back in 1953 she had been given the wrong baby after the nurses returned from bathing the two newborns, but her concerns were brushed off.



Video Link:

Entry #464

Undertaker Admits Stealing Hearse Keys of Competitor During Funeral

Callous thief stole keys from hearse

May 12 2009

Mark Welford

Evening Gazette

A CALLOUS thief has admitted targeting a funeral by taking the keys from the hearse of a rival undertaker.

David Leslie Wood

David Leslie Wood, 48, of Bridge Court, Middlesbrough admitted theft at Teesside Crown Court.

As previously reported in the Evening Gazette, the vintage Rolls Royce Phantom 6 funeral car containing the body of Patricia Thorburn was outside the Salvation Army Citadel in Trimdon Avenue, Middlesbrough, after the funeral service on Tuesday September 23 when the heartless thief struck.

Shocked mourners were left in disbelief as the dignity of the 65-year-old’s final journey to Acklam Cemetery was destroyed. The dashboard of the car, which belonged to Joel D Kerr had to be stripped out and the hearse “hot wired”. It is believed the theft, which caused major disruption and a one hour delay in the funeral plans, was carried out by Wood after he accused Mr Kerr of taking business - something Mr Kerr denied.

Wood was expected to go on trial yesterday but pleaded guilty.

Speaking after yesterday’s hearing Irene Jessop, funeral director with Joel D Kerr funeral service in Marton Road, Middlesbrough, said: “We are very relieved and pleased that Mr Wood pleaded guilty for the awful crime he committed.”

The incident happened at around 2pm in the citadel car park as the family were preparing to go to the cemetery for the funeral.

Speaking at the time Ms Jessop, said: “The level of disrespect is unbelievable, dreadful.

“The cars were left unattended for only five to 10 minutes at the most. We had got the deceased and family members out of the citadel and were ready to leave when the hearse driver said the keys had gone. I have been a funeral director for 16 years and have never experienced such disrespect.”

One shocked family member who asked not to be named said at the time: “I can’t understand what type of person would steal the keys to a hearse on the way to a burial. It is sickening.”

Prosecutor Jolyon Perks said Wood last appeared in court in 1996 but had gone 20 years without offending.

He said businessman Joel D Kerr had to pay £250 for a replacement secondhand lock ignition but the repair to the trim and the cost of matching the locks on the vehicle had not yet been itemised.

Judge Les Spittle adjourned the case for a background and pre-sentence report and Wood will appear in court again in around three weeks time.

He told Wood that he could anticipate some “financial costs by way of compensation” to Mr Kerr and added that he would like to involve the probation officer to find an appropriate community order.

The judge added: “The victim here is not going to bear the cost of your activity.”

Entry #463

Bad dreams good for you

 News Mind/Psychology

Bad dreams good for you

Last updated: Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ordinary bad dreams may be the brain's way of helping us regulate our negative emotions, while nightmares may reflect a glitch in that process, according to researchers.

Scientists and non-scientists alike have long puzzled over the exact function of dreams. In recent years, research into the psychology and brain activity associated with dreaming has given more clues as to why our sleep is filled with often bizarre, and sometimes frightening, images.

Writing in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, Drs Ross Levin and Tore Nielsen suggest that run-of-the-mill bad dreams are part of the brain's method of processing emotions. In fact, they say, emotional regulation may be the primary function of REM sleep, the sleep stage during which most dreams occur.

In contrast to your standard dream, nightmares - technically, a bad dream that startles you out of sleep - may arise when that emotion-regulating process goes wrong.

Bad dreams are nothing out of the ordinary. Studies show that most of our dreams are not happy ones.

"The 'default' dream is basically the bad dream," explained Levin, a psychologist at Yeshiva University in New York who specialises in treating sleep disorders. We seem to be hardwired to attend to negative emotions - which, in the context of evolution, is not surprising, according to Levin, since vigilance offers a survival advantage.

"If you missed a threat, you were lunch," the researcher noted.

Process fear memories
Dreams - or, more broadly, REM sleep - may serve to process fear memories so that the system does not become overwhelmed. Bits of our memories "get thrown into a room together and jumbled around," Levin explained, which puts them in a new context and diffuses the fear attached to them.

Studies show that during REM sleep, activity in certain brain regions - including the limbic system, which is involved in emotional regulation, as well as memory - spikes considerably.

With nightmares, though, the dreamer wakes up, disrupting normal emotion processing, according to Levin and Nielsen. Waking up is a relief in the moment, Levin noted, but it may ultimately serve to "reinforce" the feeling that the threat was real.

Nightmares are common
Most people have the occasional nightmare, particularly during times of high stress. Research suggests that 85% of adults have at least one per year.

Nightmares only become a problem when they distress people during the day as well, according to Levin.

People who are generally prone to anxiety in response to stress are at greater risk of problem nightmares. Their nightmares may lead to more distress in waking life, which may in turn spur more nightmares, Levin and Nielsen point out.

The good news is that the greater understanding of the origins of nightmares has allowed more effective therapies, according to Levin.

For example, he said, so-called imagery-rehearsal therapy - where a person imagines, then changes, the stuff of their nightmares while awake - has proven highly effective. - (Amy Norton/Reuters Health)

SOURCE: Current Directions in Psychological Science, April 2009.

Entry #462

Hospital Staff Brings Prom To Sick Teen

 May 11, 2009 3:27 p.m. EST

Shannon McGregor

Indianapolis, IN (AHN) - An Indianapolis hospital threw a makeshift prom for a teen patient whose illness prevented her from attending her school's dance.

Hospital staff and Community Health Network Foundation members transformed Community Hospital North's atrium into a restaurant Saturday night for a pre-prom dinner for high school senior Leah Westrick, the Indianapolis Star reported.

Westrick has been suffering for three weeks with a non-life-threatening infection at the hospital. Her boyfriend and close friends attended the mini-prom.

Fishers High School principal even showed up to crown Westrick and her boyfriend, senior Gabe Hulecki, prom queen and king, the UPI reported.

Westrick has been hospitalized since April 18 after getting an E. coli infection on a spring break trip to Mexico.

Ryan Chelli, a hospital spokesman, said a clinical manager at the hospital, nurse Amy Sprague, had the idea to bring the prom to the patient.

Entry #461

Burglar arrested after returning to scene with more tools

May 11, 9:02 PM EDT

Okla. police arrest would-be burglar after he returns to the scene of the crime with more tools


TULSA, Okla. (AP) -- Police said officers arrested a would-be burglar when he returned to the scene of the crime after failing the first time to get in. Police said officers were called about 8:30 p.m. Sunday to the pharmacy of a medical center where witnesses said someone had tried to break in - but had left.

Officers said as they were responding the man returned with additional tools - but still couldn't get inside.

Police said a 30-year-old man was arrested for second-degree burglary as he was leaving the pharmacy the second time.I



nformation from: KOTV-TV,

Entry #460

Theif fills out raffle ticket before running out the door


Raffle ticket helps nab liquor thief, police say

By Don Behm of the Journal Sentinel

Posted: May. 8, 2009

Hartford - A 20-year-old shoplifter with a bottle of whiskey in his pants delayed his escape from a liquor store this week just long enough to write his name and address on a raffle ticket before running out the door, a criminal complaint says.

Authorities say Shawn M. Piering of Hartford can be seen on security camera video stuffing the bottle of Jack Daniel's into his clothing. Then he decided to try his luck at winning a ticket to a Slinger Speedway race through the store's weekly raffle drawing, B&S Liquor owner Steve Jost said Friday.

After filling out the form at the store's counter, Piering snatched two more whiskey bottles before he fled the store, the complaint says.

A store clerk working Wednesday evening watched Piering fill out the raffle ticket, Jost said.

"So she wasn't going to chase him after he ran out the door," he said. The box for tickets had been emptied the previous day, so the clerk simply opened the box after calling police. Officers recognized the man's name from other incidents and drove to his home on E. Monroe Ave.

"This is one of the stupidest crimes I've ever seen," Jost said.

Police and the store owner could watch the crime unfold: More than a dozen security cameras, inside and outside the store at 696 Grand Ave., captured the thief's every move.

When officers confronted Piering at his home Wednesday, he appeared to be intoxicated, the complaint says. Though Piering turned over the store's missing liquor bottles, he struggled with an officer attempting to arrest him.

Thursday, Piering was charged in Washington County Circuit Court with misdemeanor retail theft, resisting an officer and disorderly conduct. Judge Patrick Faragher set a May 28 hearing on the charges.

Faragher prohibited Piering from entering B&S Liquor and ordered him to maintain absolute sobriety as conditions of his release from the County Jail on a $750 signature bond.

Entry #459

Photo of President Obama Lands 2 Women in Jail

WYOMING, Ohio, May 11 (UPI) -- A photograph of U.S. President Barack Obama is at the center of an Ohio legal case in which two women were arrested, authorities say.


Police in Wyoming, Ohio, allege Marla Anderson, 24, struggled with her mother while attempting to take the photograph of the newest president from a Wyoming home, the Cincinnati Enquirer said Monday.

Anderson was arrested Friday following the alleged conflict and nearly 10 hours later, police detained 31-year-old Tamika Cornwell, who allegedly drove Anderson to the Wyoming home.

Specific details, including the identity of Anderson's mother and the motive for the tussle, were not reported.

Hamilton County Municipal Judge Julia Stautberg Monday set Anderson's bond at $17,500 and Cornwell's at $12,500, the Enquirer said.

The newspaper said Anderson is facing charges of aggravated burglary and tampering with evidence. Cornwell, who allegedly brought 3-year-old son with her last Friday, stands accused of complicity to aiding and abetting, endangering children and tampering with evidence.

Entry #458