louise black's Blog

M.L.K. Day: A Day Of Reflection

This is a day for all American to reflect where this great country has came from and how much more is yet to come from this very generous nation of diverse people.May God smile upon this land. Good Dr. Martin Luther King Day to all. On this day meet the neighborhood, help part take in something or a help someone get involved in an event.Have a great!!!Patriot

Entry #20

Private and Free Speech

I would like to know, when does free speech cross the line, is it when you hurt or harm some one with words or is  it when you are so screwed up,Shifty that you don't want to hear those voices that isn't in line with  your way of  thinking.If you ask me that sad, that 's how the most notorious tyrant in the world got his scheme to work. Yes, people I present  Hitler. When we see the word private, it's only for your crowd. However,if that the case keep it private not on an open forum.MadBS

Entry #19

Black Tea Party or white supremacy in Black costume

If Vernon Parker of Arizona and Tim Scott of South Carolina are  Black they must be bless with the Stockholm syndromeBash It still amaze me to read what some whites think about Black's that don't agree with their Ideology.Oppose to Step and fetch it Black's, which think white man words are better than his own brother.No one that isn't Black can me anything about Black American.Yes , the Tea Party crowd is just another excuse to bash Black American.Oh, their lazy,want something for nothing and etc.This is the only group of people that worked from sun up to sun down with no pay and hardly no food. Don't tell to me get over it .We as Black American have never been apologize to for the injustice done to us.Unlike the Native Americans and the Japanese.I have to answer those who sighted the phase "what about the Black Panther"(two,only two) I feel about them as you,  the Tea Party crowd they wasn't carrying derogatory signs. I guarantee if they had guns strapped to their side they probably would have been kill just cause    they were black with a gun. But the Tea Party crowd can go to a presidential speech with all kinds of guns  strapped on them.Beside, who was they scaring,  that was a Project housing area with mostly Blacks and they wasn't afraid, trust me there a lots more to be afraid of than two brothers.The KKK is alive and well  even some joined the Tea Party Crowd.Check this out: Billy Roper Arkansas Tea Party candidate for Govt. this is his quote,"I don't want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or status."We go to these Tea Parties all over the country we're looking for the younger potentially more racial people" source: Kansas City Star.No No I have a question for you second amendment or any white person. What make you so afraid of a black men with guns and not white men.I know no case so far where there have mass killing by black men. White men, yes  these are not my finding, but statistical facts compile by the FBI.

2 Comments (Locked)
Entry #18

Who The Hell Is Sarah To Make Light Of The Naacp

WinkSarah, the parent who profess to be an absences,but had an pregnant teenager.She comes on the scene talking about being like a pit bull with lipstick,when she have been said to make derogatory comments about her own mentally challenge child.She is flying around the country raising million of dollar,while talking about the"Elites", well I think that would put her there with the income status.It would be absurd to think because your rich ,your also smart.One just have to observe most of the Republican Party and Tea Party.She goes around with the Tea Party making statement like"We are going to take back our country".Well, Sarah you can't take back that you never had.In more ways than not this is more our country than most of the majority in this country.One half of my ancestors was here first and the other half was brought here during the 1600s-1700s. As one of my favorite personality would say ,"The something for nothing crowd."They are yelling the loudest about taking back their country (NEWS FLASH) most of your families immigrated through Ellis Island during the 1900s.  Sarah! Sarah! the NAACP is trying to temper your ridiculous comments  so there will not be a race war in this country.YawnEnough! of the Tea Party and Sarah (moose killing)Palin.We don't care what she say after all she does have an IQ that speaks for itself.Yes, as I have said many times before the Tea Party has racist over tone spreading this Socialist  propaganda about the President of the United States.

Entry #17

Million Dollar Question About Helen Thomas" Israel"

PatriotI would think, Ms Thomas has a right to her opinion . I could be wrong I have been in the past on different issues. I would like to put it this way . She was only saying what many would like to say but are afraid to say.Ok, say your friend had been dealt a bad hand and you are committed to standing by them so this won't happen again,but at the same time will you or are you turning an blind eye to things your friends are doing which you know to be wrong.No NoThe Palestinians are being occupied in their own land .Do you think!! The Oppress would never be the Oppressor.They should seek a peaceful solution to the smuggling of weapon if there are some believe to be on the ships.

Entry #16

Why Is President Obama Being Blame For Bp Mess!

I am wondering why the President being blame for BP mess.  Something that he had no part in.  The negligent of big business played in this devastation that's taking place in the  Gulf of Mexico.The BP crowd should be made to pay restitution to all that was affected. No taxpayers money at all. They made it, they clean it up.Square Biz, The President is engaged.PatriotEnough !! of big business stepping all over the little guys. They must pay.Govt will monitor but, not a dime of taxpayers money!!!!No No

Entry #15


 Bang HeadI venture out at my own risk to a posting by Todd on a video that went like this "This is the most corrupt administration in history." Which  is a lie as we all know who follow history. Unlike Mrs Palin I can name a few. What  about  the Nixon Administration,Reagan Administration and not to think about forgetting the Bush/Cheney Administration or maybe the real "regime" they wanted to take away the people right to privacy and they wanted to enter your homes without a search warren.No No Now to the point I am appall at what Todd allowed the viewers to blog on his site ,cause a while back I express my thoughts which wasn't nowhere close to being as racy as those offensive  remarks.  My blog was taken down.This you can't defend with free speech because, then you get into the bias you have with different members.I have no problem with free speech but that too should be fair.Maybe on this website there's no need to be.Yes, Todd I am calling you out!!Mail For You

Entry #14

Tea!Tea! Party!(We now see your true color)

See Ya!I said , the Teabaggers are a certain segment of the population ,who are fighting a losing battle with their backward  thinking . They couldn't have said it better than to help put Rand Paul in office, who thinks that the lunch counter shouldn't have been desegregation because"its private". So it's ok to keep Blacks and Latinos out.No No Don't he know that people die for the right to sit at the lunch counter.Shame! shame! on you people for those anti-ethnic views.Beside that was settle 50 years ago. Maybe not given the turn of events Tuesday.Rand Paul it's simple every one is entitle to Civil Rights.I am putting it in plain term like our previous President, Bush and we know he had a way with words. As for the Tea Party ,"Confucius said a picture is worth a thousand words." Mad Your signs say it all.SmileyHave a nice day.

Entry #13

What Do It Take For Equality

I must admit this is an age old question that, probably never be answer,because your equality isn't the same as mine. Why is it that you will look  the other way when people you like do wrong and break the lawWink.Do just the opposite for people you don't. Is that fairNo No . Same crime ! same punishment!  For a country of laws there are certainly lots of them are bend when it come to the rich and famous.Even the Rich of certain groups get harsher punishment than others.DisapproveExample: Micheal Vick.Surrender!!!!

Entry #12

Hate Prevailer Of Ideology

White BounceThere some who ,take issues with what ever you say just because who said it, reminds me of the Republicans Party and the President. If your ideology is only good when it's in the perspective you hold then how in the world will we ever truly get over some of the unjust done to citizens of this great country.It's only at the hands of the men or women,who truly interpret our Constitution as it should be without the ideology of party affiliation.PatriotHater keep your frozen in time  rhetoric  to yourself.ArgueMy blog is hate free.Blue AngelEnjoy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #11

Liar ! Liar ! Teabags on fire!

Yes NodI know now, as I knew from the beginning that Tea Party are  groups of  people who wants  to bashBash the President and minority.The old white club as they long for the past, thank God it never will come again.Will someone tell the Tea Party that Rome fell. Well for those who "said there was 40% Dems in the Tea Party according  to the Wall Street Journal only 4% are Dems and even more embarrassment there are only 0.005% Blacks. I guess they have the( Stockholm syndrome) that the only way any Blacks can be explained.Hit With Stick

Entry #10

Hate Mongers/ Tea Party/Potty Mouth

No NoI wonder if the shoe was on the other foot. Would people be so tolerant of the threatening and gun toting right winger in this country. If Black or Latino Americans was carrying gun to the place where there was a "White President "was going to speak or go to a rally to where as they was  carrying loaded guns they would want the national guard present .There are some who even deny that slavery ever happen there are some who call "Hanging people ,selling people,and making an entire race of people not human as the good old days".Why would anyone want to be associated Confederacy,that like wanting to be associated Nazi Germany.Anybody, who thinks that this type of praising for the time and people of those time don't affect" Black People" like the Holocaust to Jews. These hateful people spitting on people and trying to kill.One word where is the more perfect union.Patriot

Entry #9

What! Your Take On The W.Bush Hand Wipe?

UnhappyI think it's obvious that President Bush wasn't as one might say, as usual that being a humanitarian event. People would be watching Sulk Offespecially in situation where the people was of a Black race being Haitians.This shows me a class clash.(Can't get my hand dirty)But in this line of work,isn't this what's expected.Yes Nod But if that wasn't outrageous enoughNo Nohe wipe it on President Clinton shoulder.ROFLMad

Entry #7

Do you really want to go back to the days where one race rule.

BananaPatriotSince we have had a Black man as President theMad Conservatives and Republicans have lost their mind every thing that come to floor their denying with a no vote. I would hope that not what these people are sent to Washington for. It's time to put these craze people out office .It even come to the point where  people are spitting on the congress peoplePukeArgue.Right out of the civil right movement. These hateful people can give their hate speeches and wave their ridiculous signs. That maybe their free speech ,but do we really want  this civil war their asking for simply because they still harbor this hate for the minority.But seriously  do we need to go back to those horrible times.  No No

Entry #6
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